We can copy from XBrowse by pressing Ctrl-C and paste into Excel or Google Sheet, by going to the sheet and pressing Ctrl-V or the paste button.
1. Copying value of single cell:
If oBrw:nMarqueeStyle >= 0 and <= 3 (MARQSTYLE_NOMARQUEE/ MARQSTYLE_DOTEDCELL/ MARQSTYLE_SOLIDCELL/ MARQSTYLE_HIGHLCELL), pressing Ctrl-C on any cell in xbrowse, copies value of the highlighted cell only to the clip board. Pasting in Excel / Google Sheet pastes value of that cell only.
2. Copying values of all cells in a row:
If oBrw:nMarqueeStyle >= 4, pressing Ctrl-C in xbrowse copies values of all cells in the highlighted row as tab delimited text to the clip board. Pasting in Excel / Google sheet pastes the contents of all cells of the row in the corresponding cells of the sheet.
3. Copying values of all cells in many selected rows:
If oBrw:nMarqueeStyle == 6 (MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROWMS), user can select mulitple rows using Ctrl-Click / Shift-Click. Then pressing Ctrl-C copies contents of all cells in all the selected rows as tab and crlf delimited text. When pasted in the Excel / Google Sheet all values of all the selected rows are pasted.
- Code: Select all Expand view