Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-focus / action

Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-focus / action

Postby ukoenig » Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:27 pm

I tested a solution adding buttonframes on METRO - buttons on action / click
because there is a missing visible effect. ( showing white button-frames like in Windows10 )
I would like to do this on mousecaption as well, but bGotfocus and bLostfocus doesn't work !
The solution takes care of using normal or large buttons.

It is working for me, but maybe there is still another solution possible.
I noticed changing the button-pos., there is a problem.




best regards
Uwe :D
Last edited by ukoenig on Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:10 am


Your solution is a good one anyhow

How did you try it using bGotfocus and bLostfocus ?
regards, saludos

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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby ukoenig » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:38 am


I only changed / tested :

PROMPT "Files" COLOR CLR_WHITE, RGB( 2, 174, 224 ) ;
IMAGE c_Path1 + "files.bmp" ;
ACTION MsgInfo( oMBtn[1]:Cargo , ValType( oMBtn[1]:Cargo) ) // Files(c_Path1)
// oMBtn[1]:bLClicked := {|| SHOW_FRAME(oMBtn, 1, nOld), nOld := 1 }
oMBtn[1]:bGotFocus := {|| SHOW_FRAME(oMBtn, 1, nOld), nOld := 1 }
oMBtn[1]:oFont := oFontSmall

but NO response
with the other solution I posted, there is still a problem changing the button-positions.
I think the frame-painting on bGotfocus and bLostfocus would be the best.
It is the same, like shown in Windows10

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Uwe :?:
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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby cnavarro » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:56 am


Are you using?

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IsOverWnd( hWnd, nRow, nCol ) --> lOver

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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:57 am


Please try this to check if the codeblock is evaluated:

oMBtn[1]:bGotFocus := {|| MsgInfo( "yes" ), SHOW_FRAME(oMBtn, 1, nOld), nOld := 1 }
regards, saludos

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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby ukoenig » Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:28 am


tested, but there is NO response at all.

best regards
Uwe :roll:
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Re: Adding Metrobutton-frames on button-action

Postby ukoenig » Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:49 pm


I got it working
Now it looks like shown in Windows10.
The solution I have been looking for : painting a frame on button-focus.

Maybe possible to include the logic in class < Metropnl > like :

oMetro:lBtnFrame := .T. // frame YES / NO
oMetro:nBtnFramePen := 4 // Pensize
oMetro:nBtnFrameCol := CLR_WHITE // frame-color


Instead using frames, it is possible to display a image on button-caption


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FUNCTION SHOW_FRAME(oBtn, n, nOld, c_path1)
LOCAL I, oImage

FOR I := 1 TO LEN( oBtn )
     IF oBtn[I] <> NIL  
          IF I = nOld .and. n <> nOld
          // Using frames
          //IF oBtn[I]:lLarge = .F. .and. i = n
          //   RoundBox( hDC := oBtn[n]:GETDC(),  2, 2, oBtn[i]:nWidth()-1, ;
          //                    oBtn[i]:nHeight(), , , CLR_WHITE, 4 )  
          // ELSEIF oBtn[I]:lLarge = .T. .and. i = n
          //   RoundBox( hDC := oBtn[n]:GETDC(),  2, 2, oBtn[i]:nWidth() -1, ;
          //                    oBtn[i]:nHeight(), , , CLR_WHITE, 4 )  
          // ENDIF
          hDC := oBtn[n]:GETDC()
          oImage := FILoadImg( c_path1 + "Select.bmp" ) // can be different each button-group
          ABPaint( hDC, 5, 5, oImage, 255 )


best regards
Uwe :D
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