#include "fivewin.ch"
#include "adodef.ch" // important
function Main()
local oCn, cTableName, aJpg
oCn := <......... Ado connection object. Connect in your own way ..>
cTableName := "MyImages" // any other name you like
aJpg := { array of jpg files wih path }
AdoImportImages( oCn, "MyImages", aJpg )
return nil
function AdoImportImages( oCn, cTable, aJpg )
CreateTable( oCn, cTable )
UsingSQL( oCn, cTable, cFileNoPath( aJpg[ 1 ] ), MemoRead( aJpg[ 1 ] ) )
UsingAdoRecordSet( oCn, cTable, cFileNoPath( aJpg[ 2 ] ), MemoRead( aJpg[ 2 ] ) )
UsingTDataRow( oCn, cTable, cFileNoPath( aJpg[ 3 ] ), MemoRead( aJpg[ 3 ] ) )
BrowseImagesTable( oCn, cTable )
return nil
function CreateTable( oCn, cTable )
oCn:Execute( "DROP TABLE " + cTable )
FWAdoCreateTable( cTable, { ;
{ "IMAGENAME", 'C', 20, 0 }, ;
{ "IMAGEDATA", 'm', 10, 0 } }, oCn )
Notes: Use this function to create tables. Thie same syntax and notiation are compatible with different databases.
Data Type small 'm' indicates binary data in contast to "M" meaning text memo.
return nil
function UsingSQL( oCn, cTable, cImageName, cImageData )
local cSql
PRIVATE table_name := cTable
cSql := SQL INSERT INTO &table_name ( IMAGENAME,IMAGEDATA ) VALUES ( cImageName, cImageData )
oCn:Execute( cSql )
// This works for ADO and non ado connections
return nil
function UsingAdoRecordSet( oCn, cTable, cImageName, cImageData )
local oRs
oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, cTable )
oRs:AddNew( { "ImageName", "ImageData" }, { cImageName, STRTOHEX( cImagedata ) } )
return nil
function UsingTDataRow( oCn, cTable, cImageName, cImageData )
local oRs, oRec
oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, cTable )
oRec := TDataRow():New( oRs, .t. )
oRec:ImageName := cImageName
oRec:ImageData := cImageData
return nil
function BrowseImagesTable( oCn, cTable )
local oRs := FW_OpenRecordSet( oCn, cTable )
XBROWSER oRs FASTEDIT SETUP ( oBrw:ImageData:nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER, oBrw:lCanPaste := .t. )
return nil
oSQL:execute( "INSERT INTO 'boeken' ( nummer,cover) VALUES ( 1,"+STRTOHEX(memoread("C:\COVERS\1.jpg"))+" )")
oBrw:bline = {|| { str(oRs:Fields( 'nummer' ):Value),oRs:Fields( 'cover' ):Value }}
nageswaragunupudi wrote:It is xbrowse which is provided with display of images.
I advise you to use xbrowse for this purpose
I have use
oSQL:execute( "INSERT INTO 'boeken' ( nummer,cover) VALUES ( 1,"+STRTOHEX(memoread("C:\COVERS\1.jpg"))+" )")
to inport the jpg-files into the database.
cSql := SQL INSERT INTO boeken ( nummer, cover ) VALUES ( 1, memoread( "c:\covers\1.jpg" ) )
oCn:Execute( cSql )
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