I tried to insert the color of row with a condition but I not have success
I wish change color all lines have V at seven column
I made
oLbx:bClrStd := {|| { IIF(oLbx:aArrayData[1][7]="V", CLR_GRAY,CLR_BLUE),CLR_WHITE } }
cColor1:= CLR_GRAY
cColor2:= CLR_BLUE
AEval( oLbx:aCols, {|oCol|oCol:bClrStd := { || { CLR_WHITE, If(oLbx:aArrayData[1][7]="V", cColor1, cColor2 ) } }
Then I tried
oLbx:bClrStd := {|| { IIF(arrayTicket[oLbx:nArrayAt,7]="V",CLR_GREEN,CLR_RED),CLR_WHITE } }
but it write the text and not the background
where is the error ?