FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:29 pm

Mr. Frose

Nice approach :-)
We will adopt that with very minor modifications.
We will post the revised code here for your testing

G. N. Rao.
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby frose » Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:45 pm

yes the function should be independent of the display settings.
There is still a little drawback: the monitor numbers are normally not synchronous with the numbers in the Windows display settings, but for my needs this is not critical. :)
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby frose » Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:47 pm

We will post the revised code here for your testing

Ok :) 8)
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:45 pm

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function FW_GetMonitor( nRow, nCol )  // POINT r,c [OR] nMonitor, [or] oWnd/hWnd No params: primary monitor

   local aInfo, oMonitor, x, y, nMonitor, nMax, hWnd, aRect

   if nRow == nil .and. nCol == nil
      oMonitor   := TMonitor():New( MonitorInfoFromRC( 20, 20 ) )
   elseif HB_ISNUMERIC( nRow ) .and. HB_ISNUMERIC( nCol )
      aInfo       := MonitorInfoFromRC( nRow, nCol )
      if !Empty( aInfo )
         oMonitor := TMonitor():New( aInfo )
   elseif PCount() == 1
      if HB_ISOBJECT( nRow ) .and. nRow:IsKindOf( "TWINDOW" )
         nRow     := nRow:hWnd
      if ValType( nRow ) != "N"
         nRow     := 1
      if IsWindow( nRow )
         aInfo    := MonitorInfoFromRC( nRow )
         if aInfo != nil
            oMonitor := TMonitor():New( aInfo )
         nMax  := Max( 1, Min( nRow, FW_ActiveMonitors() ) )
         aRect    := FW_VirtualScreen()
         x        := aRect[ 2 ] + 100
         for nMonitor := 1 to nMax
            for y := aRect[ 1 ] + 100 to aRect[ 3 ] step 100
               aInfo := MonitorInfoFromRC( y, x )
               if !Empty( aInfo )
            if Empty( aInfo ) // should not happen
               return nil
            x     := aInfo[ 4 ] + 100
         next nMonitor
         oMonitor    := TMonitor():New( aInfo )


return oMonitor

Mr. Frose
Can you please check the revised function with your 3 monitors arranged in different arrangements?

And can you also check this new function?
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function FW_GetAllMonitors()

   local aMonitors   := {}
   local aRect, x, y, aInfo, nMonitors, nMonitor

   nMonitors   := FW_ActiveMonitors()
   aRect       := FW_VirtualScreen()

   x     := aRect[ 2 ] + 100
   do while x < aRect[ 4 ]
      aInfo    := nil
      for y := aRect[ 1 ] + 100 to aRect[ 3 ] step 100
         aInfo := MonitorInfoFromRC( y, x )
         if !Empty( aInfo )
      if Empty( aInfo )
      AAdd( aMonitors, TMonitor():New( aInfo ) )
      x     := aInfo[ 4 ] + 100

return aMonitors

G. N. Rao.
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby frose » Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:52 am

Good afternoon Mr. Rao,

thank god it's friday ;-)

For a 'linear' setup 1-2-3 its working:

But not for a non linear setup, e. g. 1-3-2:

- FW_GetMonitor( 1 ) is ok
- FW_GetMonitor( 2 ) returns the coordinates of display 3!
- FW_GetMonitor( 3 ) returns NIL even though FW_ActiveMonitors() returns 3
- Consequentially FW_GetAllMonitors() returns an array with the dimension 2, the coordinates of display 1 and 3


Some other questions and wishes:
- Nothing found about oMonitor:lWinRect, what is the purpose of it?
- What is the aim of oMonitor:cRect? Do you want to fill it with ArraysString( aRect ), I would appreciate it
- It would be helpful to integrate the Array rcWork in the class TMonitor, to get the information where the task bar(s) are nested

Best regards and until later
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:51 am

Mr. Frank

Thank you very much.
I am able to test with 2 monitors only. I do need your help.
I guess your function should be working correctly in case if the 2nd setup 1-3-2.
What are the 3 Rects you are getting with your function?
Now that you understood the logic fully, can you help to correct the logic in my function?

Today is Friday. May I know when will you be resuming work and be able to help me?

- Nothing found about oMonitor:lWinRect, what is the purpose of it?

This is data inherited from base class TRect.
DATA lWinRect is .T. by default.
When this is .T., the calculations of width and height adopt Windows' logic which is relevant to us.
height = bottom - top and width = right - left.
When .F., the calculations are normal, i.e.,
height = botton - top + 1 and width = right - left + 1.
For our purpose, we should not disturb this data.
- What is the aim of oMonitor:cRect? Do you want to fill it with ArraysString( aRect ), I would appreciate it

cRect is formatted like C Language RECT struct to be directly used with Windows API functions.
This is not of use in application programs.
- It would be helpful to integrate the Array rcWork in the class TMonitor, to get the information where the task bar(s) are nested

Keeping it as a TRect object has more advanatages as you may notice in due course.

Thanking you for your help and also expecting more help from you before release of FWH1901

G. N. Rao.
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:07 am

Why I not have this functions?
I wish try the test also I...

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Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TMONITOR' referenced from C:\WORK\ERRORI\MONITORS\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MONITORINFOFROMRC' referenced from C:\WORK\ERRORI\MONITORS\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unable to perform link
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:25 am

You have all these functions in FWH1812

G. N. Rao.
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:21 pm

strange make error
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby frose » Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:58 pm

Good morning Mr. Rao,

IMHO you have to scan the complete virtual screen, because the user can arrange the displays in all different order and obviously the original code 'caughts' a point with isn't within the virtual screen :shock: , so the loop ends with an exit, before all monitors are scanned. Nevertheless the following code works for me:
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function FW_GetAllMonitors()

   local aMonitors   := {}
   local aRect, nRow, nCol, aInfo, caInfo, nMonitors, nMonitor := 0

   nMonitors   := FW_ActiveMonitors()
   aRect       := FW_VirtualScreen()

   for nRow := aRect[ 1 ] + 100 to aRect[ 3 ] step 100
      for nCol := aRect[ 2 ] + 100 to aRect[ 4 ] step 100
         aInfo := MonitorInfoFromRC( nRow, nCol )
         IF HB_IsArray( aInfo )
            caInfo := Str( aInfo[ 1 ] ) + ", " + Str( aInfo[ 2 ] ) + ", " + Str( aInfo[ 3 ] ) + ", " + Str( aInfo[ 4 ] )
            IF AScan( aMonitors, { | x | x[ 2 ] == caInfo } ) == 0
               nMonitor ++
               AAdd( aMonitors, { nMonitor, caInfo, aInfo, TMonitor():New( aInfo ) } )
         IF nMonitor >= nMonitors
      next nCol
      IF nMonitor >= nMonitors
   next nRow

return aMonitors

For FW_GetMonitor( nMonitor) I have a pragmatically but workable solution, that's the main thing :wink: :
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STATIC aMonitors_static

function FW_GetMonitor( nRow, nCol )  // POINT r,c [OR] nMonitor, [or] oWnd/hWnd No params: primary monitor
         IF HB_IsNIL( aMonitors_static )
            aMonitors_static := FW_GetAllMonitors()
         oMonitor := aMonitors_static[ nRow, 4 ]
return oMonitor

Thank you for the other informations regarding oMonitor:lWinRect.
What are the 3 Rects you are getting with your function?

They are the direct returns from MonitorInfoFromRC(), I have integrated them in the aMonitors[ 3 ] == aInfo :wink:
cRect is formatted like C Language RECT struct to be directly used with Windows API functions.
This is not of use in application programs.

Ok, put it in aMonitors[ 2 ] == caInfo :wink:

Best regards and a nice weekend

post scriptum: If I find the time, I will test the functions with 4 displays in a very strange order later this WE, I'll give you an info about the results
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Re: FW_GetMonitor() doesn't work

Postby frose » Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:23 pm

I wrote:
post scriptum: If I find the time, I will test the functions with 4 displays in a very strange order later this WE, I'll give you an info about the results

Ooops, promised too much, even I can connect 4 monitors to my Thunderbolt Dock TB16, only 3 monitors were supported simultaneously. When I extend desktop to the fourth monitor the other one (connected via display port) switch off and vice versa.
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