Menus and Menubar Painting errors

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Menus and Menubar Painting errors


Dear Mr.Antonio/Mr.Cristóbal,

It was all ok few versions ago when we use Menus in our application.

But past one year or more, there is a lot of inconsistency between versions
in respect of Menus painting.

This is the screen shot taken from the latest FiveDbu's preview menu:


Please look at the picture:

A) Gradiance is missing throughout the menu bar and it is restricted upto the last menu item.

B) 2nd Menu item is too much left justified.

C) The gap (Horizontal or Vertical) between the menu items is not common always and it is looking odd.

I often use 2007 clause in my applications to paint menus or paint default windows theme

Hope this is taken care soon.

My best Regards,

-Ramesh Babu
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Re: Menus and Menubar Painting errors

Post by cnavarro »

Dear Ramesh Babu
What version of Fw are you using?
There have not been any changes to the menus since version 17.09

Please look wiki of fivetech ... _fwh_17.09 ... 30_06_2017

In any case, try the following, and tell me
Please tell me also your version of Fwh

Code: Select all | Expand


// or

oMenu:lMenuBar  := .T.

Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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Re: Menus and Menubar Painting errors



Thanks for your reply.

This sample is generated from the latest FWDBU downloaded from the following


The EXE must have been generated with the latest FWH Build.

-Ramesh Babu
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Re: Menus and Menubar Painting errors

Post by cnavarro »

Excuse me Mr Ramesh Babu
You are right, I had not seen that you were talking about the Preview menu. I was not talking about the main menu of the application.
This occurs when the WndMain window is TMDIFRAME
It was difficult to find and fix the bugs that had the menus in the MDI windows, and I thought that this issue was also solved
How to fix it?, Please try the following:
1 Option: In your RPREVIEW.PRG try adding the following lines after the menu definition
    MENU oMenu
       oMenu: l2007: = (nStyle == 2007)
       oMenu: l2010: = (nStyle == 2010)
       if Upper (:: oWndMain: ClassName ()) == "TMDIFRAME"
          oMenu: lMenuBar: = .T.


2 Option: in your PDMENU.PRG try commenting lines 200 and 201
      // else
      // oMenu: lMenuBar: = if (Len (aAuxMenus) = 0, .T., .F.)

Please try option 1 or option 2 and tell me
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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