Translate into Italian the words in tDataRow

Translate into Italian the words in tDataRow

Postby mauri.menabue » Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:28 pm

hi all

is there a method to translate into Italian the words: "Data Modified. Save/Discard Changes?", { "Save", "Discard", "Cancel" }
without modifying the tDataRow class?

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Re: Translate into Italian the words in tDataRow

Postby MarcoBoschi » Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:31 pm

take a look into source\classes\datarow.prg
Maybe is in this method

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METHOD CloseMsg( lSave ) CLASS TDataRow

   local nChoice  := 0
   local a

   nChoice  := If( lSave == .t., 1, If( lSave == .f., 2, 0 ) )

   if ::cSrcType $ "ARR"
      AEval( ::aOrg, { |a,i| ASize( ::aData[ i ], Len( a ) ) } )
   elseif ::cSrcType $ "HSH"
      for each a in ::aData
         ::uSource[ a[ 1 ] ] := a[ 2 ]
   elseif ! ::lReadOnly .and. ::Modified()
      if nChoice == 0
         nChoice  := Alert( "Data Modified. Save/Discard Changes?", { "Save", "Discard", "Cancel" } )
      if nChoice == 1
      elseif nChoice == 2
         return .f.

return .t.
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Re: Translate into Italian the words in tDataRow

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:43 am

easy use fwstring()
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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