I made
@ 08,160 GET aGet[3] VAR dDateCheck_in of oFld:aDialogs[1] SIZE 100,11 PIXEL ;
BITMAP ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" ACTION mycalendar()
to converte dDateCheck into a string data I use a function but I am convinced that the format already exists in windows without resorting to doing special functions or using this
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
Function Stringa_Data( dDate)
LOCAL cText := ""
cText += CDoW( dDate ) + ", "
cText += LTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) ) + ". "
cText += CMonth( dDate ) + " "
cText += LTrim( Str( Year( dDate ) ) )
and then I made
@ 08,160 GET aGet[3] VAR (dDateCheck_in) of oFld:aDialogs[1] SIZE 150,11 PIXEL ;
BITMAP ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" ACTION XBrDtPicker( dDateCheck_in,"Seleziona una data",,1 )
but when I open the calendar function XBrDtPicker make error
any solution please