Array TO XLS ?

Array TO XLS ?

Postby Ariel » Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:18 pm


existe una funcion como FW_CopyDBF2XL(), pero para ArrayToXLS() ?

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Re: Array TO XLS ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:02 pm

A) If the DBF is already open.

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(cAlias)->( FW_DbfToExcel( [cFieldList], [bFor], [bWhile], [nNext], [nRec], [lRest], [cSaveToFileName] )

1. cFieldList (Optional): Can be a commadelimited list of fileds. Eg:"FIRST,CITY,AGE"
Default all fields.
2 to 6. bFor,bWhile,nNext,nRec,lRest: (Optional) Same functionality as in DBEVAL()

7. cFileName (Optional)
If nil, data is exported to Excel and displayed. Returns the active sheet (oSheet).
The user can do further work on the open sheet or programmer can do further work using the oSheet object before saving or discarding.

If a file name is specified with extension of xlsx, pdf or htm/html, the data is saved to excel/pdf/html file,

B) Without opening the DBF or when the DBF is opened in shared mode.
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FW_CopyDBFTO( [cDestXLS], [cSourceDBF] )

cDestXLS: Can be nil or a file name with extension xlsx,pdf,html. Same as parameter 7 in the first function.
cSourceDBF: Defaults to the file name of the current Alias.

This function exports the entire DBF, including deleted records.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Array TO XLS ?

Postby Ariel » Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:50 pm

Mr Rao,

gracias por contestar pero NO quiero pasar una dbf sino un ARRAY a Xls, preguntaba si habia alguna funcion parecida a esa para hacerlo.

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Re: Array TO XLS ?

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:30 pm

Please try any of these two functions:
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function ArrayToExcel( aData )

   local oExcel, oBook, oSheet
   local nRow, nCol, nCols := 1

   if ( oExcel := ExcelObj() ) == nil
      ? "Excel not instqalled"
      oBook    := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
      oSheet   := oBook:ActiveSheet
      oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .f.

      for nRow := 1 to Len( aData )
         if ValType( aData[ nRow ] ) == "A"
            nCols := Max( nCols, Len( aData[ nRow ] ) )
            for nCol := 1 to Len( aData[ nRow ] )
               oSheet:Cells( nRow, nCol ):Value := aData[ nRow, nCol ]
            oSheet:Cells( nRow, 1 ):Value := aData[ nRow ]

      oSheet:Range( oSheet:Columns( 1 ), oSheet:Columns( nCols ) ):AutoFit()
      oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .t.
      oExcel:visible := .t.

return nil

function ArrayToExcel2( aData )

   local oExcel, oBook, oSheet
   local cText, oClp, nCols := 0

   if ( oExcel := ExcelObj() ) == nil
      ? "Excel not instqalled"
      oBook    := oExcel:WorkBooks:Add()
      oSheet   := oBook:ActiveSheet
      oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .f.

      aData    := AClone( aData )
      AEval( aData, { |a| nCols := Max( nCols, Len( a ) ) } )
      AEval( aData, { |a,i| aData[ i ] := FW_ArrayAsList( a, Chr( 9 ) ) } )
      cText    := FW_ArrayAsList( aData, CRLF )

      oClp     := TClipboard():New()
      oClp:SetText( cText )
      oSheet:Cells( 1, 1 ):Select()

      oSheet:Range( oSheet:Columns( 1 ), oSheet:Columns( nCols ) ):AutoFit()

      oExcel:ScreenUpdating := .t.
      oExcel:visible := .t.

return nil


G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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