nageswaragunupudi wrote:1) None of us have seen a program crash by pressing email button. We are hearing this for the first time in all these years.
Yeah. Could be something in my development environment that's causing it. Unable to pinpoint the cause so far
nageswaragunupudi wrote:New CLASSDATA bSetup is provided in class Tpreview in FWH 1904.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
RPrevUserBtns( nil, 2007 )
TPreview():bSetup := <|oPreview, oWnd|
:aControls[ 10 ]:End()
ADel( :aControls, 10, .t. )
return nil
Cool! Way-way neater than what I had in mind. Thanks a bunch Rao
Where do I place the code? At every report or just need to call them once from the main prg?