Al declarar un get y querer asignarle al cToolTip me manda error:
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 18 secs
Error occurred at: 26/01/2021, 18:25:51
Error description: Error BASE/1005 No exported variable: CTOOLTIP
[ 1] = C W
[ 2] = C A=Concesionario iniciado por empleados
Stack Calls
Called from: => _CTOOLTIP( 0 )
Called from: MAUFUNC.PRG => WSDATOSVAR( 5928 )
Called from: SERMOGR.PRG => CITASWS( 1124 )
El codigo es:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
@ 1,2 get xWS1 picture '!' valid {||Solo(xWS1,{'A','I','P','S','W','U'})} of bPant
xWS1:cToolTip:='A=Concesionario iniciado por empleados'
@ 2,2 get xWS2 picture '!' valid {||Solo(xWS2,{'C','K','M','N','U'})} of bPant
xWS2:cToolTip:='C=Se canceló la cita'
Agradezco soluciones.