I tried the sample, and I see that exel will put it on multiple lines. (this could work)
I have to look into it if the import module (php) will correctly use this kind of lines, because I think there will be CTRL into it.
In my program I convert all CTRL into <br> html code for a new line and put all into the memo field.
If the source is DBF we can use
Partly Sample
Testing software dbftocsv (3th Party)
"14001800";"1";"Werkbroek : 1400";"Algemeen";"1. Broeken";" 33.00";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"14001800";"";"";"Blaklader";"";"";"";"";"100";"Werkbroek : 1400";"<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broeks";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"0";"";"Korenblauw";"C148";"";"";"";"";"False";"";"";"";"0";"0";"";"";"<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broekspijpzakken waarvan een met klep en een met driedelig potloodzakje. <br>· D-ring. <br>· Telefoonzakje<br>"
with COPY TO file.csv DELIMITED
"14001800",1,"Werkbroek : 1400","Algemeen","1. Broeken",33.00,"","","","","","","","14001800","","","Blaklader","","","","",100,"Werkbroek : 1400","<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broeks","","","","","","","","","0","","Korenblauw","C148","","","","",F,"","","",0,0,"","""
Also tried, but the field is also no longer then 255 chars ?
Maybe I have someware limit in files or config files ??
I see that it must be possible, since Uwe has a dbftocsv utility, but there is a lot more of coding done, and he is writing to a file.csv directly.
He shared the function with me, but not possible to get it working for now. (just received)
Thanks already.