? FWNumFormat(nPrice,"E") give me an array
is there a function to set number od price in Italian language
instead of transform(nPrice,"@E €999,999.99")
Function Euro(nValore, nLen, nDec, lVirgola)
local n, cEuro
default nLen := 0, ;
nDec := 2, ;
lVirgola:= .T.
if valtype(nValore) == "C"
n := val(nValore)
n := nValore
if lVirgola
cEuro := transform(n, "@E 999,999,999,999" + ; //R
iif(nDec > 0, "." + replicate("9", nDec), ""))
cEuro := str(n, max(nLen, 15), nDec)
cEuro := ltrim(cEuro)
if nLen > 0
n := nLen - 1
if len(cEuro) > n
cEuro := replicate("*", n)
cEuro := padl(cEuro, n)
Return("€" + cEuro)
function temptest()
local cPic1, cPic2
local nVal := 1234567.89
FWNumFormat( "E", .t. )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "EUROPEN" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
FWNumFormat( "B", .t. )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "BRITISH" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
FWNumFormat( "A", .t. )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "AMERICAN" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
FWNumFormat( "I", .t. )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "INDIAN" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
FWNumFormat( "A", .t., nil, HB_UTF8CHR( 0x20b1 ) )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "PHILIPPINES" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
FWNumFormat( "A", .t., nil, HB_UTF8CHR( 0x0E3F ) )
cPic1 := NUMPICT( 10, 2 )
cPic2 := NUMPICT( 10, 2, nil, nil, nil, .t. )
XBROWSER { { cPic1, nVal, cPic2, nVal } } TITLE "THAILAND" SETUP ( ;
oBrw:cEditPictures := { nil, cPic1, nil, cPic2 }, ;
oBrw:cHeaders := { "PIC1", "VAL1", "PIC2", "VAL2" } )
return nil
nageswaragunupudi wrote:XBrowse, TDatarow etc programs automatically use FWNumFormt() settings to format numeric values.
By simply changing the settings of FWNumFormat() you can Internationalize your application as long as you do not interfere with their working by providing your own hard coded picture formats.
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