Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:47 pm


I want a list of all files in a directory and the files in all subdirectory.
Is there an easy way to do this, or do I have to het all files an directory of the main one, and then again of all subdirectory's

I was already thinking to do a dir /s to a file, and read that, and add it to an array.

FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
Marc Vanzegbroeck
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Re: Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby karinha » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:23 pm

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "FiveWin.Ch"
#include ""

#define CLR_LGREEN    nRGB( 190, 215, 190 )
#define CLR_LGRAY     nRGB( 230, 230, 230 )
#define CLR_VERMELHO  nRGB( 255, 000, 000 )
#define CLR_AMARELO   nRGB( 255, 255, 000 )

STATIC nBytes, nDisks
STATIC lnKeyEscape := .F.

FUNCTION Backup()  // Procedimentos do Backup

   LOCAL oSetupDlg, nDriveTo := 1, cDriveTo, nDriveCap := 4
   LOCAL lGoOn, aFiles[1],  aFileList, x, iDcor, oFont, oBackup
   LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, n := 1
   LOCAL oAceitar, oCancelar, nKey := VK_RETURN

   LOCAL aDbfs := Directory( "*.DBF" )

   IF Len( aDbfs ) < 1
      RETURN Nil

   aSort( aDbfs, , , { |x, y | x[1] < y[1] } )

   DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial"         SIZE 0, 16 BOLD

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 6, 20 TO 25, 78        ;
      TITLE "Browse dos Arquivos DBFs em: " + ;
      CurDir() + " Para Copiar"               ;
      COLORS CLR_BLACK, nRGB( 193, 205, 205 )

   @ 1, 2 ListBox oBrw Fields aDbfs[n][1], ;
      Str( aDbfs[n][2], 10, 0 ),           ;
      Dtoc( aDbfs[n][3] ),                 ;
      aDbfs[n][4]                          ;
      Headers "Nome do Arquivo",           ;
      "Tamanho", "Data", "Hora"            ;
      FieldSizes 120, 80, 80, 60           ;
      FONT oFont                           ;
      Of oDlg Size 200, 100

   oBrw:bGotop    := { || N := 1 }
   oBrw:bGoBottom := { || N := Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) }
   oBrw:bSkip     := { | nWant, nOld | nOld := N , N += nWant, ;
      N := Max( 1, Min( N, Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) ) ), ;
      N - nOld }
   oBrw:bLogicLen := { || Len( aDbfs ) }
   oBrw:cAlias    := "Array"
   oBrw:nClrBackHead  := CLR_LGREEN
   oBrw:nClrBackFocus := CLR_HRED
   oBrw:nClrForeFocus := CLR_AMARELO
   oBrw:nClrForeHead  := CLR_HRED
   oBrw:nColAct       := 1
   oBrw:nLineStyle    := 3
   oBrw:lCellStyle    := .T.
   oBrw:aJustify      := { .F. , .F. , .F. , .F. }
   oBrw:lMChange      := .F.

   @ 6.6, 16 Button oBackup           ;
      PROMPT "&Test" Of oDlg   ;
      Action( oDlg:End() )     ;
      SIZE 40, 12              ;




Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:34 pm

Thank you for the responce, but I think you misunderstood the question.
I want an array of all files in thaa directory AND also all files in the subdirectories

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Re: Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby cnavarro » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:43 pm

With Harbour
Code: Select all  Expand view

HB_dirScan( cPath, cMask, "A" )
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:57 pm

Thank you,

Now I remember that I asked this a long time before, and I allways get an empty array.
When I use mu old version of FW with xharbour, I still get an empty array, but with my newer version with harbour, it worked :)

FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
Marc Vanzegbroeck
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Re: Array of files indirectory and subdirectory's

Postby karinha » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:57 pm

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "FiveWin.Ch"
#include ""

#define CLR_LGREEN    nRGB( 190, 215, 190 )
#define CLR_LGRAY     nRGB( 230, 230, 230 )
#define CLR_VERMELHO  nRGB( 255, 000, 000 )
#define CLR_AMARELO   nRGB( 255, 255, 000 )

STATIC nBytes, nDisks
STATIC lnKeyEscape := .F.

FUNCTION Backup()  // Procedimentos do Backup

   LOCAL oSetupDlg, nDriveTo := 1, cDriveTo, nDriveCap := 4
   LOCAL lGoOn, aFiles[1],  aFileList, x, iDcor, oFont, oBackup
   LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, n := 1
   LOCAL oAceitar, oCancelar, nKey := VK_RETURN

   //LOCAL aDbfs := Directory( "*.DBF" )
   LOCAL aDbfs := DirectoryRecurse( "C:\FWH1701\*.*" )

   IF Len( aDbfs ) < 1
      RETURN Nil

   aSort( aDbfs, , , { |x, y | x[1] < y[1] } )

   DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial"         SIZE 0, 16 BOLD

                        // 6, 20 TO 25, 78
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 6, 20 TO 25, 90        ;
      TITLE "Browse dos Arquivos DBFs em: " + ;
      CurDir() + " Para Copiar"               ;
      COLORS CLR_BLACK, nRGB( 193, 205, 205 )

   @ 1, 2 ListBox oBrw Fields aDbfs[n][1], ;
      Str( aDbfs[n][2], 10, 0 ),           ;
      Dtoc( aDbfs[n][3] ),                 ;
      aDbfs[n][4]                          ;
      Headers "Nome do Arquivo",           ;
      "Tamanho", "Data", "Hora"            ;
      FieldSizes 270, 80, 80, 60           ;
      FONT oFont                           ;
      Of oDlg Size 260, 100

   oBrw:bGotop    := { || N := 1 }
   oBrw:bGoBottom := { || N := Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) }
   oBrw:bSkip     := { | nWant, nOld | nOld := N , N += nWant, ;
      N := Max( 1, Min( N, Eval( oBrw:bLogicLen ) ) ), ;
      N - nOld }
   oBrw:bLogicLen := { || Len( aDbfs ) }
   oBrw:cAlias    := "Array"
   oBrw:nClrBackHead  := CLR_LGREEN
   oBrw:nClrBackFocus := CLR_HRED
   oBrw:nClrForeFocus := CLR_AMARELO
   oBrw:nClrForeHead  := CLR_HRED
   oBrw:nColAct       := 1
   oBrw:nLineStyle    := 3
   oBrw:lCellStyle    := .T.
   oBrw:aJustify      := { .F. , .F. , .F. , .F. }
   oBrw:lMChange      := .F.

   @ 6.6, 16 Button oBackup           ;
      PROMPT "&Test" Of oDlg   ;
      Action( oDlg:End() )     ;
      SIZE 40, 12              ;




Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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