100 Days FiveWin

100 Days FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Fri Dec 06, 2019 1:17 am


since 100 Days i have FiveWin but it is hard to start for a FiveWin Newbie.
it is not "out-of-box" working ... you need harbour (with MSVC LIB) and BCC

i have download harbour but it does NOT include \MSVC so i guess i can't use any VC Sample. :(
where do i get those LIB for harbour 3x (my files was from harbour v1.x) :?:


there are 22 x Build*.BAT.
DOC say use BUILD.BAT and it "seems" to work with most Sample but other give Error.

Error are like : missing FiveWin.ch :shock:

i guess there are some Environment Variable missing in some BUILD*.BAT.
so i like to ask again which Environment Variable FiveWin use :?:


Question : as i have also Xbase++ install i have

does it make Problem with FiveWin :?:


IDE : i have try FivEdit ... it start "missing *.FLV" :shock:

next it show Form with with "Hello" :o

FiveWin Sample have no *.PRJ file which can be assign to start IDE.

Preference ( Crtl-F2 ) : in Tab "FiveWin", "Harbour" and "C Compiler" i press "Default Libs" and Save.

Question : there is a Tab "Project" ... and a lot of Space. do i need it to run FW \Sample :?:


after 100 Days i'm a bit frustrated while i'm not able to work in FiveWin Environment.
i have also HMG and Extendet Version and was able to wrote some harbour Apps with it.

my 1st work was to get HMG Debugger work while this is the Tool i use when not writing Code.
but how to activate FW Debugger with FW Sample :?:

i got Error Message like "FWDBG.DLL not found" :shock: (it is in C:\FWH\FWDBG.DLL)


please help me to fix my FiveWin Environment.
need LIB from c:\harbour\lib\win\msvc\
need to get FW Debugger work (no IDE need)

please help a Newbie to get into FiveWin world, Thx
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Re: 100 Days FiveWin

Postby cnavarro » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:59 am

Dear Jimmy
When you have downloaded your Fivewin software version, you have also found the download links for the latest versions of Harbour built for the Borland and MSVC compilers.

Also, you have previous versions of Harbour in
https://bitbucket.org/fivetech/harbour- ... downloads/

Other versions of (x) Harbour and Compilers can be found at:

You need to install MSVC from the official Microsoft website

IDE : i have try FivEdit ... it start "missing *.FLV" :shock:

next it show Form with with "Hello" :o

FiveWin Sample have no *.PRJ file which can be assign to start IDE.

Preference ( Crtl-F2 ) : in Tab "FiveWin", "Harbour" and "C Compiler" i press "Default Libs" and Save.

Question : there is a Tab "Project" ... and a lot of Space. do i need it to run FW \Sample :?:

For use FivEdit ( I recommend it ), please read
http://wiki.fivetechsoft.com/doku.php?i ... nstalation

After, Read this post about FivEdit

If you enter the Slack, you will have a lot of information about the Editor, including videos that can help you install it, and if that is not enough, you can contact me, that with pleasure, I can connect by Anydesk, for example and configure your FivEdit in 5 minutes.

But, in summary, if you install your C compilers (Borland, MSVC, ...) correctly, along with the versions of Harbour you need, and edit the BUILD * .BAT files that appear in the Fivewin distribution in case you have to Modify the installation paths, you should not have any problem to use.

Anything you need, do not hesitate to contact.
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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Re: 100 Days FiveWin

Postby TimStone » Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:59 pm

Many of us use the latest Community version of Visual Studio. It is free.
Also use the latest Harbour for MSVC from the FiveTech downloads page.

With those two installed, I use a GO32.bat:

Code: Select all  Expand view

@set oldpath=%path%
@set oldinclude=%include%
@set oldlib=%lib%
@set oldlibpath=%libpath%

if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
cd c:\projects\mls11\source\
c:\"Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio"\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.23.28105\bin\HostX86\x86\nmake -fMLS32.mak

@set path=%oldpath%
@set include=%oldinclude%
@set lib=%oldlib%
@set libpath=%oldlibpath%
@set oldpath=""
@set oldinclude=""
@set oldlib=
@set oldlibpath=

My MLS32.mak ( you can use any name you want ) is:

Code: Select all  Expand view

#Microsoft VS2015 make sample, (c) FiveTech Software 2014

VCDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC"
SDKDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10"
RCDIR="c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86"

PRGS = aMLS11.prg \
rem Here you will add in all of the .prg files you wish to include in the project.

.SUFFIXES: .prg .c .obj .rc .res

MLS11.exe : $(PRGS:.prg=.obj) MLS11.res.   rem You only specify the .res file if you use one.  The MLS11.exe should be replaced with the name of your .exe output file.  
    echo $(PRGS:.prg=.obj) > msvc.tmp
    echo $(FWDIR)\lib\FiveH32.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(FWDIR)\lib\fivehc32.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbrtl.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbvm.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\gtgui.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hblang.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbmacro.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbrdd.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\rddntx.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\rddcdx.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\rddfpt.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbsix.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbdebug.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbcommon.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbpp.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbcpage.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbwin.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbct.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbziparc.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbmzip.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbzlib.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbpcre.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\minizip.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\xhb.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbcplr.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\gtwin.lib >> msvc.tmp

    rem Uncomment these two lines to use Advantage RDD
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\rddads.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\ace32.lib >> msvc.tmp

  echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbtipssl.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\ssleay32.lib >> msvc.tmp
    echo $(HBDIR)\lib\libeay32.lib >> msvc.tmp
  echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbtip.lib >> msvc.tmp
  echo $(HBDIR)\lib\hbssl.lib >> msvc.tmp

    echo kernel32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo user32.lib    >> msvc.tmp
    echo gdi32.lib     >> msvc.tmp
    echo winspool.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo comctl32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo comdlg32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo advapi32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo shell32.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo ole32.lib     >> msvc.tmp
    echo oleaut32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo uuid.lib      >> msvc.tmp
    echo odbc32.lib    >> msvc.tmp
    echo odbccp32.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo iphlpapi.lib  >> msvc.tmp
    echo mpr.lib       >> msvc.tmp
    echo version.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo wsock32.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo msimg32.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo oledlg.lib    >> msvc.tmp
    echo psapi.lib     >> msvc.tmp
    echo gdiplus.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo winmm.lib     >> msvc.tmp
    echo libcmt.lib    >> msvc.tmp
    echo libcpmt.lib   >> msvc.tmp
    echo WS2_32.lib    >> msvc.tmp
  echo oldnames.lib  >> msvc.tmp
  echo strmiids.lib  >> msvc.tmp

   IF EXIST mls11.res echo mls11.res >> msvc.tmp

   link @msvc.tmp /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:x86 /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT > link.log
   @type link.log
   @del $(PRGS:.prg=.obj)
   @del $(PRGS:.prg=.c)

$(PRGS:.prg=.obj) : $(PRGS:.prg=.c)
$(PRGS:.prg=.c) : $(PRGS)

rem. This is my .rc, but use your own.  
mls11.res : mls11.rc
   rc.exe -r -d__FLAT__ mls11.rc

   $(HBDIR)\bin\harbour $< /n /i$(FWDIR)\include;$(HBDIR)\include

   cl.exe -c -TP -W3 -O2 -I$(HBDIR)\include -I$(SDKDIR)\include -I$(VCDIR)\include $<

My projects are quite large, but simply executing the GO32.bat results in a working build quickly. I hope this helps. Note the paths may vary according to your setup.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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Re: 100 Days FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:52 am


thx for Answer.

When you have downloaded your Fivewin software version, you have also found the download links for the latest versions of Harbour built for the Borland and MSVC compilers.

i have got that Link and Download FiveWin.
after unpack i saw no harbour, BCC or MinGW and no IDE to start for a Newbie :(

i have to say when start with harbour i want to "jump" to 64 bit so i "oversee" those 32 Bit, sorry
i ask Antonio and he gave me the Link to download BCC7.3064.

i begin to build Sample but some Sample fail and i do not understand why (see "poker")
while FiveWin was "to high" i start with lower Level

i try HMG Contribution which have a IDE where i can use F9, F8 and F5 and Debugger.
after a while i got used "where" to "search" and understand Error Message so i start to write own harbour Apps.


next Level was MiniGUI Extendet Version which use OOP Code.
it does have a IDE and use BCC but i can't get Debugger running ... same like FivEdit :(

btw. i only need F9, F8, F5 and Debugger from IDE.
i still use my DOS ETP Editor with vDOS under 64 Bit which i bought 1985 when start with Cl*pper S87

so my Question are most about Environment where i have Problem to work with FiveWin.


i got Dshow Sample running after install \MSVC LIBs.
now next Step : i like to enhance it e.g. choise which CAM to use

but here again my Question is : how get Debugger working :?:


Request : can Sample "sort" in Sub-Directory which include "the BAT" which is need for those Type of Sample
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