XBrowse - adding cellimages from DBF or array

XBrowse - adding cellimages from DBF or array

Postby ukoenig » Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:17 am


I tested a xBrowse-painting-function with the following requirements :
( maybe a buildin-function with the same result exists ? )

1. any image-format
2. cell-selection
3. cell-adjustment ( centered )
4. small images resized to cellsize
5. keeping the aspect ratio ( size calculated to fill the cell )
6. NO using of :AddBitmap
7. NO text visible only the image
8. reading the image-names from a DBF-field or array

testing different sizes and format


Uwe :D
Last edited by ukoenig on Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: XBrowse - adding cellimages from DBF or array

Postby Marc Venken » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:37 pm


Not shure what function you are using, but I have this :
Code: Select all  Expand view

  @ 1,1 XBROWSE oBrw OF oDlg SIZE 330,430 PIXEL DATASOURCE "showpic" ;
      COLUMNS "pic1","pic2","pic3" COLSIZES 200, 200,200 ;

      :nRowHeight := 200
      WITH OBJECT :aCols[ 1 ]
         :bStrImage     := { || "r:\pictures\"+alltrim(showpic->pic1) }
         :oDataFont     := oBold
         :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER + AL_BOTTOM
         :nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER
         :aImgRect      := { nil, nil, -40, nil }
      WITH OBJECT :aCols[ 2 ]
         :bStrImage     := { || "
r:\pictures\"+alltrim(showpic->pic2) }
         :oDataFont     := oBold
         :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER + AL_BOTTOM
         :nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER
         :aImgRect      := { nil, nil, -40, nil }
      WITH OBJECT :aCols[ 3 ]
         :bStrImage     := { || "
r:\pictures\"+alltrim(showpic->pic3) }
         :oDataFont     := oBold
         :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER + AL_BOTTOM
         :nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER
         :aImgRect      := { nil, nil, -40, nil }

Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.04 with Harbour
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Re: XBrowse - adding cellimages from DBF or array

Postby ukoenig » Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:16 pm


I added the test but with different results
1. No resize of small images only images > cellsize are resized.
2. A visible celltext

adding :lBmpStretch := .t. fills the cellarea but doesn't keep the aspect ratio


WITH OBJECT oBrw:aCols[ 5 ]
// :bStrImage := { || c_path1 + ALLTRIM(oCust:Image) }
// :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER + AL_BOTTOM
// :nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER

// My solution
:bPaintText := { | oCol, hDC, cData, aRect | ;
DRAWCELL( c_path1,oCol, hDC, cData, aRect ) }
// extra function

Uwe :roll:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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