After Uwe's advice, I used features created by Nages Rao to converte Image file into BMP
the problem before was the size of Images but Now I set all Images to 72 X 72
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- Local cFoldertemp:=".\bitmaps\mini\temp\"
Local aServiziBmp:= {}
Local cFileBmp_Servizi:= "TempSe_"
For n= 1 to Len(aservizi)
Converti_Immagine_Bmp(alltrim(aServizi [n][2]),cFolderTemp,cFileBmp_Servizi+alltrim(str(n)),0.50)
aadd(aServiziBmp,cFolderTemp+cFileBmp_Servizi+alltrim(str(n))+".Bmp" )
Function Converti_Immagine_Bmp(cFile,cFolderTemp,cNewName,nResize)
Local ext:=".Bmp"
// Local nResize:=0.30
Local hBmp := FW_ReadImage( nil, cFile )[ 1 ]
Local hNew := FW_TransformBitmap( hBmp, NIL, nResize )
FW_SaveImage( hNew, cFolderTemp+cNewName+ext )
Return cFolderTemp+cNewName+ext
When the function Fw_saveimage converte a png to Bmp not converte the black space ( the alpha transparent on Png)
and when I use these bmps files converted
I have this . it run ok but It is ugly to see and it is not clear
How could I improve the image, perhaps removing the black background?