I try to migrate my own tables to MariaDB. I used to DBFCDX.
Most of my tables has a autoincrement field that is maintained for my application. I did not know there was a "+" field type in DBFCDX. So for example my autoincrement field type is "N" and name is "PLK_ID". These field is unique.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
ocn:importfromdbf(cPath+"\"+ALLTRIM(aDir[i,1] ), cTableName,,,,cMYAU_ID)
I execute these codes and my dbf file imported to mariadb.
There was not added "id" field as an autoincrement field. it is ok.
But My autoincrement field is not set as an AUTOINCREMENT. I can edit in HeidiSQL. But I have lots of tables.
Something I'm doing wrong?