pagers for xBrowse

pagers for xBrowse

Postby lucasdebeltran » Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:25 pm

Dear Mr Nages,

It would be very interesting for WAN, ADORDD and SQLRDD to have pagers, so xbrowse does not load all records but just 50 (or the number that fits into the screen), and with pages the user keeps navigating.

Thank you,
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

Harbour 3.2.0dev, Borland C++ 5.82 y FWH 13.06 [producción]

Implementando MSVC 2010, FWH64 y ADO.

Abandonando uso xHarbour y SQLRDD.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:55 pm

XBrowse ( or even TWBrowse and TCBrowse ) does that only.

Reads only the number of records required to fill the screen.
When you are on the last line and press down arrow, xbrowse just scrolls the window contents up by a row and reads the next line from data.

When Refresh() is called all rows that fit into the window are read.

That way XBrowse is already optimized.

Slowness is to be attributed solely to the RDD.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:28 pm


but I think there are others issues with xbrowse performance, the sample below show
the times that the data column is reads, you can see the column "4", the optimum should be 5

Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN

#include ""
#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, oBrw, aData, n := 0
   aData := {{ "one","two","three" },;
             { "one","two","three" },;
             { "one","two","three" },;
             { "one","two","three" },;
             { "one","two","three" }}

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 300, 200

   @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrw OF oDlg ;
           HEADER "1","2","3","4";
          COLUMNS 1,2,3,{|| extracol( @n ) };
            ARRAY aData AUTOCOLS
   oBrw:bKeyDown = { || oDlg:SetText( Str( oBrw:nColSel ) ) }  
   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTER ON INIT ( oDlg:oClient := oBrw, oDlg:Resize() )

return nil

function extracol( n )


Marcelo Vía
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Wed May 18, 2016 4:05 pm

Mr. Rao

I see the great enhanced of xbrowse, congratulations, but I don't know if I am wrong about the refresh or repaint issue. I tested a simple xbrowse in a wan enviroment (slow connection with ADS server), and it was really slow. The sample that I posted in this thread show the times what the datas are called and painted

Some comments?


Marcelo Via
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 18, 2016 6:06 pm

Mr Marcelo

but I think there are others issues with xbrowse performance, the sample below show
the times that the data column is reads, you can see the column "4", the optimum should be 5

The question is whether XBrowse does an excessive data access resulting in reduced performance.

Reading the same record any number of times should not affect performance because this is read from cache in memory.

Sameway, skipping records any number of times within the local cache also should not affect performance.

In any case, let us see if xbrowse performs more "skips" than necessary.

We are clear that every refresh() requires (1) skipping to the first row displayed, (2) skipping record by record till the bottom of the browse screen (number of datarows) and (3) skipping back to the original record.

Going up and down by press of key should not result in more than one skip.

Mouse Click causes full refresh.

Keeping this in mind, I provide you here a test program, which shows continuously how many times the Skipper is called.

Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN

#include ""


#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
   #xtranslate DbSkipper => __DbSkipper

static nSkipperCalls := 0
static oSay

function Main()

   local clog := cFileSetExt( ExeName(), "log" )

   FERASE( clog )



   if file( clog )
      winexec( "notepad.exe " + clog )

return nil

function XbTest()

   local oDlg, oBrw, oFont



   @ 60,20 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE -20,-20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;

      :bSkip      := { |n| ( oBrw:cAlias )->( MySkip( n ) ) }

   @ 20,20 SAY oSay PROMPT nSkipperCalls PICTURE "99999" SIZE 100,20 PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE


return nil

static function MySkip( n )


return DbSkipper( n )

You can see that xbrowse never calls Skip more than necessary. As long as number of datarows is withing the DBF local cache, even these skips should not affect performance because there is no network access.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 18, 2016 6:26 pm

Marcelo Via Giglio wrote:Mr. Rao

I see the great enhanced of xbrowse, congratulations, but I don't know if I am wrong about the refresh or repaint issue. I tested a simple xbrowse in a wan enviroment (slow connection with ADS server), and it was really slow. The sample that I posted in this thread show the times what the datas are called and painted

Some comments?


Marcelo Via


You are all fortunate to be handling WAN with the latest techonlogies available today. First time I implemented our systems on WAN was about 18 years back. The WAN speeds were only 64 KBPS. Started with Clipper and ADS 5.1 and then moved to 32-bit xharbour. The system included XBrowse of a DBF table with 450,000 records of more than 1KB record length which later grew to more than 650,000 records. Even then, the performance on WAN was good enough. Can not at all compare the speeds with LAN but the performance was quite adequate. Later there were a lot of technological improvements and I left it in 2009.

It is with that experience and confidence that I gave my advice in the earlier posting.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Maurizio » Thu May 19, 2016 7:21 am

Hello Nages

I'm using the new features of xbrowse and works very well
This is a my old request , I think it is connected to this topic.

I saw that browse for SQL ( like Mysql-Front) use this process
SELECT * FROM dabase.client LIMIT 100
when I go over the 100 records automatically there is another select
SELECT * FROM dabase.client ORDER LIMIT 100,100;

it would be nice to have this in xBrowse :)

Regards Maurizio
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 19, 2016 9:52 am

Let us discuss.
What kind of support you like from xbrowse? Can you please elaborate what do you have in mind?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Maurizio » Thu May 19, 2016 1:02 pm

Hello ,

When I open a large recodset on WLAN ( mysql on Dreamhost ) I wait 4/5 " to have the data and after I open xBrowse .
example: SELECT * from mydatabase
I know that the delay is in the select and not xBrowse .

If I use :
SELECT * from mydatabase LIMIT 100
and I open xbrowse , I have no delay .

When I browse the data and arrive at the record 100 the command skip() should make another select
SELECT * FROM mydatabase LIMIT 100,100
and refreh the browse.

Regards Maurizio
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 19, 2016 1:51 pm

I am thinking ...

Meanwhile please share your thoughts too. How do you propose to handle GoBottom(), GoTop(), skip( n ) and skip( -n ), Seek, Sort, etc.

Welcome any ideas from any one interested in the topic.

Also, if you do not mind my asking, may I know the FWH version you are using now?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Maurizio » Thu May 19, 2016 2:17 pm

I use April 2016

Gets in Header with SQL


Regards Maurizio
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu May 19, 2016 4:21 pm

This may involve multiple Recordsets, opening on demand and swapping them on the basis of navigational needs. Unfortunately there is no way to append or concatenate recordsets. This adds quite a bit complexity to coding but can be done if it is really worthwhile.

What we may lose in the process are sort, seek, filters. Do you think the trade off is worthwhile for saving 3/4 seconds initially? I am asking your opinion.

I am considering another approach too.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Thu May 19, 2016 8:25 pm

Thanks Mr. Rao for the explanation
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:48 am

Maurizio wrote:Hello ,

When I open a large recodset on WLAN ( mysql on Dreamhost ) I wait 4/5 " to have the data and after I open xBrowse .
example: SELECT * from mydatabase
I know that the delay is in the select and not xBrowse .

If I use :
SELECT * from mydatabase LIMIT 100
and I open xbrowse , I have no delay .

When I browse the data and arrive at the record 100 the command skip() should make another select
SELECT * FROM mydatabase LIMIT 100,100
and refreh the browse.

Regards Maurizio

Hope you are aware that this is possible now with FWH MySql library.
In fact your above proposal resulted in this library.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: pagers for xBrowse

Postby Maurizio » Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:05 am

Thanks Mr. Rao

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