New FWH 19.03

Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:01 am

And, most importantly, the problem DOES EXIST WITH SAYTEXT( )

We kept aside all other works and did extensive tests. The samples we produced above prove that the alleged problem does NOT exist with SayText() whether used as a command or direct call to the method.

What I have found is if you use @SayText( ) it does change the color default for @Say( ).

We tested again. This is a sample to show that use of color with SayText() does NOT change the color default for the method Say()
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#include ""

function Main()

   local oPrn
   local oBrushRed, oBrushGrn
   local oFont, oFont2, oFont3, oFont4



   DEFINE FONT oFont3 NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0,-16 OF oPrn


   oPrn:Say(  500,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say(  800,400, "Say(): CLR_HRED"     , oFont,, CLR_HRED )
   oPrn:Say( 1100,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say( 1400,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )

   oPrn:SayText( 1700, 400, "SayText(): BLUE on GREEN",  3000,200, oFont, , CLR_BLUE, oBrushGrn )

   oPrn:Say( 2000,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )

   oPrn:SayText( 2300, 400, "SayText(): YELLOW on HRED", 3000,200, oFont, , CLR_YELLOW, oBrushRed )

   oPrn:Say( 2600,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )

   oPrn:SayText( 2900, 400, "SayText(): DEFAULT COLOR",  3000,200, oFont )

   oPrn:Say( 3200,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say( 3500,400, "Say(): " + FWVERSION,  oFont )


   RELEASE FONT oFont, oFont2, oFont3
   RELEASE BRUSH oBrushRed, oBrushGrn

return nil


Please let us know if we are missing something.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:15 am

I can fix the problem in my code by using @SayText( ) throughout when mixing in color.

If you like to use :SayText() for its additional features, you may do so in your future programs.

But please do not waste your time in modifying your existing programs by replacing Say()s with SayText()s only for the purpose of color.

We assure you that very soon we will provide you with a solution to use :Say() method itself to get what you wanted. Please give us a couple of days.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:01 am

Mr Nages,
I'm using a new method on Printer Class ( not mine) for Justity a text
METHOD JustifyText( cText, nLen, oFont, lPixel )

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METHOD JustifyText( cText, nLen, oFont, lPixel ) CLASS TPrinter

   local cAuxi:=ALLTRIM(cText), nLenPixel:=0, nSpace:=1

   local aWords:={}, i:=0, cSubst:="", cSpell:="", lDone:=.T.

   for i = 1 to len(cText)

      cSubst :=  SUBST(cText,i,1)

      if cSubst = " "


         cSpell = ""


      cSpell +=  cSubst


   if .not.empty(cSpell)



   if len(aWords)=0 .OR. len(aWords)=1

      return cText


   if lPixel = nil .or. .not.lPixel

      nLenPixel = Max( 0, ( nLen * 10 * ::nHorzRes() / ::nHorzSize() ) - ::nXoffset )


      nLenPixel = nLen


   while .T.

      cAuxi = ""

      lDone = .F.

      for i = 1 to len(aWords)

         IF i # len(aWords)

            cAuxi += aWords[ i ] + SPACE(nSpace)



      IF ::GetTextWidth( cAuxi, oFont ) >= nLenPixel

         lDone = .T.



      nSpace ++


   IF lDone

      cText = cAuxi


return cText


How I can use it with new command PRINT TO oPrn TEXT ?
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:02 am

We will add justify to the Say methods. Thanks
But the above solution is not enough.
We need to be pixel accurate and handle multi-line text. The logic will be more complex.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:11 pm

oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad )

I can say, that after i use a certain color for text, this color are stay in further oPrn:say()s! If i will back to black i must this explicit define in the next oPrn:say()!

Please also see:

If the method Say() is called with the parameters nClrText and/or nBkMode, the text color an bkmode are not reset when the method ends. The new text color and bkmode remain as defaults for all subsequent says, till they are reset either by another call to Say() method with a different color and bkmode or explicitly changed by SetTextColor() / SetBkMode().

In other words, calling Say() with a text color, switches the color for the current and all subsequent says, rather than using the color for that particular say only.

This is the most used method of TPrinter class.

This behavior has been there all the years from the time the method was created. All the programmers who used the method with colors knew this behavior and made their programs subject to this behavior.

Changing this behavior now may be convenient for those starting to use colors now, but might affect the behaviour of many existing applications.

Therefore this behavior will continue to be the default behavior so the existing applications are not affected.

A new CLASSDATA lResetSayColors INIT .f.
is provided now. If this is set to .T. by calling
TPrinter():lResetSayColos := .t.
in the beginning of the application, Say() method will now reset the color to the old color when exiting. The text color applies to that particual Say only and does not change the default.

Revised say method:
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METHOD Say( nRow, nCol, cText, oFont, nWidth, nClrText, nBkMode, nPad ) ;
   CLASS TPrinter

   local nTemp, nClrTextOld, nOldBkMode

   if ::hDC = 0
      return nil

   DEFAULT oFont := ::oFont ,;
       nBkMode := 1     ,;
       nPad    := ::nPad

   if oFont != nil
      oFont:Activate( ::hDCOut )

   nOldBkMode := SetbkMode( ::hDCOut, nBkMode )         // 1,2 transparent or Opaque

   if nClrText != nil
      nClrTextOld  := SetTextColor( ::hDCOut, nClrText )

   if Empty( nWidth )
      do case
         case nPad == PAD_RIGHT
              nCol := Max( 0, nCol - ::GetTextWidth( cText, oFont ) )
         case nPad == PAD_CENTER
              nCol := Max( 0, nCol - ( ::GetTextWidth( cText, oFont ) / 2 ) )
      SetTextAlign( ::hDCOut, TA_LEFT )
      TextOut(  ::hDCOut, nRow, nCol, cText )
      do case
         case nPad == PAD_RIGHT
              nTemp := nCol + nWidth
              SetTextAlign( ::hDCOut, TA_RIGHT )
         case nPad == PAD_CENTER
              nTemp := nCol + ( nWidth / 2 )
              SetTextAlign( ::hDCOut, TA_CENTER )
              nTemp := nCol
              SetTextAlign( ::hDCOut, TA_LEFT )
      ExtTextOut( ::hDCOut, nRow, nTemp,;
                  { nRow, nCol, nRow + oFont:nHeight * 1.5, nCol + nWidth },;
                  cText, ETO_CLIPPED )

   if oFont != nil
      oFont:DeActivate( ::hDCOut )

   if ::lResetSayColors
      if nClrTextOld != nil
         SetTextColor( ::hDCOut, nClrTextOld )
      SetBkMode( ::hDCOut, nOldBkMode )

return nil

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#include ""

function Main()

   local oPrn, oFont

   TPrinter():lResetSayColors := .t.   // New class data




   oPrn:Say(  500,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say(  800,400, "Say(): CLR_HRED"     , oFont,, CLR_HRED )
   oPrn:Say( 1100,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say( 1400,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )
   oPrn:Say( 1700,400, "Say(): CLR_GREEN",     oFont,, CLR_GREEN )
   oPrn:Say( 2000,400, "Say(): Default color", oFont )



return nil


G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby TimStone » Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:39 pm

Good Morning,

Seeing the behavior in my application, and accepting the results of your testing, puzzles me, but at this time I only have to focus on the one one printout ( Invoice ) to which I added color. I realize you are working on a solution, and I appreciate that, but since it's just the one .prg file of concern right now, the best way is to use SayText( ) consistently throughout ( rather than have a mix ).

I missed the previous comments about memo printing. That is a huge benefit and I will work with that today. Thanks for pointing it out in this thread. It applies here and would allow me to eliminate a lot of code lines.

Tim Stone
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby TimStone » Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:21 pm

Looking at printing text from a memo field.

I'm getting no output from these lines of code. What is incorrect ?

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   cDisText :=  "This is a great piece of memo text.  I'd like it to print in condensed mode."
   oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2 * nCsp, cDisText, 7.0 ,nil, oFcond, , CLR_RED, nil , "INCHES" )

Using the format previously ( parsing and printing with memoline ), oFcond is fine as a condensed print font. (. DEFINE FONT oFcond NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -8 OF oPrn )

Tim Stone
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby TimStone » Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:23 pm

Here is a very unusual situation, and I see it when using SayText( ).

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               nRow += 2 * nRsp
               oPrn:Box( nRow, nCsp * 1, nRow + nRsp, 83 * nCsp, oPben )
               oPrn:SayText( nRow, 5 * nCsp, MemoLine( oPrintInspect:svcdes, 70, 1,, .T. ),,, oFbold )
               nRow += 2 * nRsp

Normally this prints fine. However, if I get to the bottom of a page ( a page is 66 rows, and I'm talking about line 59 ), the box prints perfectly, but only about the top 1/5th of the text ( which is in the box ) prints. I'm refering to the the top 1/5th of the height of the text.

As I said, if it falls higher on the page, it is perfect. It only occurs toward the bottom 1.4 inches of the paper. Also, if I print a SayText( ) to the left with a colored text ( ie. white on black background ) that prints perfectly. It is very puzzling.

I suspect a printer setting rather than an issue with the code ... but would certainly appreciate any suggestions for me to investigate.
Tim Stone
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm

TimStone wrote:Looking at printing text from a memo field.

I'm getting no output from these lines of code. What is incorrect ?

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   cDisText :=  "This is a great piece of memo text.  I'd like it to print in condensed mode."
   oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2 * nCsp, cDisText, 7.0 ,nil, oFcond, , CLR_RED, nil , "INCHES" )

Using the format previously ( parsing and printing with memoline ), oFcond is fine as a condensed print font. (. DEFINE FONT oFcond NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -8 OF oPrn )


Please make sure that all of Row, Col, Width and Height are expressed in the same units (inches in this case). I doubt that probably nRow and nCsp are in pixels.

Please see this test program:
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#include ""

function Main()

   local oPrn, oFcond, cDisText, nRow, ncSp, nLastRow


   DEFINE FONT oFcond NAME "Courier New" SIZE 0, -8 OF oPrn


   nRow  := 1.5
   ncSp  := 0.5

   cDisText :=  "This is a great piece of memo text.  I'd like it to print in condensed mode."
   nLastRow := oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2 * nCsp, cDisText, 2.0 ,nil, oFcond, , CLR_HRED, nil , "INCHES" )

   cDisText := "I missed the previous comments about memo printing. That is a huge benefit " + ;
               "and I will work with that today. Thanks for pointing it out in this thread. " + ;
               "It applies here and would allow me to eliminate a lot of code lines."

   nRow     := nLastRow + 0.2
   nLastRow := oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2 * nCsp, cDisText, 2.0 ,nil, oFcond, , CLR_HRED, nil , "INCHES" )

   cDisText :=  "This is a great piece of memo text.  I'd like it to print in condensed mode."
   nRow     := nLastRow + 0.2
   nLastRow := oPrn:SayText( nRow, 2 * nCsp, cDisText, 2.0 ,nil, oFcond, , CLR_HRED, nil , "INCHES" )



return nil


I am sorry, I am not able to react immediately to your next posting.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby TimStone » Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:14 am

OK ... so I got the text output working. That is nice. However, here is the complication. I have a long "disclaimer" on this invoice. It starts on page two but will need to run over to page 3. Since I print one line at a time with the memoline output, after each line I can check to see if I've reached the maximum lines per page, and then I can do a page eject, print the new header, and continue the disclaimer text.

To do this with SayText( ) we would need another parameter to call a function after each line is printed which can check the line count and print the header. Here is what I call currently:

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   IF nRow >= nPageRows * nRsp
      WOHEADER( oPrn, aHead )


The function WOHEADER( ) actually prints the header on the new page and sets nRow.

Perhaps this can be for a future update ?
Tim Stone
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:45 am

Please change this line
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              oPrn:SayText( nRow, 5 * nCsp, MemoLine( oPrintInspect:svcdes, 70, 1,, .T. ),,, oFbold )

by specifying both width and height.
Similar to the following line
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 oPrn:SayText( nRow, 5 * nCsp, MemoLine( oPrintInspect:svcdes, 70, 1,, .T. ), 75 * nCsp, nRsp, oFbold )

You may decide the actual width and height required.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby kajot » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:32 am

to Antonio

could You send me
Fivehcm.lib , Fivehmx.lib

to FWH v.19.03
I am using
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20181212)

my email
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby kajot » Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:38 am

to Antonio

I am using with Pelles ISO C Compiler, Version 3.00.0
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:23 am


They are included in FWH 19.03 standard setup
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FWH 19.03

Postby kajot » Sat Apr 13, 2019 11:23 am


if for bcc58 is it for too
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