How do you handle User Access on your FW App

How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby fraxzi » Sat Aug 18, 2018 6:49 am

Dear All,

How do you manage user privilege to access certain menu item / edit fields, etc. on your FW?

What is best suited structure? I dunno if I am asking the right question, help me out here.

Any Idea?
:idea: :idea: :idea:
Kind Regards,

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Re: How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby bpd2000 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:44 am

Simple logig is enable/disable Menu Item according to user's rights
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Re: How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby fraxzi » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:02 am

bpd2000 wrote:Simple logig is enable/disable Menu Item according to user's rights


User menu/item is fine.. but what about get objects you define each object per user?

Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby Marc Venken » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:41 am

I have a xbrowse for users previliges for menu's etc..


When they login I read these into a array for granting access to things.

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   aTPloegen := ArrTranspose( oRs:GetRows() )
   for i = 1 to len(aPloegen)
      aadd(aToegang,aTploegen[ 6+I ][1])  // 6 = aantal velden in de browse

I use a simple loop for showing the buttons that are relevant for that user :

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   lFirsttime:= .T.
   for i = 1 to len(aPloegen)
      if aToegang[i]

        if aPloegTypes[i] .and. lFirsttime
           lFirsttime:= .F.
           nTop:= 90
           nLeft:= 1195

        @ nTop+nMove,nLeft BTNBMP aBtn[i] OF oDlg SIZE 80, 25 NOBORDER PROMPT aPloegen[i] 2007 ACTION (oRs:SetFilter( "ploeg2018 = ? and exlid = ?", { ::cCaption, .F. } ), oBrw[oFld:nOption]:GoTop(), oBrw[oFld:nOption]:Refresh(),oBrw[oFld:nOption]:setfocus(),oPloeg:refresh(),oBrw[oFld:nOption]:maketotals() ) font oBold CENTER



Or I disable the buttons itself

I also make groups of users for easy access to parts of the program.

There are surely better ways, but this is simple... Maybe there will come better sollutions.
Marc Venken
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Re: How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:43 pm

Validating a user is not difficult .. first of all I use the function WnetGetUser:

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xLOGIN := UPPER( WNetGetuser() )+space(15) // fivewin function

Take the results of xLogin and search your user table .. if you find a match .. like Marc mentions .. grant roles to that user based on your logic .. the only time I force a login is if the search for xLogin is not found ...


WNetGetUser() returns the value of the user ( Rick Lipkin ) currently logged into their computer .. Assign the roles to variables :

xRead = "Y"
xWrite = "Y"
xMgr = "Y' ... etc

Then interrogate your variables in your menus or modules and enable or disable as appropriate.

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Re: How do you handle User Access on your FW App

Postby fraxzi » Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:50 am

Dear Gentlemen Mr. Marc and Mr. Rick,

Thanks for the great Idea :idea:

I got it sorted now.. defining :nID for each object I wish to control (enable/disable) defined in user table..
iterate these objects based also on defined :nID of Dialog/Window..

Before I used to define menu to access dialogs.. now I control object access per user.. great for multi-user-multi-task level control.

:wink: :wink: :wink:
Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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