It has been awhile since I worked with XBrowse. I seem to remember that lines were on by default at one time, now they are off.
I note that there is a LINES parameter in the XBROWSE definition so you can do this to turn on lines:
@ 0,0 xbrowse oBrw of oWnd LINES
However, all my old code is using OOP class syntax like this:
oBrw:= TXBrowse():new(oWnd)
Since the XBrowse class deviates somewhat from a normal class, the LINES parameter is processed by the XbrowseNew() function rather than the xBrowse:new() method, so I cannot figure out how to just turn on lines. I note that there is a way to turn off lines:
oBrw:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_NOLINES
oBrw:nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_NOLINES
According to my old notes, you used to just define a color to turn on the lines, but this is not working now:
oBrw:nColDividerStyle:= LINESTYLE_BLACK
Also, I do not see a setLines() method. And the xbrowse:new() method only accepts the oWnd parameter. And I don't see a class DATA lLines.
So, is there a way to turn on lines without using the DEFINE XBROWSE...LINES parameter?