problems creating UNICODE directories

problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Tue May 03, 2016 8:28 am

i want to create directories with unicode characters, but none of the functions tried works well.
lMkDir(), MakeDir() fwh1507, bcc7, xHarbour 1.2.3 bcc7_20150603

DLL32 Function apiCreateDir(lpPathName AS STRING, lpSecurityAttributes AS LPSTR) AS LONG PASCAL FROM "CreateDirectoryW" LIB "kernel32.dll"
apiCreateDir("c:\Dir ∞ Dir") creates a directory with chinese character in the directory of exe file instead of "c:\Dir ∞ Dir" with infinite symbol.

CreateDirectoryW of kernel32.dll is declared like unicode version.
any suggestion?
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 03, 2016 11:42 am

With Harbour (but not with xHarbour)
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MAKEDIR( "తెలుగు" )

Worked for me.

We shall now enhance FW functions to work with Unicode names

G. N. Rao.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 03, 2016 12:42 pm

You can use these functions to create unicode folders.
Works with Harbour and xHarbour
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#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

LPWSTR   fw_parWide( int iParam );               // source: msgsapi.c

   BOOL bRet;


   pW = fw_parWide( 1 );
   bRet = CreateDirectoryW( pW, 0 );
   hb_xfree( ( void * ) pW );

   hb_retl( bRet );

#include <shlobj.h>

   BOOL bRet;


   pW = fw_parWide( 1 );
   bRet = ( SHCreateDirectoryExW( NULL, pW, NULL ) == 0 );
   hb_xfree( ( void * ) pW );

   hb_retl( bRet );


#pragma ENDDUMP

lMkDirW() for relative path
lMkFullPathW() for full path

You need any FWH version during 2016

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Wed May 04, 2016 7:39 am

many thanks for your reply!

i have tried:
MAKEDIR( "తెలుగు" )
but it doesn't work.

for the second soution that require fw_parWide() i shall update to fwh 2016 version.
thanks, marzio
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 04, 2016 7:53 am

i have tried:
MAKEDIR( "తెలుగు" )

As I said, this work only with Harbour. Not with xHarbour.

Even normal DIRECTORY() function works with Unicode names in Harbour but not with xHarbour.

If you plan to use Unicode, it is worth considering upgrading FWH.
After reading your post, we are planning to enhance FWH's directory functions to work with Unicode names.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby richard-service » Wed May 04, 2016 5:44 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:
i have tried:
MAKEDIR( "తెలుగు" )

As I said, this work only with Harbour. Not with xHarbour.

Even normal DIRECTORY() function works with Unicode names in Harbour but not with xHarbour.

If you plan to use Unicode, it is worth considering upgrading FWH.
After reading your post, we are planning to enhance FWH's directory functions to work with Unicode names.

How about it support xHarbour? I'm use xHarbour now.
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
MySQL v8.0 /ADS v10
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2011030937) => Borland C++ v7.4 64bit
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Thu May 05, 2016 9:00 am

i have tried:
MAKEDIR( "తెలుగు" )
with harbour 3.0.0, borland c++7 without fivewin

but i obtain a directory like this: తెలుగు

what is wrong?
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 05, 2016 9:01 am

You can view the folder name correctly with FileExplorer and also with Harbour's DIRECTORY() function. Not xHarbour

G. N. Rao.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Thu May 05, 2016 9:14 am

i see the wrong directory with file Explorer and with total commander.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 05, 2016 9:39 am

To start with, I have a directory c:\fwh\test, which is empty.
Now I ran this program, built with Harbour and FWH
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#include ""

function Main()

   FW_SetUnicode( .t. )
   MAKEDIR( "c:\fwh\test\" + "తెలుగు" )
c:\fwh\test\*.*", 'D' )

return nil


You can see the unicode name in the xbrowse (3rd row)

Screen shot from my File Explorer

You can not expect TotalCommander to display Unicode names.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Thu May 05, 2016 9:55 am

can you try your example without fiwewin?

i can confirm you that total commander visualizes correctly files and directories in unicode format.
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Fri May 06, 2016 7:46 am

i have inserted FW_SetUnicode( .T. ) supported by fwh1507 but i have linking error:

Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_BLEN' referenced from T:\MARZIO\WINCLIP\FWH1507\LIB\FIVEH.LIB|OLEFUNCS
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_extIsNil' referenced from T:\MARZIO\WINCLIP\FWH1507\LIB\FIVEHC.LIB|RICHEDIT
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___OLEVARIANTNEW' referenced from T:\MARZIO\WINCLIP\FWH1507\LIB\FIVEH.LIB|ADOFUNCS
Error: Unable to perform link

the library hbwin is linked.
which library is missing?

echo %bcdir%\lib\c0w32.obj + > b32.bc
echo %1.obj, + >> b32.bc
echo %1.exe, + >> b32.bc
echo, + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\FiveH.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\FiveHC.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\libmysql.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %fwh%\lib\dolphin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbwin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\gtgui.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\gtwin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbrtl.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbvm.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hblang.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbmacro.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbrdd.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\rddntx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\rddcdx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\rddfpt.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbsix.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbdebug.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbcommon.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbpp.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbcpage.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbcplr.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbct.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbpcre.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\xhb.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbziparc.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbmzip.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbzlib.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\minizip.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\png.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdirl%\hbusrrdd.lib + >> b32.bc

echo %bcdir%\lib\cw32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\uuid.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\import32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\ws2_32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\odbc32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\nddeapi.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\iphlpapi.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\msimg32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\psapi.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\rasapi32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\gdiplus.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\psdk\shell32.lib, >> b32.bc

IF EXIST %1.res echo %1.res >> b32.bc
if %GT% == gtwin %bcdir%\bin\ilink32 -Gn -Tpe -s @b32.bc
if %GT% == gtgui %bcdir%\bin\ilink32 -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @b32.bc
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri May 06, 2016 3:02 pm

We provided Unicode support from 15.09 onwards.

How about it support xHarbour? I'm use xHarbour now.

We keep extending support for Unicode in FWH dir functions. But for full implementation Harbour is a better choice.
In FWH 16.04 new functions lIsDirW(), lMkDirW(), FileW(), lRmDirW(), lChDirW() provide Unicode support.

In my view it is a good idea to maintain file-system in English and handle data/contents in Unicode.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: problems creating UNICODE directories

Postby marzio » Wed May 11, 2016 7:56 am

i have resolved substituting Harbour 3.0 with Harbour 3.2
Now the creation of the directories with unicode characters works fine!!
(hb3.2, fwh1507, bcc7)
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