Error from ADO

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Error from ADO

Post by byron.hopp »


I get this error:

Error description: (DOS Error -2147352567) WINOLE/1007 Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. (0x80040E38): Microsoft Cursor Engine.

I've got the recordset in a browse and the user can navigate around with cursor keys. I don't understand what triggers the error.


Byron ...
Byron Hopp
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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Rick Lipkin »


How are you creating your oRs Object .. Here are the parameters I use especially a local cache and opendkeyset

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oRsAcc := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRsAcc:CursorType     := 1        // opendkeyset
oRsAcc:CursorLocation := 3        // local cache
oRsAcc:LockType       := 3        // lockoportunistic

Questions ..
1) I presume this is a network mulit-user application ?
2) If Yes, does this application have a lot of transactions that may change quickly and make a buffered up oRs on a client machine stale ?

Generally speaking .. I like the Local Cache parameter because the fetched cursor ( data to be browsed ) is buffered on the Client and not necessarily ( physically ) linked back to the original data on the server especially using the opendkeyset cursor type

If you are using the FW_Ado wrappers ( adofuncs.prg ) it uses the 2 parameter ( if not specified ) or adOpenDynamic for the Cursor Type .. there are pros and cons on Open and Dynamic keysets and they are mentioned here : ... et-cursors

If you are using the Ado Wrappers .. FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, cSql, nLockType, nCursorType, nMaxRecords, nOpt ) .. try nLockType 3 and nCursorType 1 and see if that makes any difference.... by default Fw_OpenRecordSet uses Local cache.

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Re: Error from ADO

Post by byron.hopp »

Lots of info, thanks very much, I will start checking it out.

Byron ...
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Re: Error from ADO

Post by byron.hopp »

I seem to still be getting this error when processing certain ADO methods, it seems the Update() method is the problem, but the error system reports on Update(), even though the line number it points to is AddNew().

Is there anyway to completely eliminate this problem, I have very unhappy users (there circling their wagons). I do believe the new way is reduced the number of errors, but is there a way to eliminate them completely?

A unique Keyno field is a part of the select statement, it seems the row should be found quite easily:
"where keyno='" + cKeyno + "'"

I assume it is complaining about the data in the recordset at the time, because the transaction is an ADD.

Error description: (DOS Error -2147352567) WINOLE/1007 Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. (0x80040E38): Microsoft Cursor Engine

Using the function below to open the RecordSet()

Function Mcs_RecSet(cConnStr,cSql,lNew)
Local nI := 1
Local oRs := CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Local e := nil
Default lNew := FALSE
If lNew
// New way...
// Suggested by Rick Lipkin from the FW Tech Board.
oRs:CursorType := 1 // adOpenKeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // adUseClient
oRs:LockType := 3 // adLockOptimistic
oRs:CursorType := adOpenDynamic
oRs:CursorLocation := adUseClient
oRs:LockType := adLockOptimistic

oRs:ActiveConnection := cConnStr
oRs:Source := cSql
Catch e
if oRs:ActiveConnection:Errors:Count > 0
FOR nI := 0 TO oRs:ActiveConnection:Errors:Count -1
msgInfo(oRs:ActiveConnection:Errors(nI):Description,"Cannot Process Query...")
Return oRs
Byron Hopp
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Rick Lipkin »


You can open your recordset two ways ..

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Function Mcs_RecSet(cConnStr,cSql,lNew)

Local nI := 1
Local oRs //:= CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Local e := nil

If empty(lNew)
   lNew := .f.

//Default lNew := FALSE

If lNew = .t.
   // -------- standard ADO

   oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
   oRs:CursorType     := 1        // opendkeyset
   oRs:CursorLocation := 3        // local cache
   oRs:LockType       := 3        // lockoportunistic

      oRs:Open( cSQL,cConnStr )
   CATCH oErr
       MsgInfo( "Error in Opening RECORDSET" )
   // ---------
   //  or
    // -- using Fw_Ado Wrappers
    oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( cConnStr, cSql, 3, 1 ) //  nLockType 3 and nCursorType 1
    If empty(oRs)
       MsgInfo( "Error opening Recordset)

I would not try to trap the Try Catch oErr .. ( ado error ) ... just sufficient to know if it returned .t. or .f. .... Also .. if you are having ADO workstation Update visability errors on add .. sometimes after an Add .. it is best to close the recordset oRs:CLose ... then re-open it with the same query .. or you can do oRs:ReQuery(), but I have found that method not to be very reliable.

Hope that makes sense .. Send me an email ( ) and I will give you my phone number here is South Carolina and we can talk thru your problem.

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Re: Error from ADO

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

1 adUseNone (Obsolete and does not work)
2. adUseServer (Can not navigate and is not useful for us)
3. adUseClient : This is the only choice we have

1. adLockUnspecified (not to be used for new recordsets)
2. adLockReadOnly : This is not what you want when you want to make changes. (Note: This is useful when you read data not to be modified)
3. adLockPessimistic: We need to lock each record for modification. Rarely anybody uses it.
5. adLockBatchOptimistic: Useful. But for more advanced users.
4. adLockOptimistic: This is the only choice we have

0. adOpenForwardOnly : Works only with adUseServer and in anycase this is not what we want
1. adOpenKeyset: Whether we like or not this work only with adUseServer
2. adOpenDynamic: This also does not work with adUseClient
3. adOpenStatic: This is the only choice left to us.

Even if you try to use adOpenKeySet or adOpenDynamc the ADO system will open the recordset with adUseStatic only.

Try opening a recordset with cursor types 1 or 2. After opening the recordset, try ? oRs:CursorType. The result always is 3 (adOpenStatic)

We are left with these choices only and we have no other choices:
CursorLocation : adUseClient (3)
LockType: adLockOptimistic (4) // If you know how to handle, adLockBatchOptimistic can also be used.
CursorType: adOpenStatic. (3)

Now this also means that trying other values, like adOpenKeyset or adOpenDynamic, has no meaning and is a sheer waste of time.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Horizon »

nageswaragunupudi wrote:CursorLocation
1 adUseNone (Obsolete and does not work)
2. adUseServer (Can not navigate and is not useful for us)
3. adUseClient : This is the only choice we have

1. adLockUnspecified (not to be used for new recordsets)
2. adLockReadOnly : This is not what you want when you want to make changes. (Note: This is useful when you read data not to be modified)
3. adLockPessimistic: We need to lock each record for modification. Rarely anybody uses it.
5. adLockBatchOptimistic: Useful. But for more advanced users.
4. adLockOptimistic: This is the only choice we have

0. adOpenForwardOnly : Works only with adUseServer and in anycase this is not what we want
1. adOpenKeyset: Whether we like or not this work only with adUseServer
2. adOpenDynamic: This also does not work with adUseClient
3. adOpenStatic: This is the only choice left to us.

Even if you try to use adOpenKeySet or adOpenDynamc the ADO system will open the recordset with adUseStatic only.

Try opening a recordset with cursor types 1 or 2. After opening the recordset, try ? oRs:CursorType. The result always is 3 (adOpenStatic)

We are left with these choices only and we have no other choices:
CursorLocation : adUseClient (3)
LockType: adLockOptimistic (4) // If you know how to handle, adLockBatchOptimistic can also be used.
CursorType: adOpenStatic. (3)

Now this also means that trying other values, like adOpenKeyset or adOpenDynamic, has no meaning and is a sheer waste of time.

Hi Mr. Rao,

Are these valid for MariaDB recordset?

Any example using MariaDB?



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Re: Error from ADO

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

This information is relevant if you are using MySql or MariaDB through ADO.

If you are using built-in MariaDB library of FWH, then you can ignore all this. This library simplifies everything and is more powerful than ADO. The built-in library enables you to do things not possible with ADO or any other MySql libraries available.

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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Horizon »

Hi Mr. Rao,

I start to use fwh mariadb functions. not ADO. I could not understand that how to handle multiuser environment in fwh mariadb functions.

I need to lock one record when i enter to press update button. I don't want to enter this record to update purpose for other users. in this situation other user can only view the record.

Is it possible?



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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Horizon »

Horizon wrote:Hi Mr. Rao,

I start to use fwh mariadb functions. not ADO. I could not understand that how to handle multiuser environment in fwh mariadb functions.

I need to lock one record when i enter to press update button. I don't want to enter this record to update purpose for other users. in this situation other user can only view the record.

Is it possible?


Hi Mr. Rao,

Can you please give an example of passimistic lock with MariaDB.

Thank you.


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Re: Error from ADO

Post by nageswaragunupudi »


FWH 18.06

- Enhancement to method EditBaseRecord(...)
Added optional new 5th param, lLock (default .f.)
Revised syntax:
EditBaseRecord( [cFieldList], [lNew], [bEdit], [oBrw], [lLock] )
If lLock is set to true, the row is locked for edit and lock is released after edit.

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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Horizon »

nageswaragunupudi wrote:Whatsnew.txt

FWH 18.06

- Enhancement to method EditBaseRecord(...)
Added optional new 5th param, lLock (default .f.)
Revised syntax:
EditBaseRecord( [cFieldList], [lNew], [bEdit], [oBrw], [lLock] )
If lLock is set to true, the row is locked for edit and lock is released after edit.

Hi Mr. Rao,

We set .T. to 5th param in EditBaseRecord and this record is locked by another user, is there any error message. If yes, is it possible to set user defined function that is maintained by programmer?

Secondly, Sometimes I need to modify some fields programaticaly. How can I ensure this record is not locked.



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Re: Error from ADO

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

We set .T. to 5th param in EditBaseRecord and this record is locked by another user, is there any error message. If yes, is it possible to set user defined function that is maintained by programmer?

If one user locks the record, other users get an error message (mysql error no:1205) that the record cannot be locked, if they try to modify the same record.

Important Note: For other users, MySQL tries to obtain the lock and waits for the lock for "innodb_lock_wait_timeout" seconds. The default value is 50 seconds, which is too large for interactive programs. So, it is necessary to set this value to a small value.

Code: Select all | Expand

   oCn:innodb_lock_wait_timeout := 1 // one second

Secondly, Sometimes I need to modify some fields programaticaly. How can I ensure this record is not locked.

Simply attempt to save as usual. oRs:Save() fails with the error. If you set oRs:lShowErrors := .t., you will see the error message. If you want to handle the error inside your program without displaying message, keep oRs:lShowErrors := .f. and

Code: Select all | Expand

   if !oRs:Save()
      if oCn:nError == 1205
         // other user locked the record
         // take suitable action

This is a test program. You can try with two instances of the program on the same computer or different computers.

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

function Main()

   local oCn, oRs, oDlg, oBrw

   oCn   := FW_DemoDB()

   oCn:innodb_lock_wait_timeout := 1

   oRs   := oCn:RowSet( "states" )
   oRs:lShowErrors   := .t.


   @ 60,20 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE -20,-20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;

   oBrw:nEditTypes      := EDIT_GET

   @ 10,20 BUTTON "EDIT" SIZE 100,35 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION oRs:EditBaseRecord( nil, .F., { |oRec| EditDlg( oRec ) }, oBrw, .T. )



return nil


function EditDlg( oRec )

   local oDlg, oBtn
   local oCn   := oRec:uSource:oCn


   @  40,20 SAY "Code" GET oRec:Code PICTURE "@!" SIZE 300,24 PIXEL OF oDlg
   @  80,20 SAY "Name" GET oRec:Name SIZE 300,24 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 120,240 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "Save" SIZE 100,35 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      ACTION ( If( oRec:Modified(), oRec:Save(), nil ), oDlg:End() )


return nil



Note: pessimistic locking is used in the rarest of rare cases and normally we do not encounter any situation that can not be handled without using pessimistic locking.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Error from ADO

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

An example of using locks programmatically:

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lSuccess := .f.
oRsLocked := oCn:RowSet( "SELECT * FROM materials WHERE code = '009' FOR UPDATE" )
if oRsLocked == nil
   // locked by other user
   if oRsLocked:balance >= nIssueQty
      oRsLocked:balance -= nIssueQty
      if oRsLocked:Save()
         lSuccess := << save other tables also >>  
   if lSuccess

   oRsLocked := nil

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Re: Error from ADO

Post by Horizon »

Thank you very much for your examples.

I want to check locked/not locked status when I try to show the record.

In order to status of lock, I disable to Save button and my private buttons.

According to your example, I will search my record like this.

Code: Select all | Expand

oRsOpen := oCn:RowSet( "SELECT * FROM materials WHERE code = '009' " )
if oRsOpen == nil
   // Error : There is not any record code='009'
oRsLocked := oCn:RowSet( "SELECT * FROM materials WHERE code = '009' FOR UPDATE" )
if oRsLocked == nil
   // locked by other user

// Go on


Is it reliable?


Harbour & MSVC 2022 & FWH 23.04
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