I used to work with ADO (mdb-files) , till last month no problems.
Since then i can't changed data in a mdb-file , i.e.
(see also viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33115)
Code: Select all | Expand
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoptimistic
oRs:Open( "SELECT * FROM " + cTable, oCon ) // Password="abc" )
catch oError
MsgInfo( oError:Description )
? oRs:CursorType , oRs:CursorLocation , oRs:LockType // 3,3,3 !!!!!
// Is it normal that cursortype is changed in 3 ?
DBG oRs // Shows correct
oRs:Fields("ROW2"):Value := "Test"
oRs:Update() <= ERROR , due to previous line
Error description: (DOS Error -2147352567) WINOLE/1007 Kan de bij te werken rij niet vinden. Sommige waarden zijn mogelijk veranderd sinds de rij voor het laatst is gelezen. (0x80040E38): Microsoft Cursor Engine
(Can not fint row to work on. Some values can be changed after the row was read)
Also when i try to use older versions from fivedbu i get this error. The most recent doesn't generate a error but doesn't changed the data
I suppose something has changed in the environnement , but i have no idea to restore it.
Is there a key in regedit ? Maybe a download ?