Evitar el avance a la izq. en xBrowse

Evitar el avance a la izq. en xBrowse

Postby acuellar » Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:08 pm


Existe en xBrowse un parámetro que evite mover el puntero a la izquierda
al haber bloqueado con oBrw:=nFreeze:=3

En TsBrowse existe oBrw:lLockFreeze:=.T.

Adhemar C.
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Re: Evitar el avance a la izq. en xBrowse

Postby FranciscoA » Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:07 am

Prueba modificando el method GoLeft() de TxBrowse, de esta manera:
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METHOD GoLeft( lOffset, lRefresh )  CLASS TXBrowse


   if ::nMarqueeStyle == MARQSTYLE_NOMARQUEE  .or. ( ::nMarqueeStyle >= MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW .and. ::bClrRowFocus == nil )
      lOffset := .t.

   DEFAULT lOffset  := .f.,;
           lRefresh := .t.

   if ::nFreeze > 0 .and. ::SelectedCol():nCreationOrder == ::nFreeze + 1   //<------
      return nil

Puede ser que tambien necesites modificar el method keyDown(), o solo enviarle el Bloque bKeyDowun
Mr. Nages tiene la ultima palabra.
Francisco J. Alegría P.
Chinandega, Nicaragua.

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Re: Evitar el avance a la izq. en xBrowse

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:08 am

It is a good idea to have this feature in xbrowse too. We provided this in FWH 17.02 to be released.

You can make these changes in the xbrowse.prg:

1) Please add new DATA
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   DATA lLockFreeze AS LOGICAL INIT .t.

2. Go to the end of METHOD Adjust()
Add these lines at the end of Adjust() method
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   if ::lLockFreeze
      ::nColSel   := ::nFreeze + 1

3. Go to METHOD GoLeftMost(). and find this line at the beginning
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   ::nColSel := 1

Modify this line as:
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   ::nColSel   := If( ::lLockFreeze, ::nFreeze, 0 ) + 1

4. Go to METHOD GoLeft().
Locate these lines:
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  if ::lFreezeLikeExcel .and. ::nFreeze > 0 .and. ::nColOffSet > 1 .and. ::nColSel == ::nFreeze + 1
      lOffset := .t.

   if ( !lOffset .and. ::IsDisplayPosVisible( ::nColSel - 1 ) ) .or. ;
      ( ::nColOffset == 1 .and. ::nColSel > 1 )
      if lRefresh
         if ::FullPaint()
            ::Super:Refresh( .t. )
            ::DrawLine( .t. )
   elseif ::nColOffset > 1

Modify these lines as:
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  if ( ::lLockFreeze .or. ::lFreezeLikeExcel ) .and. ::nFreeze > 0 .and. ::nColOffSet > 1 .and. ::nColSel == ::nFreeze + 1
      lOffset := .t.

   if ( !lOffset .and. ::IsDisplayPosVisible( ::nColSel - 1 ) ) .or. ;
      ( ::nColOffset == 1 .and. ::nColSel > 1 )

      if ::nColSel > If( ::lLockFreeze, ::nFreeze, 0 ) + 1
         if lRefresh
            if ::FullPaint()
               ::Super:Refresh( .t. )
               ::DrawLine( .t. )
   elseif ::nColOffset > 1

We would be glad to have your feedback and suggestions.

These changes prevent the user to navigate using arrow keys to the frozen cells. He can still go to the frozen cells by clicking with a mouse and the programmer can also position the cursor in a frozen field if he wants to.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Evitar el avance a la izq. en xBrowse

Postby acuellar » Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:55 pm

Thanks Mr. Rao

Worked perfect

Adhemar C.
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