@echo off
set path=%path%;d:\compiler\vc2019\bin32
set lib=d:\compiler\vc2019\lib\win32
set include=d:\compiler\vc2019\include
@echo off
set path=%path%;d:\compiler\vc2019\bin64
set lib=d:\compiler\vc2019\lib\win64
set include=d:\compiler\vc2019\include
carlos vargas wrote:Antonio, yo lo uso asi, sin problemas, todo contenido, y solo lo necesario para fwh. (no mas )
VC 2019 32/64 bits (incuido todo)
con hacer un bat que apunte a los directorios correctos
por ejemplo mi caso que lo tengo en d:\compiler\vc2019
myvc32.bat@echo off
set path=%path%;d:\compiler\vc2019\bin32
set lib=d:\compiler\vc2019\lib\win32
set include=d:\compiler\vc2019\include
myvc64.bat@echo off
set path=%path%;d:\compiler\vc2019\bin64
set lib=d:\compiler\vc2019\lib\win64
set include=d:\compiler\vc2019\include
buildh32.bat (para fwh 32 bits)
buildh64.bat (para fwh 64 bits)
vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --layout c:\offlineBuildTool --lang en-us
vs_BuildTools.exe --layout d:\offlineBuildTool --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --includeRecommended --lang en-US
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