Dear Mr. Rao,
Many Thanks. That's great.
May I explain my suggestion to you better again? I am enclosing a few screenshots.
I imagine a quickly created input dialog.
You define an array
- xbrowse would then be the dialog
and with save, you get the changed array.
You could then practically define an entire input dialog with an array.
E.g., here I put a # in front, and xbrowse then knows that it is a label and the column is blocked for focus.
For the input fields, you could perhaps prefix such as
> normal imput
< use combobox etc.
Dialog designer
Best would be if we can start with an empty xbrowse - like an excel sheet.
Then fill in labels, get fields, comboboxes, etc.
This would be great on a right click menu to choose.
And of course, an export button for HTML code.
Best regards,