I think you make a sample test (fwh 18.03)
local nJpgQuality := 90
FW_SaveImage( cFile, cFolderTemp+cNewName+ext,nJpgQuality )
and now run ok
Can you please
1) Let me know why do you want to convert png to jpg with reduced size? Can you not directly use png?
2) Can you send me your png by email? Like to some tests and see.
aBmp: = FW_ReadImage( nil, cFile )
hNew: = FW_TransformBitmap( aBmp[ 1 ], NIL, 0.30 )
FW_SaveHBitmap( hNew, "new.bmp" )
PalBmpFree( aBmp )
DeleteObject( hNew )
cDir:= "temp\"
IF !lIsDir( lower(cDir) )
IF lMkDir( lower( cDir) )
MsgAlert("Err "+cdir,"Verificare!")
aElementi:= CaricaElementi(.t.) // load array
aBmpCombo:= Crea_BMP(aElementi,cFoldertemp,cFileBmp_Elementi) // create Bmps for combobox
Function Crea_Bmp(aElementi,cFolderTemp,cFileBmp_Elementi)
Local n
Local k
Local atempBmp := {}
Local cFile,cfileNew
Local cCartella := cFoldertemp+"\"
For n= 1 to Len(aElementi)
cfile:= Conversione(alltrim(aElementi [n][5]),cCartella ,cFileBmp_Elementi+alltrim(str(n)))
aadd(atempBmp ,cFile+".bmp")
return atempBmp
Function Conversione(cFile,Cfolder,cNewFile)
Local aBmp := FW_ReadImage( nil, cFile )
Local hNew := FW_TransformBitmap( aBmp[ 1 ], NIL, 0.30 )
FW_SaveHBitmap( hNew, cFolder+cNewFile+".bmp" )
PalBmpFree( aBmp )
DeleteObject( hNew )
return cNewFile
Function Crea_Bmp(aElementi,cFolderTemp,cFileBmp_Elementi)
Local n
Local k
Local atempBmp := {}
Local cFile,cfileNew
Local cCartella := cFoldertemp+"\"
For n= 1 to Len(aElementi)
cfile:= Conversione(alltrim(aElementi [n][5]),;
cCartella ,;
// to BMP
cFileN := savetobmp(cfile)
aadd(atempBmp ,cFileN+".bmp")
return atempBmp
Function Conversione(cFile,Cfolder,cNewFile)
Local aBmp := FW_ReadImage( nil, cFile )
Local hNew := FW_TransformBitmap( aBmp[ 1 ], NIL, 0.30 )
//FW_SaveHBitmap( hNew, cFolder+cNewFile+".jpg",90 )
FW_SaveImage( hNew, cFolder+cNewFile+".jpg",90 ) // to JPG
PalBmpFree( aBmp )
DeleteObject( hNew )
return cFolder+cNewFile+".jpg"
Function Savetobmp(cfile)
Local aBmp := FW_ReadImage( nil, cfile )[ 1 ]
FW_SaveImage( aBmp, cfile+".Bmp",40 )
Return cfile
nageswaragunupudi wrote:For bitmaps FW_SaveHBitmap() saves with better quality than FW_SaveImage()
What you saw as black color is in fact Alpha color and FWH controls correctly paint the bitmaps treating the alpha color as transparent
Note: After some more tests, we will improve FW_SaveImage() in the next version.
For n= 1 to Len(aElementi)
cFileBmp:= Nages_BMP(alltrim(aElementi [n][5]),;
cCartella ,;
aadd(atempBmp ,cFileBmp)
return atempBmp
Function Nages_BMP(cFile,cFolder,cNewFile)
Local aBmp:= FW_ReadImage( nil, cFile )
Local hNew:= FW_TransformBitmap( aBmp[ 1 ], NIL, 0.30 )
Local cnew := cFolder+cNewFile+".bmp"
FW_SaveHBitmap( hNew,cnew )
PalBmpFree( aBmp )
DeleteObject( hNew )
return cnew
nageswaragunupudi wrote:I am seeing. The reason is that combobox is not painting alphabmps properly.
Need to improve this aspect. Takes time.
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