Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
local cURL := ""
local cHTML := WebPageContents( cURL, .T. )
MsgInfo( NumAt( "viewforum.php", cHTML ) )
return nil
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
local cURL := ""
local cHTML := WebPageContents( cURL, .T. )
MsgInfo( NumAt( "viewforum.php", cHTML ) )
return nil
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
local nForums := GetForumsCount()
local aForums := {}, nForum := 1, cName
while Len( aForums ) < nForums
if ! Empty( cName := GetForumName( nForum++ ) )
AAdd( aForums, { Len( aForums ) + 1, cName } )
XBrowser( aForums )
return nil
function GetForumName( nForum )
local cURL := "" + AllTrim( Str( nForum ) )
local cHTML := WebPageContents( cURL, .T. )
cHTML = SubStr( cHTML, At( "<title>", cHTML ) + 7 )
cHTML = SubStr( cHTML, 1, At( "</title>", cHTML ) - 1 )
if "View" $ cHTML
cHTML = SubStr( cHTML, At( "- ", cHTML ) + 2 )
cHTML = ""
return cHTML
function GetForumsCount()
local cURL := ""
local cHTML := WebPageContents( cURL, .T. )
return NumAt( "viewforum.php", cHTML )
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
Static oForum
Function Main()
oForum := TForumFwh():New()
? oForum:TotalPosts()
? oForum:TotalTopics()
//? oForum:ViewForums( 2 )
? oForum:PageNumber()
oForum:ReadForum( 3 )
Return nil
DATA nForums INIT 0
DATA aForumsName INIT {}
DATA aPostsForums INIT {}
DATA aTopicsForums INIT {}
DATA cBaseUrl
DATA cPageHtml
DATA nTotalPosts INIT 0
DATA nTotalTopics INIT 0
METHOD ForumsCount()
METHOD ForumNames()
METHOD GetUserName( cText, dDate )
METHOD PageNumber( cText )
METHOD ReadForum( nForum )
METHOD ReadForumName( nForum )
METHOD ReadWeb()
METHOD TotalPosts()
METHOD TotalTopics()
METHOD ViewForums()
METHOD New( cUrl ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cOldUrl
DEFAULT cUrl := ""
::cBaseUrl := cUrl
cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
::cBaseUrl += "/index.php"
//::aPostsForums := Array( ::nForums )
::aTopicsForums := Array( ::nForums )
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
Return Self
METHOD ReadWeb() CLASS TForumFwh
::cPageHtml := WebPageContents( ::cBaseUrl, .T. )
Return ::cPageHtml
METHOD ForumsCount() CLASS TForumFwh
::nForums := NumAt( "viewforum.php", ::cPageHtml )
Return ::nForums
METHOD ForumNames() CLASS TForumFwh
local cName := ""
local nForum := 1
::aForumsName := {}
while Len( ::aForumsName ) < ::nForums
if ! Empty( cName := ::ReadForumName( nForum++ ) )
AAdd( ::aForumsName, { Len( ::aForumsName ) + 1, StrTran( cName, "amp;", "" ), 0, 0, 0 } )
Return ::aForumsName
// Counter topics, pages and size of page of forum selected
METHOD ReadForum( nForum, nStart ) CLASS TForumFwh
local lSw := .T.
local cHtml := ""
local cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
local cHtmlWeb := ::cPageHtml
local nTopics := 0
local nPages := 0
local nPagSize := 0
local nTopicsPag := 0
local cTemp
DEFAULT nForum := 1
DEFAULT nStart := 0
nForum := Min( nForum, ::nForums )
::cBaseUrl += "/viewforum.php?f=" + AllTrim( Str( nForum ) ) + ;
if( Empty( nStart ), "", "&start=" + AllTrim( Str( nStart ) ) )
cHtml := ::ReadWeb()
//cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, Chr( 10 ), "" )
nTopics := Val( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, '<div class="pagination">', ;
'topics • <a href="#"', 1 ) ) )
nPages := Val( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, ;
'title="Click to jump to page?">Page <strong>1</strong> of <strong>', ;
'</strong></a> • <span><strong>1</strong><span class="page-sep">', 1 ) ) )
cTemp := StrTran( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, "var per_page = ", "var base_url", 1 ) ), ";", "" )
nPagSize := Val( StrTran( cTemp, "'", "" ) )
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
::cPageHtml := cHtmlWeb
if Empty( ::aForumsName )
MsgRun( "Reading names of Forums", "Please Wait", { || ::ForumNames() } )
if !Empty( ::aForumsName )
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ 3 ] := nTopics
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ 4 ] := nPages
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ 5 ] := nPagsize
nTopicPag := NumAt( "topictitle", cHtml )
//MemoWrit( "foro.txt", StrTran( cHtml, Chr( 10 ), CRLF ) )
Return cHtml
METHOD ReadForumName( nForum ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
local cHtmlWeb := ::cPageHtml
local cName
DEFAULT nForum := 1
::cBaseUrl += "/viewforum.php?f=" + AllTrim( Str( nForum ) )
cName := SubStr( ::cPageHtml, At( "<title>", ::cPageHtml ) + 7 )
cName := SubStr( cName, 1, At( "</title>", cName ) - 1 )
cName := if( "View" $ cName, SubStr( cName, At( "- ", cName ) + 2 ), "" )
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
::cPageHtml := cHtmlWeb
Return cName
METHOD TotalPosts() CLASS TForumFwh
local cHtml
cHtml := StrTran( ::cPageHtml, "<strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "</strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "•", "" )
cHtml := Substr( cHtml, At( "Total posts ", cHtml ), ;
At( "Total topics", cHtml ) - At( "Total posts", cHtml ) )
cHtml := AllTrim( cHtml )
::nTotalPosts := Val( Right( cHtml, Len( cHtml ) - At( "posts", cHtml ) - 5 ) )
Return ::nTotalPosts
METHOD TotalTopics() CLASS TForumFwh
local cHtml
cHtml := StrTran( ::cPageHtml, "<strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "</strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "•", "" )
cHtml := Substr( cHtml, At( "Total topics", cHtml ), ;
At( "Total members", cHtml ) - At( "Total topics", cHtml ) )
cHtml := AllTrim( cHtml )
::nTotalTopics := Val( Right( cHtml, Len( cHtml ) - At( "topics", cHtml ) - 6 ) )
Return ::nTotalTopics
METHOD ViewForums( nForum ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cForum := ""
DEFAULT nForum := 0
if Empty( ::aForumsName )
MsgRun( "Reading names of Forums", "Please Wait", { || ::ForumNames() } )
if Empty( nForum )
XBrowse( ::aForumsName )
nForum := Min( nForum, ::nForums )
cForum := ::aForumsName[ nForum ][ 2 ]
Return cForum
METHOD PageNumber( cText ) CLASS TForumFwh
local nAt
local nPage := 1
DEFAULT cText := ::cPageHtml
if ( nAt := AT( "Page <strong>", cText ) ) > 0
cText := SubStr( cText, nAt + 14, 50 )
nPage := Val( AfterAtNum( "<strong>", cText, 1 ) )
return nPage
METHOD GetUserName( cText, dDate ) CLASS TForumFwh
local c1 := "/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u="
local c2 := '"username'
local nAt := Rat( c1, cText )
local n2 := Rat( c2, cText )
local cUser := ""
local cDate
DEFAULT cText := ::cPageHtml
nAt := Max( nAt, n2 )
if nAt > 0
cText := SubStr( cText, nAt, 200 )
cUser := TextBetween( cText, ">", "<", 1 )
cDate := AllTrim( TextBetween( cText, "»", "</p>" ) )
cDate := Upper( AfterAtNum( " ", cDate, 1 ) )
dDate := uCharToVal( cDate, 'D' )
return cUser
function TextBetween( cText, cStartTag, cCloseTag, nPos, cLeft, cRight )
local cRet := ""
if !( cStartTag $ cText )
cLeft := cText
cRight := ""
return ""
cRight := AfterAtNum( cStartTag, cText, nPos )
cRet := BeforAtNum( cCloseTag, cRight, 1 )
if PCount() > 4
cLeft := BeforAtNum( cStartTag, cText, nPos )
cRight := AfterAtNum( cCloseTag, cRight, 1 )
return cRet
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
Static oForum
Function Main()
oForum := TForumFwh():New()
? oForum:TotalPosts()
? oForum:TotalTopics()
//? oForum:ViewForums( 2 )
? oForum:PageNumber()
//oForum:ReadPageForum( 3, 0 )
Return nil
#define ORDEN 1
#define NAME 2
#define TOPICS 3
#define PAGES 4
#define TOPICSPAGE 5
DATA nForums INIT 0
DATA aForumsName INIT {}
DATA aPostsForums INIT {}
DATA aTopicsForums INIT {}
DATA cBaseUrl
DATA cPageHtml
DATA nTotalPosts INIT 0
DATA nTotalTopics INIT 0
DATA nPagesForum INIT 0
DATA nTopicsForPage INIT 0
DATA nTopicsForum INIT 0
METHOD ForumsCount()
METHOD ForumNames()
METHOD GetUserName( cText, dDate )
METHOD PageNumber( cText )
METHOD ReadAllForums()
METHOD ReadPageForum( nForum )
METHOD ReadForumName( nForum )
METHOD ReadWeb()
METHOD TotalPosts()
METHOD TotalTopics()
METHOD ViewForums()
METHOD New( cUrl ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cOldUrl
DEFAULT cUrl := ""
::cBaseUrl := cUrl
cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
::cBaseUrl += "/index.php"
//::aPostsForums := Array( ::nForums )
::aTopicsForums := Array( ::nForums )
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
Return Self
METHOD ReadWeb() CLASS TForumFwh
::cPageHtml := WebPageContents( ::cBaseUrl, .T. )
Return ::cPageHtml
METHOD ForumsCount() CLASS TForumFwh
::nForums := NumAt( "viewforum.php", ::cPageHtml )
Return ::nForums
METHOD ForumNames() CLASS TForumFwh
local cName := ""
local nForum := 1
::aForumsName := {}
while Len( ::aForumsName ) < ::nForums
if ! Empty( cName := ::ReadForumName( nForum++ ) )
AAdd( ::aForumsName, { Len( ::aForumsName ) + 1, StrTran( cName, "amp;", "" ), 0, 0, 0 } )
Return ::aForumsName
METHOD ReadAllForums() CLASS TForumFwh
local x
For x = 1 to ::nForums
MsgRun( "Reading Datas of Forums " + Str( x ), "Please Wait", { || ::ReadPageForum( x, 0 ) } )
Next x
Return nil
// Counter topics, pages and size of page of forum selected
METHOD ReadPageForum( nForum, nStart ) CLASS TForumFwh
local lSw := .T.
local cHtml := ""
local cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
local cHtmlWeb := ::cPageHtml
local nTopics := 0
local nPages := 0
local nPagSize := 0
local nTopicsPag := 0
local cTemp
local x
DEFAULT nForum := 1
DEFAULT nStart := 0
nForum := Min( nForum, ::nForums )
::cBaseUrl += "/viewforum.php?f=" + AllTrim( Str( nForum ) ) + ;
if( Empty( nStart ), "", "&start=" + AllTrim( Str( nStart ) ) )
cHtml := ::ReadWeb()
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
::cPageHtml := cHtmlWeb
if Empty( ::aForumsName )
MsgRun( "Reading names of Forums", "Please Wait", { || ::ForumNames() } )
if !Empty( ::aForumsName ) .and. nStart = 0
nTopics := Val( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, '<div class="pagination">', ;
'topics • <a href="#"', 1 ) ) )
nPages := Val( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, ;
'title="Click to jump to page?">Page <strong>1</strong> of <strong>', ;
'</strong></a> • <span><strong>1</strong><span class="page-sep">', 1 ) ) )
cTemp := StrTran( AllTrim( TextBetween( cHtml, "var per_page = ", "var base_url", 1 ) ), ";", "" )
nPagSize := Val( StrTran( cTemp, "'", "" ) )
//::nPagesForum := nPages
//::nTopicsForPage := nPagSize
//::nTopicsForum := nTopics
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ TOPICS ] := nTopics
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ PAGES ] := nPages
::aForumsName[ nForum ][ TOPICSPAGE ] := nPagsize
nTopicsPag := NumAt( "topictitle", cHtml )
//MemoWrit( "foro.txt", StrTran( cHtml, Chr( 10 ), CRLF ) )
Return cHtml
METHOD ReadForumName( nForum ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cOldUrl := ::cBaseUrl
local cHtmlWeb := ::cPageHtml
local cName
DEFAULT nForum := 1
::cBaseUrl += "/viewforum.php?f=" + AllTrim( Str( nForum ) )
cName := SubStr( ::cPageHtml, At( "<title>", ::cPageHtml ) + 7 )
cName := SubStr( cName, 1, At( "</title>", cName ) - 1 )
cName := if( "View" $ cName, SubStr( cName, At( "- ", cName ) + 2 ), "" )
::cBaseUrl := cOldUrl
::cPageHtml := cHtmlWeb
Return cName
METHOD TotalPosts() CLASS TForumFwh
local cHtml
cHtml := StrTran( ::cPageHtml, "<strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "</strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "•", "" )
cHtml := Substr( cHtml, At( "Total posts ", cHtml ), ;
At( "Total topics", cHtml ) - At( "Total posts", cHtml ) )
cHtml := AllTrim( cHtml )
::nTotalPosts := Val( Right( cHtml, Len( cHtml ) - At( "posts", cHtml ) - 5 ) )
Return ::nTotalPosts
METHOD TotalTopics() CLASS TForumFwh
local cHtml
cHtml := StrTran( ::cPageHtml, "<strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "</strong>", "" )
cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "•", "" )
cHtml := Substr( cHtml, At( "Total topics", cHtml ), ;
At( "Total members", cHtml ) - At( "Total topics", cHtml ) )
cHtml := AllTrim( cHtml )
::nTotalTopics := Val( Right( cHtml, Len( cHtml ) - At( "topics", cHtml ) - 6 ) )
Return ::nTotalTopics
METHOD ViewForums( nForum ) CLASS TForumFwh
local cForum := ""
DEFAULT nForum := 0
if Empty( ::aForumsName )
MsgRun( "Reading names of Forums", "Please Wait", { || ::ForumNames() } )
if Empty( nForum )
XBrowse( ::aForumsName )
nForum := Min( nForum, ::nForums )
cForum := ::aForumsName[ nForum ][ 2 ]
Return cForum
METHOD PageNumber( cText ) CLASS TForumFwh
local nAt
local nPage := 1
DEFAULT cText := ::cPageHtml
if ( nAt := AT( "Page <strong>", cText ) ) > 0
cText := SubStr( cText, nAt + 14, 50 )
nPage := Val( AfterAtNum( "<strong>", cText, 1 ) )
return nPage
METHOD GetUserName( cText, dDate ) CLASS TForumFwh
local c1 := "/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u="
local c2 := '"username'
local nAt := Rat( c1, cText )
local n2 := Rat( c2, cText )
local cUser := ""
local cDate
DEFAULT cText := ::cPageHtml
nAt := Max( nAt, n2 )
if nAt > 0
cText := SubStr( cText, nAt, 200 )
cUser := TextBetween( cText, ">", "<", 1 )
cDate := AllTrim( TextBetween( cText, "»", "</p>" ) )
cDate := Upper( AfterAtNum( " ", cDate, 1 ) )
dDate := uCharToVal( cDate, 'D' )
return cUser
function TextBetween( cText, cStartTag, cCloseTag, nPos, cLeft, cRight )
local cRet := ""
if !( cStartTag $ cText )
cLeft := cText
cRight := ""
return ""
cRight := AfterAtNum( cStartTag, cText, nPos )
cRet := BeforAtNum( cCloseTag, cRight, 1 )
if PCount() > 4
cLeft := BeforAtNum( cStartTag, cText, nPos )
cRight := AfterAtNum( cCloseTag, cRight, 1 )
return cRet