avista wrote:This is fw app ?
albeiroval wrote:Silvio,
you can put the source code ?
best regards,
#include "ttitle.ch"
Function Main()
LOCAL oBrush1, oTitle1, oTitle2, oTitleFont
DEFINE BRUSH oBrush1 FILE c_path1 + "paper.bmp"
DEFINE FONT oTitleFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -24 BOLD
// ----------------- 1. area for Text and counter
@ 10, 100 TITLE oTitle1 SIZE 800, 100 of oWndMain NOSHADOW NOBORDER
oTitle1:aGrdBack = {}
oTitle1:nShadow := 0
oTitle1:lTransparent := .T.
@ 15, 100 TITLETEXT OF oTitle1 TEXT "TOTAL BET" FONT oTitleFont BRUSH oBrush1
@ 15, 400 TITLETEXT OF oTitle1 TEXT "LASTWIN" FONT oTitleFont BRUSH oBrush1
@ 15, 700 TITLETEXT OF oTitle1 TEXT "WIN" FONT oTitleFont BRUSH oBrush1
// ----------------- 2. area for Images / Buttons
nRowReel:= 550
@ nRowReel, 100 TITLE oTitle2 SIZE 500, 80 of oWndMain NOSHADOW NOBORDER
oTitle2:aGrdBack = {}
oTitle2:nShadow := 0
oTitle2:lTransparent := .T.
@ 5, 20 TITLEIMG OF oTitle2 BITMAP c_path1 + "Spin.bmp" SIZE 100, 70 REFLEX ;
TRANSPARENT ANIMA ACTION MsgInfo( "fire any action from here" )
@ 5, 150 TITLEIMG OF oTitle2 BITMAP c_path1 + "Pay.bmp" SIZE 70, 70 REFLEX ;
TRANSPARENT ANIMA ACTION MsgInfo( "fire any action from here" )
ON RESIZE Resize()
// ------- added in MAIN
@ 5, 150 TITLEIMG OF oTitle2 BITMAP c_path1 + "Pay.bmp" SIZE 70, 70 ;
TRANSPARENT ANIMA ACTION RESULTS(oTitle3,oTitleFont) // show extra title on pay-button-action
// add and HIDE extra title
@ 100, 850 TITLE oTitle3 SIZE 100, 200 of oWndMain NOSHADOW NOBORDER
oTitle3:aGrdBack = {}
oTitle3:nShadow := 0
oTitle3:lTransparent := .T.
oTitle3:Hide() // !!!!!
// -----------------
FUNCTION RESULTS(oTitle3,oTitleFont)
oTitle3:Show() // !!!!!
// show any calculations You need !!!!
@ 5, 5 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "Results" FONT oTitleFont 3d
@ 45, 5 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "1" COLOR 16777088 FONT oTitleFont
@ 70, 5 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "2" COLOR 255 FONT oTitleFont
@ 95, 5 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "3" COLOR 65280 FONT oTitleFont
@ 130, 20 TITLEIMG OF oTitle3 BITMAP c_path1 + "Exit.bmp" SIZE 50, 50 ;
TRANSPARENT ANIMA ACTION oTitle3:Hide() // !!!!! hiding the title again on leaving the results
FUNCTION RESULTS(oTitle3,oTitleFont)
oTitle3:Show() // !!!!!
// show any calculations You need !!!!
@ 10, 10 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "Results" FONT oTitleFont 3d
@ 45, 45 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "1" COLOR 16777088 FONT oTitleFont
@ 70, 45 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "2" COLOR 255 FONT oTitleFont
@ 95, 45 TITLETEXT OF oTitle3 TEXT "3" COLOR 65280 FONT oTitleFont
@ 130, 20 TITLEIMG OF oTitle3 BITMAP c_path1 + "Exit.bmp" SIZE 50, 50 ;
// added FRAME
// Left, Top, Right, Bottom. Radius1, Radius2, Color, Pen
oTitle3:bPainted := < |hDC|
RoundBox( hDC, 5, 5, 110, 205, 20, 20, 255, 5 )
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