Compilando tsbrowse.lib, tsbutton.lib con Harbour 3.2

Compilando tsbrowse.lib, tsbutton.lib con Harbour 3.2

Postby noe aburto » Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:44 pm

Hola, alguien ha logrado compilar las libs de tsbrowse 9.0 y tsbutton 7.0 con Hrbour 3.2
al compilar me errores en los archivos de C incluidos:


Embarcadero C++ 7.40 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 78: Multiple declaration for 'WORD'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 160: Earlier declaration of 'WORD'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 80: Multiple declaration for 'PWORD'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 169: Earlier declaration of 'PWORD'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 100: Multiple declaration for 'BOOL'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 158: Earlier declaration of 'BOOL'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 103: Multiple declaration for 'PBOOL'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 163: Earlier declaration of 'PBOOL'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 112: Multiple declaration for 'HANDLE'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\winnt.h 640: Earlier declaration of 'HANDLE'
Error E2293 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 20: ) expected
Error E2293 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 21: ) expected
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 73: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 74: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 75: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 183: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 191: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 193: Call to function 'DrawMasked' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 200: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 208: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8065 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 210: Call to function 'DrawMasked' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8004 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 307: 'nAlign' is assigned a value that is never used in function HB_FUN_TSDRAWCELL
Warning W8019 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 409: Code has no effect in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2379 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 409: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2140 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 410: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2140 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 411: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2140 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 413: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2140 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 414: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2451 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 424: Undefined symbol 'wCols' in function HB_FUN_TSBRWHSCROLL
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 570: Call of nonfunction in function DrawCheck
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 571: Call of nonfunction in function DrawCheck
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 572: Call of nonfunction in function DrawCheck
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 573: Call of nonfunction in function DrawCheck
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 574: Call of nonfunction in function DrawCheck
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 700: Call of nonfunction in function DegradColor
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 705: Call of nonfunction in function DegradColor
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 725: Call of nonfunction in function DegradColor
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 755: Call of nonfunction in function DegradColor
Error E2314 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 801: Call of nonfunction in function cDrawCursor
Warning W8057 \tsbrowse\source\function\TSBFUNCS.C 828: Parameter 'nClr' is never used in function cDrawCursor
*** 31 errors in Compile ***


Embarcadero C++ 7.40 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2018 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 78: Multiple declaration for 'WORD'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 160: Earlier declaration of 'WORD'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 80: Multiple declaration for 'PWORD'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 169: Earlier declaration of 'PWORD'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 100: Multiple declaration for 'BOOL'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 158: Earlier declaration of 'BOOL'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 103: Multiple declaration for 'PBOOL'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\minwindef.h 163: Earlier declaration of 'PBOOL'
Error E2238 \Harbour\include\clipdefs.h 112: Multiple declaration for 'HANDLE'
Error E2344 I:\bcc\include\windows\sdk\winnt.h 640: Earlier declaration of 'HANDLE'
Error E2293 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 12: ) expected
Warning W8019 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 84: Code has no effect in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2379 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 84: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 85: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Warning W8019 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 86: Code has no effect in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2379 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 86: Statement missing ; in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 87: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 88: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 89: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 90: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 91: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 92: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2140 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 93: Declaration is not allowed here in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 103: Undefined symbol 'nHeight' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 127: Undefined symbol 'nBkOld' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 161: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 193: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 201: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 207: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 286: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 411: Undefined symbol 'ibmWidth' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 418: Undefined symbol 'nTop' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 419: Undefined symbol 'nLeft' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 458: Undefined symbol 'nWidth' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 463: Undefined symbol 'nTop' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2451 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 464: Undefined symbol 'nLeft' in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Warning W8065 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 477: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Warning W8065 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 480: Call to function 'DrawBitmap' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 656: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Warning W8004 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 671: 'iClipTot' is assigned a value that is never used in function HB_FUN_SBTNPAINT
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 687: Call of nonfunction in function MakeDarker
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 703: Call of nonfunction in function MakeDarker
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 876: Call of nonfunction in function SBtnBox
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 949: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 953: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 990: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 992: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1003: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1014: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1016: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1026: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1065: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1081: Call of nonfunction in function ColorDegrad
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1190: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_DRAWRADIO
Error E2314 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1191: Call of nonfunction in function HB_FUN_DRAWRADIO
Error E2228 \TSButton\source\function\BPAINT.C 1191: Too many error or warning messages in function HB_FUN_DRAWRADIO
*** 51 errors in Compile ***
Noé Aburto Sánchez
Tec. Prog. de Sistemas. -Morelia, Mich. México.
fwh 20.06, Harbour 3.2.0, bcc 7.4
TsBrowse 9.0, TsButton 7.0, xEdit 6.1,
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noe aburto
Posts: 418
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:33 pm
Location: Morelia, Mich. Mexico.

Re: Compilando tsbrowse.lib, tsbutton.lib con Harbour 3.2

Postby cnavarro » Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:52 pm

Mira a ver, si esta que hice hace tiempo te vale ...
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
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