Our friends Angel and Diego published a speed comparison between DBF, LetoDB and mySQL.
Thank you so much to them.
It is actually as I have always experienced.
DBF is an ideal database for small applications.
Here are the first results.
For your surprise DBF are not so slow respect MySQL if well managed.
All this began as Diego and Angel were curious if the myth was true and wanted real results.
So, they spent a whole afternoon creating this test series just for fun.
Due to the surprising results, they decided to publish the tests in sources,
so anyone can run them.
What does this mean?
For example, like in my case, using DBF for web pages - DBF is the fastest database.
In these results index is used, what I for web pages do not use much.
Take also in note that these samples build indexes which normally are already built.
Example a menu.
Add connection time plus execution.
I insert a screen view from my newspaper page.
This takes 1 ms to get the data for the whole megamenu.
mySQL needs 17 ms to connect and then some ms for the request.
Not to talk about the advantage of DBU over phpMyAdmin.
Angel and Diego, thank you very much again.
Your test will surely encourage many to stay with DBF which they know and used many years successfully. And help to demystify the myth.
Best regards,