Erro na Lib HbFbird

Erro na Lib HbFbird

Postby Joao Cezar » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:20 am


Baixei os fontes e exemplos da lib HbFbird do endereço ... ib/hbfbird
e montei um makefile pra xHarbour, mas quando vai compilar está dando erro no Firebird.c não sei se o erro está no meu makefile.bc.
Se alguem tiver alguma dica, agradeço a ajuda.

segue as mensagens de erro que estão aparecendo na compilação e o makefile que estou usando:

MAKE Version 5.41 Copyright (c) 1987, 2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
bcc32 -c -O2 -I\Fwh1507\include;\xHarbour_20150603\include;\borland\bcc7\include -IC:\Arquiv~1\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\include -DHB_OS_WIN_32_USED -oobj\b32\Firebird.obj Source\Firebird.c
Embarcadero C++ 7.00 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error E2141 Source\Firebird.c 84: Declaration syntax error
Error E2451 Source\Firebird.c 95: Undefined symbol 's_gcFB_db_handleFuncs' in function hb_FB_db_handle_ret
Warning W8065 Source\Firebird.c 95: Call to function 'hb_gcAllocate' with no prototype in function hb_FB_db_handle_ret
Error E2451 Source\Firebird.c 107: Undefined symbol 's_gcFB_db_handleFuncs' in function hb_FB_db_handle_par
*** 3 errors in Compile ***

** error 2 ** deleting obj\b32\Firebird.obj


# makefile for Borland C/C++ 32 bits
# Building of firebird.lib - Harbour API to Firebird

INCLUDE_DIR = \Fwh1507\include;\xHarbour_20150603\include;\borland\bcc7\include
INCLUDE_FB = $(FBDIR)\include

BIN_DIR = \xHarbour_20150603\bin
PRG_DIR = Source
OBJ_DIR = obj\b32
LIB_DIR = lib\b32

$(LIB_DIR)\firebird.lib : \
$(OBJ_DIR)\TFirebird.obj \

$(OBJ_DIR)\TFirebird.c : $(PRG_DIR)\TFirebird.prg
$(OBJ_DIR)\TFirebird.obj : $(OBJ_DIR)\TFirebird.c
$(OBJ_DIR)\Firebird.obj : $(PRG_DIR)\Firebird.c

bcc32 $(CLIBFLAGS) -c -O2 -I$(INCLUDE_DIR) -I$(INCLUDE_FB) -DHB_OS_WIN_32_USED -o$@ $<
tlib $(LIB_DIR)\firebird.lib +$@,,

$(BIN_DIR)\harbour.exe $< -q0 -a -w -es2 -gc0 -n -i$(INCLUDE_DIR) -o$@

João Cezar - Brasil - Goiânia/GO.
FWH 14.09 - xHARBOUR 1.2.3 - WorkShop.Exe
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Re: Erro na Lib HbFbird

Postby karinha » Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:57 pm

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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