Otto wrote:
the problem I have is „modern“ look and different form factors.
Now I started working on responsive dialogs.
I don’t found a way to get such a design with available resource editors.
If you resize a dialog font should change and not only the size of the controls but also the controls should switch to the next row if necessary.
I use a similar concept as Antonio suggested above.
I think we should look into responsive web design an copy those concepts.
I've been working some time ago with the control resizing issue. After thinking a little bit about what behavoir would be wanted in every control, it can be resumed in 3 types:
1: No Change: the control's coordinates are hooked or anchored to the top/left window/dialog coordinates, so no change is made when windows is resized (e.g. left toolbar)
2: Proportional: used mostly with graphic controls, every control coordinate is changed proportionally to the dialog size.
3: Anchored: one ore more control's coordinates are hooked to the bottom/right edges, so control's size and/or position are changed acording to the new dialog size. This is the kind of behavoir Rick is looking for.
To achieve this, we need to know:
a) Window/Dialog and controls original sizes,
b) For every control, what behavoir is desired,
and then activate our new resizing strategy on windows/dlg resize, usually using bResize.
So immidiately the dialog is activated, we are going to pass throw every single child control to obtain it's starting position, and store it somewhere in the window.
Then store in every control wich will be it's behavoir at resizing time.
Sth interesting is that you can, in addition to control resize, set lower limits to windows resize so the dialog never gets under this values. Check :aMinMaxInfo var at windows class.
for controls there was used a RSZ attribute, encoding desired control behavoir.
the rest of info (original sizes, etc ) stored at CARGO instvar
#define GW_CHILD 5
#define GW_HWNDNEXT 2
FUNCTION PreResize( oDlg )
LOCAL hWnd:= oDlg:hWnd
LOCAL aSize, aChildren, aSizeWnd
IF !Empty( hWnd )
aSizeWnd:= GetClientRect( hWnd )
aSize:= GetWndRect( hWnd )
aChildren:= {}
hCtrl := GetWindow( hWnd, GW_CHILD )
While hCtrl != 0
aSize:= GetWndRect( hCtrl )
aSize[3]-= aSize[1]
aSize[4]-= aSize[2]
ScreenToClient( hWnd, ASize )
AAdd( aChildren, { hCtrl, aSize } )
hCtrl = GetWindow( hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT )
// We need to store this somewhere, if you feel you have a better place please share it
oDlg:Cargo:= { aSizeWnd, aChildren }
// This could be another option... We can use this function to setup the min/Max info...
oDlg:aMinMaxInfo = { GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1),; // xMaxSize, yMaxSize
0, 0 /*GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1) */ ,; // xMaxPosition, yMaxPosition
oDlg:nWidth, oDlg:nHeight,; // xMinTrackSize, yMinTrackSize
GetSysMetrics(0), GetSysMetrics(1), ; // xMaxTrackSize, yMaxTrackSize
aSizeWnd, aChildren }
FUNCTION DlgResizeCtrl( oDlg, nWidth, nHeight, nSizeType )
LOCAL hWnd, oCtrl, nPos
LOCAL aSize, aChildren, aSizeWnd, aCargo
LOCAL hCtrl, aCtrl
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nOrigWidth, nOrigHeight, nBottom, nRight
LOCAL nStyle, nKV, nKH // keep, Proporcional, bound to bottom,
IF ValType(oDlg:Cargo) == 'A'
nTop:= oDlg:Cargo[1][1]
nLeft:= oDlg:Cargo[1][2]
nOrigHeight := oDlg:Cargo[1][3] - nTop
nOrigWidth := oDlg:Cargo[1][4] - nLeft
aSizeWnd:= GetClientRect( oDlg:hWnd )
nHeight:= aSizeWnd[3]
nWidth := aSizeWnd[4]
nKH:= nWidth / nOrigWidth
nKV:= nHeight / nOrigHeight
nDH:= nWidth - nOrigWidth
nDV:= nHeight - nOrigHeight
aChildren:= oDlg:Cargo[2]
FOR EACH aCtrl IN aChildren
IF ( nPos:= GetProp( aCtrl[1], "RSZ" ) ) != 0
nStyle:= nPos % 256
nPos:= Int( nPos / 256 )
nTop := (nPos % 16) >= 8
nLeft := (nPos % 8) >= 4
nBottom := (nPos % 4) >= 2
nRight := (nPos % 2) == 1
Do Case
Case nStyle == 0 // keep, do nothing
// SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, aCtrl[2][1], aCtrl[2][2], aCtrl[2][4], aCtrl[2][3], 4 )
Case nStyle == 1 // Proportional
SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, Int( aCtrl[2][1] * nKV ), Int( aCtrl[2][2] * nKH ), Int( aCtrl[2][4] * nKH ), Int( aCtrl[2][3] * nKV ), 4 )
Case nStyle == 2 // Anchors
SetWindowPos( aCtrl[1], 0, ;
If( nTop, aCtrl[2][1]+nDV, aCtrl[2][1] ), ;
If( nLeft, aCtrl[2][2]+nDH, aCtrl[2][2] ), ;
If( nRight, aCtrl[2][4]+nDH, aCtrl[2][4] ), ;
If( nBottom, aCtrl[2][3]+nDV, aCtrl[2][3] ), ;
4 )
oDlg:bResized := {|nSizeType, nWidth, nHeight| DlgResizeCtrl( oDlg, nWidth, nHeight, nSizeType ) }
ON INIT ( PreResize( oDlg ), SetProp( oBrowse:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0x302 ), SetProp( oBtn1:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ), SetProp( oBtn2:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ), SetProp( oBtn3:hWnd, 'RSZ', 0xf02 ) )
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