Lucas, Antonio,
Have you looked at arrayrdd source, SQLRDD rdd source or Mediator SQL RDD from
It may help.
Also, if you use find for seek?. I think in ADO indexes are fine for showing the data ordered by a field, but they are not so important for searching and speed as they are in DBF.
I've looked arrayrdd but not the others I don't have the code.
ADO_CREATE not started yet.
I'm still struggling with seeks with more than one field in seek expr..
We have the following alternatives:
1) Select a new set with where clause with fields used in seek expr.
Pros - Good performance
Cons - Seek must be reset some how if one needs to access records out of the scope
of the select. Previous Set could be saved.
Actual solution in adorddd being tested.
2) ADO Find based on the initial select with a new column = to the fields used in the index expr.
ex : index expr - field1+field2+field3
Initial select is then:
SELECT ctable.*, (field1+field2+field3) AS INDEKEY FROM ctable ORDER BY field1+field2+field3
This allow us to use ADO Find on the INDEXKEY column and we can even create a ADO index on that
column Ex indexkey:Optimize := TRUE
Pros - Don't need any code change in the app.
Cons - Don't know how performance is
I'm implementing this to initiate trials.
3) A mixture of both above solutions:
Instead of use seek in relations create a SELECT with both related areas with the join clause = to the related
fields and the same new indexkey new column
SELECT ctable.*, cTable2.*, ctable.(field1+field2+field3) AS INDEKEY FROM ctable,ctable2 LEFT JOIN ....
ORDER BY field1+field2+field3
Pros - Don't need any code change in the app. Only one select for the job. Best performance.
Cons - We need somehow when changing area to ctable2 or address fields in ctable2 to redirected to ctable
area. Dont know if it is possible.
I'm checking now the solution 2 but I would like to know what is your opinion.
Do you have any experience using :Find on a Optimize field on a huge table (couple of 100.000) ? Is it fast?