I try to change ::nHeadDividerStyle but it doesn't effect.
Thank you in advance for any help and ideas.
ukoenig wrote:Dutch,
You can paint lines with any size and colors inside header and footer
The problem : these lines are NOT the column-lines I think You want to use.
just search inside samples for these functions
DrawHorz( hDC, ::nHeaderHeight - 3, 0, ::BrwWidth(), hPen )
DrawHorz( hDC, ::nHeaderHeight - 1, 0, ::BrwWidth(), hPen )
DrawVert( hDC, 170, 2, ::nHeaderHeight - 1, hPen )
ukoenig wrote:Dutch,
will that be to much work adding these needed two lines to a xBrowse
Otherwise I can create the column-solution for vertical lines related to the col-positions
calling BrwHeader(,, and BrwFooter(...
:bPaintHeader := { | brw, hDC, aCols, nLast, hWhitePen, hGrayPen, hColPen | BrwHeader ;
( brw, hDC, aCols, nLast, hWhitePen, hGrayPen, hColPen ) }
:bPaintFooter := { | brw, hDC, aCols, nLast, nGridWidth, nBrwHeight, hWhitePen, hGrayPen | BrwFooter ;
( brw, hDC, aCols, nLast, nGridWidth, nBrwHeight, hWhitePen, hGrayPen ) }
best regards
oBrw:bClrHeader := { ||{ CLR_GRAY, nRGB( 242, 242, 242 ), CLR_HGRAY } }
nageswaragunupudi wrote:oBrw:bClrHeader := { ||{ CLR_GRAY, nRGB( 242, 242, 242 ), CLR_HGRAY } }
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