#include "FiveWin.ch"
#define Show 7
#define CreateToastNotification 7
#define CreateToastNotifierWithId 8
#define Item 8
#define GetTemplateContent 9
#define CreateTextNode 12
#define GetElementsByTagName 17
#define AppendChild 23
function Main()
Toast( "FiveWin", "support for Windows 10", "standard toast notifications" )
return nil
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine )
local pString, cIID, pToastFactory
local pXml, pNodeList, pXmlNode, pXmlText, pXmlNodeChild
local pNotification, pNotificationFactory, pNotifier
RoInitialize( 1 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
// "50AC103F-D235-4598-BBEF-98FE4D1A3AD4"
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pToastFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString );
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, GetTemplateContent, 7, @pXml )
pString = WinRTString( "image" )
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
pString = WinRTString( "text" )
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 0, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cFirstLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 1, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cSecondLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 2, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cThirdLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
// 04124B20-82C6-4229-B109-FD9ED4662B53
cIID = Chr( 0x20 ) + Chr( 0x4B ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + ;
Chr( 0xC6 ) + Chr( 0x82 ) + Chr( 0x29 ) + Chr( 0x42 ) + ;
Chr( 0xB1 ) + Chr( 0x09 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0x9E ) + ;
Chr( 0xD4 ) + Chr( 0x66 ) + Chr( 0x2B ) + Chr( 0x53 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification" )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pNotificationFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotificationFactory, CreateToastNotification, pXML, @pNotification )
pString = WinRTString( cFirstLine )
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, CreateToastNotifierWithId, pString, @pNotifier )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotifier, Show, pNotification )
return nil
function WinRTString( cText )
local pString
WindowsCreateString( AnsiToWide( cText ), Len( cText ), @pString )
return pString
DLL FUNCTION RoInitialize( nType AS LONG ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoUninitialize() AS VOID PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsCreateString( cWideText AS LPSTR, nLength AS LONG, @pString AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsDeleteString( pString AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoGetActivationFactory( pString AS PTR, REFIID AS LPSTR, @pFactory AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
#define HB_LONGLONG long
#define hb_storvnll hb_stornl
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD0 )( void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD1 )( void *, void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD2 )( void *, void *, void * );
HB_FUNC( WINRTMETHOD ) // pInspectable, nMethod, params...
IUnknown * unknown = ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 1 );
void * pMethod = ( ( void ** ) unknown->lpVtbl )[ hb_parnl( 2 ) - 1 ];
IUnknown * pReturn;
switch( hb_pcount() )
case 3:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 3 ) ) );
case 4:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 4 ) ) );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 3 );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 4 );
#pragma ENDDUMP
function Main()
local oWnd
ON INIT Toast( "FiveWin", "support for Windows 10", "standard toast notifications" )
return nil
#define IdShow 7
#define CreateToastNotification 7
#define CreateToastNotifierWithId 8
#define Item 8
#define GetTemplateContent 9
#define CreateTextNode 12
#define GetElementsByTagName 17
#define AppendChild 23
#define TemplateToastImageAndText01 0 // A large image and a single string wrapped across three lines of text.
#define TemplateToastImageAndText02 1 // A large image,
// one string of bold text on the first line,
// one string of regular text wrapped across the second and third lines.
#define TemplateToastImageAndText03 2 // A large image, one string of bold text wrapped across the first two lines,
// one string of regular text on the third line.
#define TemplateToastImageAndText04 3 // A large image, one string of bold text on the first line,
// one string of regular text on the second line,
// one string of regular text on the third line.
#define TemplateToastText01 4 // A single string wrapped across three lines of text.
#define TemplateToastText02 5 // One string of bold text on the first line,
// one string of regular text wrapped across the second and third lines.
#define TemplateToastText03 6 // One string of bold text wrapped across the first and second lines,
// one string of regular text on the third line.
#define TemplateToastText04 7 // One string of bold text on the first line,
// one string of regular text on the second line,
// one string of regular text on the third line.
function Main()
Toast( "FiveWin", "support for Windows 10", "standard toast notifications", " Hello word" )
return nil
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine , cTextNotifier )
local pXmlItem
local oToast:= TToast():new()
// oToast:CreateTemplate( TemplateToastImageAndText04 )
oToast:CreateTemplate( TemplateToastText04 )
oToast:CreateNodeList( "image" )
oToast:CreateNodeList( "text" )
oToast:CreateNodeText( @pXmlItem, cFirstLine )
oToast:AppendItemNode( pXmlItem )
oToast:CreateNodeText( @pXmlItem, cSecondLine )
oToast:AppendItemNode( pXmlItem )
oToast:CreateNodeText( @pXmlItem, cThirdLine )
oToast:AppendItemNode( pXmlItem )
oToast:CreateNotifier( cTextNotifier )
return nil
DATA pTFactory
DATA pNodeList
DATA pXmlNode
DATA pXmlNodeChild
DATA pNotification
DATA pNotifier
METHOD CreateTemplate( nTemplateToast ) INLINE WinRTMethod( @::pTFactory, GetTemplateContent, nTemplateToast, @::pXml )
METHOD CreateNodeList( cType )
METHOD CreateNodeText( pXmlText, cTexto )
METHOD AppendNode(nItem) INLINE WinRTMethod( ::pNodeList, Item, nItem-1 , @::pXmlNode )
METHOD AppendItemNode( pXmlItem )
METHOD CreateNotification()
METHOD CreateNotifier( cText )
METHOD Show() INLINE WinRTMethod( ::pNotifier, IdShow, ::pNotification )
local pString
local cIID
RoInitialize( 1 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
// "50AC103F-D235-4598-BBEF-98FE4D1A3AD4"
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @::pTFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
return Self
METHOD CreateNodeList( cType ) CLASS TToast // cType -> "image","text"
local pString := WinRTString( cType )
WinRTMethod( ::pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @::pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
Return nil
METHOD CreateNodeText( pXmlText, cTexto ) CLASS TToast
local pString
pString = WinRTString( cTexto )
WinRTMethod( ::pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
Return nil
METHOD AppendItemNode( pXmlItem ) CLASS TToast
WinRTMethod( ::pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlItem, @::pXmlNodeChild )
Return nil
METHOD CreateNotification() CLASS TToast
local cIID
local pString
local pNotificationFactory
// 04124B20-82C6-4229-B109-FD9ED4662B53
cIID = Chr( 0x20 ) + Chr( 0x4B ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + ;
Chr( 0xC6 ) + Chr( 0x82 ) + Chr( 0x29 ) + Chr( 0x42 ) + ;
Chr( 0xB1 ) + Chr( 0x09 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0x9E ) + ;
Chr( 0xD4 ) + Chr( 0x66 ) + Chr( 0x2B ) + Chr( 0x53 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification" )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pNotificationFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotificationFactory, CreateToastNotification, ::pXML, @::pNotification )
Return nil
METHOD CreateNotifier( cText ) CLASS TToast
local pString := WinRTString( cText )
WinRTMethod( ::pTFactory, CreateToastNotifierWithId, pString, @::pNotifier )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
Return nil
Return nil
function WinRTString( cText )
local pString
WindowsCreateString( AnsiToWide( cText ), Len( cText ), @pString )
return pString
DLL FUNCTION RoInitialize( nType AS LONG ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoUninitialize() AS VOID PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsCreateString( cWideText AS LPSTR, nLength AS LONG, @pString AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsDeleteString( pString AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoGetActivationFactory( pString AS PTR, REFIID AS LPSTR, @pFactory AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
#define HB_LONGLONG long
#define hb_storvnll hb_stornl
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD0 )( void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD1 )( void *, void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD2 )( void *, void *, void * );
HB_FUNC( WINRTMETHOD ) // pInspectable, nMethod, params...
IUnknown * unknown = ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 1 );
void * pMethod = ( ( void ** ) unknown->lpVtbl )[ hb_parnl( 2 ) - 1 ];
IUnknown * pReturn;
switch( hb_pcount() )
case 3:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 3 ) ) );
case 4:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 4 ) ) );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 3 );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 4 );
#pragma ENDDUMP
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#define Show 7
#define CreateToastNotification 7
#define CreateToastNotifierWithId 8
#define Item 8
#define GetTemplateContent 9
#define CreateTextNode 12
#define GetElementsByTagName 17
#define AppendChild 23
function Main()
local oWnd
ON INIT Toast( "FiveWin", "support for Windows 10", "standard toast notifications" )
return nil
function Toast( cFirstLine, cSecondLine, cThirdLine )
local pString, cIID, pToastFactory
local pXml, pNodeList, pXmlNode, pXmlText, pXmlNodeChild
local pNotification, pNotificationFactory, pNotifier
RoInitialize( 1 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager" )
// "50AC103F-D235-4598-BBEF-98FE4D1A3AD4"
cIID = Chr( 0x3F ) + Chr( 0x10 ) + Chr( 0xAC ) + Chr( 0x50 ) + ;
Chr( 0x35 ) + Chr( 0xD2 ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0x45 ) + ;
Chr( 0xBB ) + Chr( 0xEF ) + Chr( 0x98 ) + Chr( 0xFE ) + ;
Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0x1A ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xD4 )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pToastFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString );
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, GetTemplateContent, 7, @pXml )
pString = WinRTString( "image" )
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
pString = WinRTString( "text" )
WinRTMethod( pXml, GetElementsByTagName, pString, @pNodeList )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 0, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cFirstLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 1, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cSecondLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
WinRTMethod( pNodeList, Item, 2, @pXmlNode )
pString = WinRTString( cThirdLine )
WinRTMethod( pXml, CreateTextNode, pString, @pXmlText )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pXmlNode, AppendChild, pXmlText, @pXmlNodeChild )
// 04124B20-82C6-4229-B109-FD9ED4662B53
cIID = Chr( 0x20 ) + Chr( 0x4B ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + ;
Chr( 0xC6 ) + Chr( 0x82 ) + Chr( 0x29 ) + Chr( 0x42 ) + ;
Chr( 0xB1 ) + Chr( 0x09 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0x9E ) + ;
Chr( 0xD4 ) + Chr( 0x66 ) + Chr( 0x2B ) + Chr( 0x53 )
pString = WinRTString( "Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification" )
RoGetActivationFactory( pString, cIID, @pNotificationFactory )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotificationFactory, CreateToastNotification, pXML, @pNotification )
pString = WinRTString( cFirstLine )
WinRTMethod( pToastFactory, CreateToastNotifierWithId, pString, @pNotifier )
WindowsDeleteString( pString )
WinRTMethod( pNotifier, Show, pNotification )
return nil
function WinRTString( cText )
local pString
WindowsCreateString( AnsiToWide( cText ), Len( cText ), @pString )
return pString
DLL FUNCTION RoInitialize( nType AS LONG ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoUninitialize() AS VOID PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsCreateString( cWideText AS LPSTR, nLength AS LONG, @pString AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION WindowsDeleteString( pString AS PTR ) AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
DLL FUNCTION RoGetActivationFactory( pString AS PTR, REFIID AS LPSTR, @pFactory AS PTR ) ;
AS LONG PASCAL LIB "combase.dll"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
#define HB_LONGLONG long
#define hb_storvnll hb_stornl
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD0 )( void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD1 )( void *, void * );
typedef void * ( __stdcall * PMETHOD2 )( void *, void *, void * );
HB_FUNC( WINRTMETHOD ) // pInspectable, nMethod, params...
IUnknown * unknown = ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 1 );
void * pMethod = ( ( void ** ) unknown->lpVtbl )[ hb_parnl( 2 ) - 1 ];
IUnknown * pReturn;
switch( hb_pcount() )
case 3:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD1 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 3 ) ) );
case 4:
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), &pReturn ) );
hb_retnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) ( ( PMETHOD2 ) pMethod )( unknown, ( void * ) hb_parnll( 3 ), ( IUnknown * ) hb_parnll( 4 ) ) );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 3 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 3 );
if( HB_ISBYREF( 4 ) )
hb_storvnll( ( HB_LONGLONG ) pReturn, 4 );
#pragma ENDDUMP
?FWH 64 for Harbour 16.03 (MSVC++) Mar.2016 Harbour development power 喝
?(c) FiveTech 1993-2016 for Microsoft Windows 9X/NT/200X/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10 喊
'葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔葔?' 不是內部或外部命令、可執行的程式或批次檔。
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1603082110)
Copyright (c) 1999-2016, http://harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'toast.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'toast.ppo'...
Lines 4684, Functions/Procedures 8
Generating C source output to 'toast.c'... Done.
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23918 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
toast.prg(136): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'void *' to 'long'
toast.prg(138): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'void *' to 'long'
toast.prg(143): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'void *' to 'long'
toast.prg(145): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'void *' to 'long'
toast.prg(150): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'IUnknown *' to 'long'
toast.prg(153): warning C4311: 'type cast': pointer truncation from 'IUnknown *' to 'long'
* Application successfully built *
Antonio Linares wrote:Richard,
It is not ready for 64 bits yet
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