Fivedit Setup

Fivedit Setup

Postby Otto » Sun Nov 05, 2017 8:43 am

Dear Cristobal,

can you please list exhaustive, where everywhere the setup settings of Fivedit are stored.

What files do I have to save so that any time I can do a restore of the existing setup.

Thank you in advance and best regards

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Re: Fivedit Setup

Postby cnavarro » Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:32 am

Dear Otto

You have in folder Fivedit:

- Fivedit.ini: configuration general ( or file .INI used in line command of execution FE -> FivEdit.exe Otto1.Ini )
( If we configure several links to FE (shortcuts) with different INI files, we can use the same equipment with different users or configurations directly )
- *.PRJ: Files project
- *.FIV: Templates configuration compiler environment
- Folder .\Plantillas\ -> Templates autocomplete and macros
- HBFormat.ini

Other files ( only if you have modified some ):

- *.CHM: files help
- *.KW: definition words
- FuncFw.INI
- FuncFwC.INI
- FuncFwd.INI
- FuncHarb.INI
- FuncsHb1.INI
Cristobal Navarro
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