you think you can found a solution to insert these control on the texplorerbar class ?
the class already support all control
you think you can found a solution to insert these control on the texplorerbar class ?
METHOD CloseAll( nOpen ) CLASS TExplorerBar
local nPanel, nItem
DEFAULT nOpen := 1
for nPanel := nOpen + 1 to Len( ::aPanels )
with object ::aPanels[ nPanel ]
:lCollapsed = .T.
:nTopMargin = 1
:nLeftMargin = ::aPanels[ 1 ]:nLeftMargin
:nRightMargin = ::aPanels[ 1 ]:nRightMargin
:nLeft = :nLeftMargin
:nRight = ::oWnd:nWidth - :nRightMargin
:nHeight = :nTitleHeight
for nItem := nPanel + 1 To Len( ::aPanels )
::aPanels[ nItem ]:nTop -= ( ::aPanels[ nPanel ]:nBodyHeight )
return nil
oPanel4:nTopMargin := 0 //no funciona
oPanel1:nTop -= 10
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