add fields to existing dbf

add fields to existing dbf

Postby jds » Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:46 pm

How can I simply add a field to an existing database with many fields
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Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby karinha » Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:12 pm

Use google traductor:

Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN

#include "FiveWin.Ch"

FUNCTION ADD_FIELD( oMeter, oText, oDlg, lEnd )


   LOCAL cChave
   LOCAL nTotal := 100
   LOCAL DEONDEVEM, lExiste, cAlias, nConta




      GO TOP

      lExiste := .F.

      cAlias := ALIAS()

      FOR nConta := 1 TO ( cAlias )->( fCount() )

         //-> Se o campo nao existir
         IF ( cAlias )->( FieldName( nConta ) ) = "AGE_FONE3"

            lExiste := .T.




      //-> Para Mudar a Estrutura do Banco
      //-> Neste Caso, Vou Mudar o CAMPO CODFORN Para 50
      //-> IF  LEN( AGENDTEL->AGE_NOME ) < 50
      IF ! lExiste


         IF !FILE( "AGECOP02.DBF" )

            SndPlaySound( ".\Erro.wav", 0 )

            BEEP( 3 )
            BEEP( 4 )

            IF MsgNoYes( OemToAnsi( "ATEN€ÇO USUµRIO:          " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "O PROGRAMA DETECTOU NECESSIDADE  " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "DE ATUALIZA€ÇO DO BANCO DE DADOS " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "DA AGENDA ELETRâNICA.            " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "NECESSITA CRIAR NOVOS CAMPOS.    " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "NECESSARIOS NESTA VERSÇO.        " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "ESTE PROCEDIMENTO, SOMENTE PODERµ" ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "SER EFETUADO, NO SERVIDOR, OU    " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "SE ESTIVER UTILIZANDO O PROGRAMA " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "FORA DA REDE.  CUIDADO, PERIGO!  " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "SE ESTIVER EM UM TERMINAL, POR   " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "FAVOR, SAIA DO PROGRAMA, E CHAME " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "O SUPERVISOR, E PE€A PARA O MESMO" ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "FAZER ESTE PROCEDIMENTO DIRETO NO" ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "SERVIDOR DE ARQUIVOS.            " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "FA€A UM BACKUP DE SEGURAN€A ANTES" ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "PROCEDIMENTO PERIGOSO EM AMBIENTE" ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "DE REDE... NÇO INSISTA! RETORNE! " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "                                 " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "<S>IM -> Para Executar Rotina    " ) + CRLF + ;
                  OemToAnsi( "<N>ÇO -> Para Retornar.          " ) ,      ;
                  OemToAnsi( "Atualiza‡Æo do Banco AgendTel.Dbf." ) ) = .F.




            IF FILE( "AGENDTEL.CDX" )
               AEVAL( DIRECTORY( "AGENDTEL.CDX" ), { |aFILE| FERASE( aFILE[F_NAME] ) } )

            oText:SetText( "Processando, Aguarde... Processo Demorado " )

            DbCreate( "AGECOP02.DBF", { { "AGE_CODIGO", "C", 06, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_APELID", "C", 25, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_NOME",   "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_GRUPO",  "C", 03, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DESCGR", "C", 30, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_NIVER",  "D", 08, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_ENDERE", "C", 40, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_COMPLE", "C", 25, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_BAIRRO", "C", 25, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_CIDADE", "C", 25, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_UF",     "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_CEP",    "C", 10, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_FONE",   "C", 15, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DDD1",   "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_COMRE1", "C", 01, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_FONE2",  "C", 15, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DDD2",   "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_COMRE2", "C", 01, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_FONE3",  "C", 15, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DDD5",   "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_COMRE5", "C", 01, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_CELULA", "C", 15, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DDD3",   "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_FAX",    "C", 15, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_DDD4",   "C", 02, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_CADAST", "D", 08, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_EMAIL",  "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_HOMEP",  "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_CONTAT", "C", 26, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_OBS1",   "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_OBS2",   "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_OBS3",   "C", 50, 00 }, ;
                                        { "AGE_OBS4",   "C", 50, 00 } } )


            GO TOP

            // Se Existe AGENDTEL.DBF no Diretorio C:\AGENDA
            // AGENDTEL Antigo
            IF File( "AGENDTEL.DBF" )
               oText:SetText( "Processando, Aguarde... Banco do AGENDTEL " )
               // Se Existe AGENDTEL.DBF
               COPY TO AGENDTEL.DBF
               oText:SetText( "Processando, Aguarde... Banco do AGENDTEL " )
               COPY TO AGENDTEL.DBF // Se NÆo Existe AGENDTEL.DBF


            IF NetUse( "AGENDTEL", .F. )

               oMeter:nTotal = RecCount()

               INDEX ON VAL( AGE_CODIGO )   TAG CODIGO TO   AGENDTEL              ;
                  FOR !DELETED()                                             ;
                  EVAL ( oMeter:Set( RecNo() ), CursorWait(), SysRefresh() ) ;
                  EVERY 10

               INDEX ON Field->AGE_NOME   TAG NOME TO   AGENDTEL                ;
                  FOR !DELETED()                                             ;
                  EVAL ( oMeter:Set( RecNo() ), CursorWait(), SysRefresh() ) ;
                  EVERY 10

               INDEX ON Field->AGE_APELID TAG APELIDO TO   AGENDTEL             ;
                  FOR !DELETED()                                             ;
                  EVAL ( oMeter:Set( RecNo() ), CursorWait(), SysRefresh() ) ;
                  EVERY 10

               INDEX ON VAL( AGE_GRUPO )               TAG GRUPO  TO   AGENDTEL    ;
                  FOR !DELETED()                                              ;
                  EVAL ( oMeter:Set( RecNo() ), CursorWait(), SysRefresh() ) ;
                  EVERY 10







Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby jds » Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:35 pm

Thanks, I will try it...
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:44 pm

Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby jds » Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:17 pm

The simpliest way to add a new field to an existing dbf is as follows:

local cgroep := space( 17 )
local oBrush, oBar, oBmp
local cOldBmp := GetProfString( "Desktop", "WallPaper" )
local oPrn, fntArial1, nRow, fntArial2, cName, cLoca, cPost
local nRecNo := RecNo()
local cTitle:= "Sociale Kruidenier Management - Field"
local cText:= " veldnaam(max10)+N of C+99+9 ?"
local cBmpfile:= "question.bmp"

set filter to
SetDeskWallPaper( "Fivewin.bmp" )
SetHandleCount(75) // to open until 75 files at a time

set century on
set date british
set epoch to 1950
set deleted on

if MsgGet( ctitle, cText, @cgroep, cBmpfile)


use verkoop
copy to newverkoop structure extended

use newverkoop
replace field_name with cnaam
replace field_type with cchar
replace field_dec with VAL(cdecim)
replace field_len with VAL(clenght)

create another from newverkoop

use another
append from verkoop

delete file verkoop.dbf
use another
copy to verkoop

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Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:44 pm

Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby TimStone » Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:31 pm

I simply rename the original file, then create a new one ( perhaps with many modifications ) using the original name, then append from the old one.

I do NOT delete the renamed file in case something happens during the append which results in not all data being copied.

The method is safe and very fast.

With my application, I have a data files version number. My applcation checks to see if a new version number was issued, and then runs a built in routine which will see what files need to be updated ( either because the field count changed, or the file is new ), and takes care of this.. It also rebuilds the indexes. It's fast, automated, and pretty transparent to the user.
Tim Stone
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Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby Horizon » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:29 am

TimStone wrote:I simply rename the original file, then create a new one ( perhaps with many modifications ) using the original name, then append from the old one.

I do NOT delete the renamed file in case something happens during the append which results in not all data being copied.

The method is safe and very fast.

With my application, I have a data files version number. My applcation checks to see if a new version number was issued, and then runs a built in routine which will see what files need to be updated ( either because the field count changed, or the file is new ), and takes care of this.. It also rebuilds the indexes. It's fast, automated, and pretty transparent to the user.

I also use Tim's method. but I do not rename original file name at first
1. I create the new file with temp filename.
2. I append records to new file from original file.
3. If any error is not occured, delete the original file, and rename the tempfile to original file.


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Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby TimStone » Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:12 pm

The reason I don't delete the old file is it often takes the client awhile to realize not all of the data is present. By having the old file I can append in the missing data quickly.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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Re: add fields to existing dbf

Postby jds » Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:24 pm

Thank you Tim
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