get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:13 pm

I did not understand why if I have a get control to which I change the value, it does not execute the "On change" command
to execute this command I have to add EVAL (aGet [1]: bchange)

sample :

DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 400,200 Title "test date,valid"

@ 12,5 SAY "Dal :" OF oDlg PIXEL SIZE 100,20 TRANSPARENT

@ 10,35 GET aGet[1] VAR dDataIniziale SIZE 100,12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
BITMAP ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" ;
ACTION (dDataIniziale:= XbrGetDate(txt_to_date( dDataIniziale) , "Select a date",dStagioneMin,dStagioneMax, .t., 0.6, ,aGet[1] ),;
IIF( dDataIniziale=ctod("") .or. dDataIniziale=nil ,;
(dDataIniziale:="Select a date",aGet[1]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataIniziale))),;
aGet[1]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataIniziale)) ) ,;
aGet[1]:refresh(),EVAL( aGet[1]:bchange)) ;
VALID ValidareData(txt_to_date(dDataIniziale),txt_to_date( dDataFinale) ) ;
ON CHANGE ( dtemp1:= txt_to_date( dDataIniziale),;
dtemp2:= txt_to_date( dDataFinale) ,;
CHANGE_PLAN( dDataIniApp,dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti) )

If I not insert EVAL( aGet[1]:bchange) the get not execute the command ON CHANGE why ?


the test
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg , aGet := Array(5), oBtnCal
   local dDataIniziale,dDataFinale  // date of the get
   local dStagioneMin     // date limit
   local dStagioneMax     // date limit
   local dtemp1,dtemp2

local dDataIniApp
local dDataFinApp
local lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti



     dDataIniApp := date()     // date format  // date of application
     dDataFinApp := date()

     dDataIniziale:= date_to_txt(date())   // string format
     dDataFinale := date_to_txt(date())

     dStagioneMin := ctod("17/05/2020")       // date format
     dStagioneMax := ctod("20/09/2020")

     lShowNumeri     := .t.
     lshowPagamenti  := .t.

     DEFINE DIALOG oDlg  SIZE 400,200 Title "test date,valid"

      @ 12,5 SAY "Dal :" OF  oDlg PIXEL SIZE 100,20 TRANSPARENT
      @ 10,35 GET aGet[1] VAR dDataIniziale SIZE 100,12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      BITMAP  ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" ;
      ACTION (dDataIniziale:= XbrGetDate(txt_to_date( dDataIniziale) ,;
                            "Select a date",dStagioneMin,dStagioneMax, .t., 0.6, ,aGet[1] ),;
                IIF( dDataIniziale=ctod("") .or. dDataIniziale=nil ,;
                                         (dDataIniziale:="Select a date",aGet[1]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataIniziale))),;
                                         aGet[1]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataIniziale)) ) ,;
                                         aGet[1]:refresh(),EVAL( aGet[1]:bchange)) ;
                 VALID ValidareData(txt_to_date(dDataIniziale),txt_to_date( dDataFinale) )  ;
       ON CHANGE (  dtemp1:= txt_to_date( dDataIniziale),;
                    dtemp2:= txt_to_date( dDataFinale)  ,;
                    CHANGE_PLAN( dDataIniApp,dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti) )


             //aGet[1]:oBtn:oCursor:= TCursor():New(,'HAND')

      @ 26,5 SAY "al :" OF  oDlg PIXEL SIZE 100,20 TRANSPARENT
      @ 24,35 GET aGet[2] VAR dDataFinale SIZE 100,12 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
      BITMAP  ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" ;
      ACTION (dDataFinale:= XbrGetDate(txt_to_date( dDataFinale) ,;
                            "Select a date",dStagioneMin,dStagioneMax, .t., 0.6, ,aGet[2] ),;
              IIF( dDataFinale=ctod("") .or. dDataFinale=nil ,;
                                         (dDataFinale:="Select a date",aGet[2]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataFinale))),;
                                         aGet[2]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataFinale)) ) ,;
                                         aGet[2]:refresh(),EVAL( aGet[2]:bchange)) ;
       VALID ValidareData(txt_to_date(dDataIniziale),txt_to_date( dDataFinale) )  ;
       ON CHANGE (  dtemp1:= txt_to_date( dDataIniziale),;
                    dtemp2:= txt_to_date( dDataFinale)  ,;
                    CHANGE_PLAN( dDataIniApp,dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti) )


  @ 07,170  BTNBMP oBtnCal FILENAME ".\bitmaps\cal.bmp" FLAT SIZE 20,14 PIXEL OF oDlg NOBORDER
      oBtnCal:oPopUp:= { |oBtn| BtnPopCalMenu( @dDataIniziale,@dDataFinale,aGet) }

   @ 40,10 button "test" size 40,12 pixel  of oDlg  action  CHANGE_PLAN(dDataIniApp, dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti)


   return nil

  Function CHANGE_PLAN(  dDateStart, dDateEnd,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti)
      msginfo(   date_to_txt(dDateStart)+CRLF+date_to_txt(dDateEnd)," Check " )
   RETURN nil

   Function ValidareData( dFechaIni, dFechaFin )
   LOCAL lValid := .T.
   IF ( dFechaIni > dFechaFin )
      alert( "The end date must be greater than the start date " )
      lValid := .F.
   RETURN  lValid

Function BtnPopCalMenu( dDataIniziale,dDataFinale,aGet)
  Local oPopupDate

     MENU oPopupDate POPUP 2015
     MENUITEM "Oggi";
          ACTION  (dDataIniziale:=date(), dDataFinale:=date(), ;
                               aGet[1]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataIniziale)), ;
                               aGet[1]:refresh()                          ,;
                               aGet[2]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataFinale)),   ;
                               aGet[2]:refresh() )
      MENUITEM "Domani" ;
           ACTION  (dDataIniziale:=date()+1,dDataFinale:=date()+1, ;
                               aGet[1]:refresh()                         ,;
                               aGet[2]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataFinale)),  ;
                               aGet[2]:refresh() )
      MENUITEM "DopoDomani";
           ACTION (dDataIniziale:=date()+2,dDataFinale:=date()+2, ;
                               aGet[1]:refresh()                       ,;
                               aGet[2]:CTEXT(date_to_txt(dDataFinale)),  ;
                               aGet[2]:refresh() )
      MENUITEM "Pulisci";
           ACTION ( dDataIniziale:="select a date", dDataFinale:="select a date",;
                                 aGet[1]:CTEXT(dDataIniziale), ;
                                 aGet[1]:refresh()                       ,;
                                 aGet[2]:CTEXT(dDataFinale), ;
                                 aGet[2]:refresh() )


   return oPopupDate
   Function date_to_txt(dDate)
      return FW_TRANSFORM( dDate, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy" )
Function txt_to_date(cDate)
      return uCharToVal(cDate, "D" )


Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby karinha » Wed Apr 08, 2020 7:15 pm


ON CHANGE( My_Function(... ) )
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:28 pm


allready tried
static dDataIniApp,dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti //because are DATA variables

ON CHANGE ( MyFunction(dDataIniziale,dDataFinale) )

Function MyFunction(dDataIniziale,dDataFinale)
local dtemp1:= txt_to_date( dDataIniziale)
local dtemp2:= txt_to_date( dDataFinale)


CHANGE_PLAN( dDataIniApp,dDataFinApp,lShowNumeri,lshowPagamenti)

return nil

it need only EVAL( aGet[2]:bchange) otherwise it does not bchange

I tried also with

aGet[1]:bchange := { || MyFunction(dDataIniziale,dDataFinale) }
aGet[2]:bchange := { || MyFunction(dDataIniziale,dDataFinale) }

not run
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby karinha » Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:28 pm

Don't you have to refresh() the object?
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:01 am

the problem is not refresh the get but assign the new values on dDataIniApp and dDataFinApp are two data of Tapplication()
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby Marcelo Roggeri » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:19 pm

Hola buenos dias,
Sigue habiendo problemas con el ON CHANGE del Método TGET, como se puede solucionar?

Code: Select all  Expand view

REDEFINE GET oGet1 VAR mGET1 ID 11     OF oDlg ON CHANGE (mGET2:=mGET1+10,oGet2:Refresh())
REDEFINE GET oGet2 VAR mGET2 ID 12     OF oDlg  

No se actualiza el valor del segundo get (oGet2)

Muchas gracias...
FWH - Harbour - BCC7 - PellesC
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Marcelo Roggeri
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby karinha » Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:54 pm


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#include ""

function main()

return nil
Function FromRes()

   local oDlg
   local oGet1, oGet2, oGet3, oGet4
   local cVar1, cVar2, cVar3, cVar4
   local lActive := .f.
   cVar1 := 0
   cVar2 := 0
   cVar3 := 0
   cVar4 := 0
   define dialog oDlg resource "fromres"

   redefine get oGet1 var cVar1 id 100 bitmap "on" ;
      action( msginfo( "With Transparent" ) ) of oDlg

   redefine get oGet2 var cVar2 id 101 bitmap "on" ;
      action( msginfo( "Without Transparent" ) )   ;
      ON CHANGE SUMA_GETS( oGet1, oGet2, oGet3, cVar1, cVar2 ) of oDlg

   redefine get oGet3 var cVar3 id 102 bitmap "chkyes" ;
      action( msginfo( "With Adjust-Transparent" ) );

   redefine get oGet4 var cVar4 id 103 bitmap "chkyes" ;
   action( if( lActive,oGet3:disable(), oGet3:enable()), lActive:= !lActive, ;
      oDlg:update() ) of oDlg
   oGet1:lBtnTransparent := .t.       // transparent button get oGet1
   oGet3:lBtnTransparent := .t.       // transparent button get oGet3
   oGet3:lAdjustBtn      := .t.       // Button Get Adjust Witdh oGet3
   oGet3:lDisColors      := .f.       // Deactive disable color
   oGet3:nClrTextDis     := CLR_WHITE // Color text disable status
   oGet3:nClrPaneDis     := CLR_BLUE  // Color Pane disable status

   oGet4:lAdjustBtn := .t.
   activate dialog oDlg centered
return nil

function SUMA_GETS( oGet1, oGet2, oGet3, cnVar1, cnVar2 )

   local nVal1  := 0
   local nVal2  := 0
   local nValor := 0

   nVal1 := cnVar1
   nVal2 := cnVar2

   nValor := nVal2 + nVal1 + 10

   oGet3:VARPUT( nValor )



Code: Select all  Expand view

// RESOURCE SCRIPT generated by "Pelles C for Windows, version 5.00".
#ifndef __64__
  1 24 "winxp\WindowsXP.Manifest"

#ifdef __64__
  1 24 "winxp\WindowsXP.Manifest64"

FROMRES DIALOG 0, 0, 150, 150
FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
CAPTION "Dialog"
    EDITTEXT        100, 11, 10, 80, 15, ES_AUTOHSCROLL
    EDITTEXT        101, 10, 40, 80, 15, ES_AUTOHSCROLL
    EDITTEXT        102, 9, 70, 129, 17, ES_AUTOHSCROLL
    EDITTEXT        103, 10, 100, 130, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL

ON BITMAP "..\bitmaps\on.bmp"

CHKYES BITMAP "..\bitmaps\chkyes.bmp"

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: get problem not execute ON CHANGE command

Postby Marcelo Roggeri » Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:51 pm

Muchas gracias Karinha voy a probar ese ejemplo
FWH - Harbour - BCC7 - PellesC
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Marcelo Roggeri
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