I insert on a folder a image
oImagen = TImage():Define(,"scaf.bmp" )
oGrid:adialogs[1]:bPainted := {|hDC| (PalBmpDraw( hDC, 0, 0, oImagen:hBitmap,, oGrid:adialogs[1]:nWidth, oGrid:adialogs[1]:nHeight,, .T.) ) }
and on this folder many btnbmp buttons with png file
@ nrow,ncol btnbmp oBtn[n] Filename aBmp[RA->RACOLORE] ;
SIZE nsizeW,nsizeh ;
Prompt str2lines(alltrim(Ra->Radesc)," ") ;
noborder CENTER;
font ofontsmall of oGrid:adialogs[1] ;
Action NIL
oBtn[n]:oCursor:= cCursor
How you can see the buttons are not transparent ... why ?