I add a folder in the sample of Nages as you can see here http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36508&p=217852#p217852
sometimes happen this
the group ( see the red arrow) is not transparent and sometimes when I resize the dialog all controls there are on folder are hide
I must move the mouse ver to show the controls ..How I can resolve it ?
to add the folder I resize the xbrowse height to -265 and I add this code
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
@ 330,40 FOLDERex oFld PIXEL ; // ;
OF oDlgMultiplo ;
ITEMS "&Servizio Multiplo" ;
FONT oFont ;
SIZE 760,180
on oDlg:bResized I add
oFld:nTop := oRect:nBottom - 250
oFld:nWidth := oRect:nWidth-100