* CLASS TRichEdit
Now use "Msftedit.dll" and "RichEdit50W"
1) METHOD ReplaceAll
2) METHOD MayMin() // Convert UpperCase -> LowerCase
3) METHOD MinMay() // Convert LowerCase -> UpperCase
4) METHOD InvMinMay() // Invert Lower -> Upper and Upper -> Lower
5) METHOD InsertTable()
Insert table and dialog configuration table
6) METHOD IsRTF() // if any file is RTF or not
7) METHOD SetSubInd( lOnOff )
METHOD SetSuperInd( lOnOff )
9) METHOD GetParaFormat( lInfo )
10) METHOD SetParaFormat( , nAlignment, nNumbering, nNumberingStyle, nNumberingStart, ndOffset, ndLineSpacing, ndStartIndent )
Enhancement: set / get subscript and superscript font
Enhancement: set / get hyperlink and detect format in text selected
Updated sample Testrtf.prg and testrtf.rc
11) METHOD InsertObject( cFile )
Now Control TRichEdit, also Insert others Objects