function GetHex(hDc,nCol,nRow)
nColor := GETPIXEL( hDC, nCol, nRow )
ATT->ColDec = "#"+alltrim(NUMTOHEX(nColor))
return NIL
Creating a page/group (selection of colors) for each manufacturer would be a interesting way, since I can keep the colors more together.
Marc Venken wrote:I have more trouble in the conversion to Hex. I need hex format for HTML, but I see often that the colors RGB or DEC have will not convert correct with the provided function from FWH
RETURN PADL( DECTOHEX( nRed ), 2, "0" ) + PADL( DECTOHEX( nGre ), 2, "0" ) + PADL( DECTOHEX( nBlu ), 2, "0" )
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