print pixels in certain positions

print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:24 am

I am trying to print pixels in certain positions
If on the screen the position is x = 4.2 and y = 21.40 multiplied by an n = 10.8 in the printout I cannot center the exact position
in the image you see I put the image below just to help me but in printing it is not printed also because in the printer I put the receipts as sheets of paper


I built a grid to understand what the exact position is compared to the one shown in the video but I didn't understand how to do it

On dialog I have this


what mathematical operation should I do to print the pixel in the right position?

I tried to print a Box having the same measure

Code: Select all  Expand view

function PrintPixel(oPrn)
local nRow:=4.2
Local ncol:= 21.4
local nRapporto := 3.9
local x,y
local nWidth := 2
local nHeight := 2
local oBrushBlack
 nRow     += 0.1 * nRapporto
       nCol     += 0.1 * nRapporto
       nWidth   -= 0.1
       nHeight  -= 0.2


oPrn:Box(nRow, nCol, nRow + nHeight,nCol + nWidth, ,oBrushBlack,, "MM" )// { cText, oFontSmall2, nColortext1 }

  return nil

But the pixel is printed at this position


see this image


the circle with the number "1" is at 4.2 with respect to the left side of the receipt, and at 21.40 with respect to the top of the receipt
the measurements are expressed in millimeters
in the picture the horizontal distance between boxes is 5.45 and the vertical distance is 3.9

Any solution please ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:52 pm

Here is the topic I wanted to answer.
Silvio I try to write a formula for your printing problem.
But i need some measurements in mm.

please, give me the values of a, b, c as you can see on my picture.

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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:47 pm

There are several coupons for now I'm working with a coupon I can send you all types
It have the width 10 the length 20.5
In this coupon there are 5 boxes
box 1 (Numbers)

the circle "1" is at a distance x from the edge 0.8 and a
distance y from the edge 2.7
each circle has a size of 0.50 (A)
the distance between the two circles (B) is 1.2
the distance between one line and the one below (C) is 0.9

I hope these measure are right

the final user can insert on screen the right measure also for the pixel of each box
if you send me you mail I can send you the test I made
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:28 pm

here is a program which may help you to print pixels in certain positions.
I think you can easily adapt this mechanic to all of your different forms.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

#define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 8 mm from Top
#define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  27 mm from Left
#define _XSPACE        0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
#define _YSPACE        0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
#define _CIRCLE        0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

LOCAL n, o
LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

LOCAL aSelect := {}

// for selecting a number
      for n := 1 to 90
         aadd( aSelect, str( n, 2, 0 ) )

      nVar := MsgSelect( aSelect, " 1" )


      PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
         DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

         PAGE     // printing the circles form

            for n := 1 to 9
               for o := 1 to 10
                  nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
                  nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                  nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
                  nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

                  oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                  oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                  oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )

            // now printing a square into circle
            nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
            nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
            if nCol == 0
               nCol := 10

            nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
            nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
            nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
            nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

            aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
            oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )




FUNCTION MsgSelect( aItems, cValue, cTitle )

   DEFAULT cTitle := "Please, select"

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5,10 TO 24, 55 TITLE cTitle

   @  1, 7 LISTBOX cValue ITEMS aItems SIZE 70, 90 OF oDlg

   @ 7, 7 BUTTON "&OK" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
     ACTION oDlg:End() DEFAULT

   @ 7, 17 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
     ACTION ( cValue := nil, oDlg:End() )


RETURN(  val( alltrim( cValue ) ) )


Regards, Detlef
Last edited by Detlef on Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:03 pm

Detlef wrote:Silvio,
here is a program which may help you to print pixels in certain positions.
I think you can easily adapt this mechanic to all of your different forms.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

#define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 25 mm from Top
#define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  2 mm from Left
#define _XSPACE        0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
#define _YSPACE        0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
#define _CIRCLE        0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

LOCAL n, o
LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

LOCAL aSelect := {}

// for selecting a number
      for n := 1 to 90
         aadd( aSelect, str( n, 2, 0 ) )

      nVar := MsgSelect( aSelect, " 1" )


      PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
         DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

         PAGE     // printing the circles form

            for n := 1 to 9
               for o := 1 to 10
                  nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
                  nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                  nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
                  nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

                  oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                  oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                  oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )

            // now printing a square into circle
            nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
            nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
            if nCol == 0
               nCol := 10

            nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
            nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
            nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
            nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

            aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
            oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )




FUNCTION MsgSelect( aItems, cValue, cTitle )

   DEFAULT cTitle := "Please, select"

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5,10 TO 24, 55 TITLE cTitle

   @  1, 7 LISTBOX cValue ITEMS aItems SIZE 70, 90 OF oDlg

   @ 7, 7 BUTTON "&OK" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
     ACTION oDlg:End() DEFAULT

   @ 7, 17 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
     ACTION ( cValue := nil, oDlg:End() )


RETURN(  val( alltrim( cValue ) ) )


Regards, Detlef

Very Very Nice,
On Print I not make the circles because I put the receipt on the printer

//first Model

//second Model

Then I not Print one number but I can print from one to all numbers - But Imade a small modification - and run ok

I try with 5 numbers


the modifications
Code: Select all  Expand view

    #include ""

    #define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 25 mm from Top
    #define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  2 mm from Left
    #define _XSPACE        0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
    #define _YSPACE        0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
    #define _CIRCLE        0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

    FUNCTION Main()
    LOCAL n, o
    LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
    LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

    LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
    LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
    LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

    LOCAL aSelect := {}
    LOCAL aNumbers:= {}  //as DEMO  silvio
   LOCAL nI //demo silvio

   /* // for selecting a number
  /*        for n := 1 to 90
             aadd( aSelect, str( n, 2, 0 ) )

          nVar := MsgSelect( aSelect, " 1" )*/


          aNumbers:= {30,54,17,18,81}  //as DEMO silvio


          PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
             DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

             PAGE     // printing the circles form

                for n := 1 to 9
                   for o := 1 to 10
                      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
                      nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                      nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
                      nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                      oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )

                // now printing a square into circle
            For nI= 1 to Len(aNumbers)

                nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
                nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
                if nCol == 0
                   nCol := 10

                nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
                nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
                oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )



    FUNCTION MsgSelect( aItems, cValue, cTitle )
    LOCAL oDlg

       DEFAULT cTitle := "Please, select"

       DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5,10 TO 24, 55 TITLE cTitle

       @  1, 7 LISTBOX cValue ITEMS aItems SIZE 70, 90 OF oDlg

       @ 7, 7 BUTTON "&OK" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
         ACTION oDlg:End() DEFAULT

       @ 7, 17 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
         ACTION ( cValue := nil, oDlg:End() )


    RETURN(  val( alltrim( cValue ) ) )

Now I must try to print to see it is ok

Then I already told you that in the receipt there are other boxes with other points to put for this I wanted your email to send you the two types of receipt.

Then I would have preferred to have the coordinates in an archive to be modified by the user

then as I sad you on receipt there are other box and I didn't understand how to print the other boxes but I'm studying your source
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Sat Mar 19, 2022 11:16 pm

this is the important part of my code…

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            // now printing a square into circle
            nRow := int( nVar / 10 ) // how many complete rows ( there 10 cols)
            nCol := ( nVar % 10 )    // the rest of the division  may give a new row
            if nCol == 0                 // if no rest of Division  it must be the 10th column
               nCol := 10
               ++nRow                    // additional row because the division gave a rest

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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:20 am

Dear Detlef,
I tried to divide the receipt on Sections

Print_Numbers(oPrn,oPen,aNumbers,oBrush) // section 1
Print_Ruote(oPrn,oPen,aRoutes,oBrush) // section 2

Code: Select all  Expand view

       #include ""

    #define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 25 mm from Top
    #define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  2 mm from Left
    #define _XSPACE        0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
    #define _YSPACE        0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
    #define _CIRCLE        0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

    FUNCTION Main()
    LOCAL n, o
    LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
    LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

    LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
    LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
    LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

    LOCAL aSelect := {}
    LOCAL aNumbers:= {}  //as DEMO  silvio
    LOCAL aRoutes:= {}   //as DEMO  silvio

    // for selecting a number
    /*      for n := 1 to 90
             aadd( aSelect, str( n, 2, 0 ) )

        *  nVar := MsgSelect( aSelect, " 1" )*/


          aNumbers:= {30,54,17,18,81}  //as DEMO silvio
          aRoutes:= {1,5,7}  //as DEMO silvio


          PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
             DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

            PAGE     // printing the circles form




    FUNCTION MsgSelect( aItems, cValue, cTitle )
    LOCAL oDlg

       DEFAULT cTitle := "Please, select"

       DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5,10 TO 24, 55 TITLE cTitle

       @  1, 7 LISTBOX cValue ITEMS aItems SIZE 70, 90 OF oDlg

       @ 7, 7 BUTTON "&OK" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
         ACTION oDlg:End() DEFAULT

       @ 7, 17 BUTTON "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ;
         ACTION ( cValue := nil, oDlg:End() )


    RETURN(  val( alltrim( cValue ) ) )

Function Print_Numbers(oPrn,oPen,aNumbers,oBrush)
   local n,o
   local nI
   local ntop,nLeft,nBottom,nright,aRect
   local nvar:= 1
   local nRow,nCol

           for n := 1 to 9
                   for o := 1 to 10
                      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
                      nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                      nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
                      nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                      oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )



     For nI= 1 to Len(aNumbers)

                nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
                nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
                if nCol == 0
                   nCol := 10

                nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
                nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
                oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )

  return nil
  #define _MARGIN_WITH  9
  #define _SQUARE        0.4  // each circle has 2 mm in diameter

Function Print_Ruote(oPrn,oPen,aRoutes,oBrush)
   local n,o
   local ntop,nLeft,nBottom,nright,aRect
   local nI
   local nvar:= 1
   local nRow,nCol

      for n := 1 to 12
                   for o := 1 to 1
                     nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 2 ) * _YSPACE -0.2)
                      nLeft   :=_MARGIN_WITH + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                      nBottom := nTop    + _SQUARE
                      nRight  := nLeft   + _SQUARE

                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                    *  oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )
                    *oPrn:Box( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen)
                     oPrn:RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, _SQUARE, _SQUARE, oPen)

           For nI= 1 to Len(aRoutes)
                nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
                nCol := ( nVar % 1 )
                if nCol == 0
                   nCol := 1

                nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE - 0.2)    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nLeft   := _MARGIN_WITH  + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
                nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _SQUARE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
                nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _SQUARE                       // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
                oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )

     return nil

Now I 'm trying to print the second section ( routes) you see in this picture


what I don't understand is that there are 12 boxes but in the end the last box is at the same height as circle n. 90

I tried to set the coordinates

#define _MARGIN_WITH 9
#define _SQUARE 0.4 // each box has 2 mm in with

there are 12 box on 1 column
the first Box top is on the top of the circle I had calculate - 0.2

Code: Select all  Expand view
 for n := 1 to 12
                   for o := 1 to 1
                     nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 2 ) * _YSPACE -0.2)
                      nLeft   :=_MARGIN_WITH + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
                      nBottom := nTop    + _SQUARE
                      nRight  := nLeft   + _SQUARE

                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
                      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

                    *  oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )
                    *oPrn:Box( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen)
                     oPrn:RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, _SQUARE, _SQUARE, oPen)

But Not run ok as you can see here

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:41 pm

Hi Silvio,

the routs problem is much easier for there is only one column.
Try with the the following:

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

#define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 8 mm from Top
#define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  2.7 mm from Left
#define _XSPACE            0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
#define _YSPACE            0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
#define _CIRCLE            0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

LOCAL n, o
LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

LOCAL aNumbers:= {}  //as DEMO  silvio
LOCAL aRoutes:= {}   //as DEMO  silvio

      aNumbers := { 30, 54, 17, 18, 81 }  //as DEMO silvio
      aRoutes  := {  1,  5,  7 }          //as DEMO silvio


      PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
         DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

        PAGE     // printing the circles form
            Print_Numbers( oPrn, oPen, aNumbers, oBrush )
            Print_Ruote( oPrn, oPen, aRoutes, oBrush )


FUNCTION Print_Numbers(oPrn,oPen,aNumbers,oBrush)
LOCAL n, o
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect
LOCAL nVar := 1
LOCAL nRow, nCol

      for n := 1 to 9
         for o := 1 to 10
            nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
            nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
            nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
            nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

            oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )


      for nI := 1 to len( aNumbers )
         nVar := aNumbers[ nI ]

         nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
         nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
         if nCol == 0
            nCol := 10

         nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
         nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )     // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
         nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                                 // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
         nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                                   // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

         oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
         oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

         aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
         oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )


#define _SQUARE_LEFT   9       // left margin for route block
#define _SQUARE_SIZE   0.35  // each circle has 2 mm in diameter
#define _SQUARE_DIST   0.52  // space from top of one square to top of next square
#define _SQUARE_RAD    1.2   // radius of round corners

FUNCTION Print_Ruote( oPrn, oPen, aRoutes, oBrush )
LOCAL n, o
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect
LOCAL nVar  := 1
LOCAL nRow, nCol
LOCAL nRadH := _SQUARE_RAD * ( 10 * oPrn:nHorzRes() / oPRn:nHorzSize() ) / 10 // radius for round boxes in printer resolution horizontal
LOCAL nRadV := _SQUARE_RAD * ( 10 * oPrn:nVertRes()  / oPrn:nVertSize() )  / 10 // radius for round boxes in printer resolution vertical

   for n := 1 to 12

      nTop    := _SQUARE_LEFT                                   // these 2 lines work for me because my FWH version has a glitch exchanging nTop with nLeft for oPrn:RoundBox
      nLeft   := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST )
      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST )   // if you have a newer FWH version than me take the 2 lines here
      nLeft   := _SQUARE_LEFT

      nBottom := nTop    + _SQUARE_SIZE
      nRight  := nLeft   + _SQUARE_SIZE

      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

      oPrn:RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nRadH, nRadV, oPen )

   for o = 1 to len( aRoutes )
      nVar := aRoutes[ o ]
      nRow := ( nVar - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST

      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP + nRow + .1
      nLeft   := _SQUARE_LEFT + .1
      nBottom := nTop  + _SQUARE_SIZE - .2
      nRight  := nLeft + _SQUARE_SIZE - .2

      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

      aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
      oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:58 pm

Detlef wrote:Hi Silvio,

the routs problem is much easier for there is only one column.
Try with the the following:

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

#define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.8  // the circle pattern starts 8 mm from Top
#define _MARGIN_TOP    2.7  // the circle pattern starts  2.7 mm from Left
#define _XSPACE            0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
#define _YSPACE            0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
#define _CIRCLE            0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

LOCAL n, o
LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oBrush
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect

LOCAL nVar := 1   // as lotto number
LOCAL nRow := 0   // row to find
LOCAL nCol := 0   // col to find

LOCAL aNumbers:= {}  //as DEMO  silvio
LOCAL aRoutes:= {}   //as DEMO  silvio

      aNumbers := { 30, 54, 17, 18, 81 }  //as DEMO silvio
      aRoutes  := {  1,  5,  7 }          //as DEMO silvio


      PRINT oPrn NAME OemToAnsi( "Silvio Print" ) PREVIEW
         DEFINE PEN  oPen WIDTH  2  OF oPrn

        PAGE     // printing the circles form
            Print_Numbers( oPrn, oPen, aNumbers, oBrush )
            Print_Ruote( oPrn, oPen, aRoutes, oBrush )


FUNCTION Print_Numbers(oPrn,oPen,aNumbers,oBrush)
LOCAL n, o
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect
LOCAL nVar := 1
LOCAL nRow, nCol

      for n := 1 to 9
         for o := 1 to 10
            nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _YSPACE )
            nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + ( ( o - 1 ) * _XSPACE )
            nBottom := nTop    + _CIRCLE
            nRight  := nLeft   + _CIRCLE

            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
            oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

            oPrn:Ellipse( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, oPen )


      for nI := 1 to len( aNumbers )
         nVar := aNumbers[ nI ]

         nRow := int( nVar / 10 )
         nCol := ( nVar % 10 )
         if nCol == 0
            nCol := 10

         nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + .1 + ( --nRow  * _YSPACE )    // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
         nLeft   := _MARGIN_LEFT + .1 + ( --nCol  * _XSPACE )     // + .1 to make square smaller than circle
         nBottom := nTop    - .2 + _CIRCLE                                 // - .2 to make square smaller than circle
         nRight  := nLeft   - .2 + _CIRCLE                                   // - .2 to make square smaller than circle

         oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
         oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

         aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
         oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )


#define _SQUARE_LEFT   9       // left margin for route block
#define _SQUARE_SIZE   0.35  // each circle has 2 mm in diameter
#define _SQUARE_DIST   0.52  // space from top of one square to top of next square
#define _SQUARE_RAD    1.2   // radius of round corners

FUNCTION Print_Ruote( oPrn, oPen, aRoutes, oBrush )
LOCAL n, o
LOCAL nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, aRect
LOCAL nVar  := 1
LOCAL nRow, nCol
LOCAL nRadH := _SQUARE_RAD * ( 10 * oPrn:nHorzRes() / oPRn:nHorzSize() ) / 10 // radius for round boxes in printer resolution horizontal
LOCAL nRadV := _SQUARE_RAD * ( 10 * oPrn:nVertRes()  / oPrn:nVertSize() )  / 10 // radius for round boxes in printer resolution vertical

   for n := 1 to 12

      nTop    := _SQUARE_LEFT                                   // these 2 lines work for me because my FWH version has a glitch exchanging nTop with nLeft for oPrn:RoundBox
      nLeft   := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST )
      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP  + ( ( n - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST )   // if you have a newer FWH version than me take the 2 lines here
      nLeft   := _SQUARE_LEFT

      nBottom := nTop    + _SQUARE_SIZE
      nRight  := nLeft   + _SQUARE_SIZE

      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

      oPrn:RoundBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nRadH, nRadV, oPen )

   for o = 1 to len( aRoutes )
      nVar := aRoutes[ o ]
      nRow := ( nVar - 1 ) * _SQUARE_DIST

      nTop    := _MARGIN_TOP + nRow + .1
      nLeft   := _SQUARE_LEFT + .1
      nBottom := nTop  + _SQUARE_SIZE - .2
      nRight  := nLeft + _SQUARE_SIZE - .2

      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
      oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )

      aRect := { nTop,  nLeft , nBottom , nRight }
      oPrn:FillRect( aRect, oBrush )

Dear friend,
the boxes are 12 but on vertical I have this ( your source)

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:04 pm

Look at the source code.
I wrote there a comment to exchange 2 lines of code if you have an other version of FiveWin.
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:25 pm

Detlef wrote:Silvio,
Look at the source code.
I wrote there a comment to exchange 2 lines of code if you have an other version of FiveWin.

Sorry I saw now !!!

only I put the image on

I not Know if your version of fwh run this

Code: Select all  Expand view
Function PrintImage(nTop,nLeft,nRight,nBottom,cFile,oPrn)
    local lStretch :=.f.
    local nAlpha:=0
    local lTransp:= .f.
    local lGray  := .f.

          oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nTop,    @nLeft  )
          oPrn:Cmtr2Pix( @nBottom, @nRight )
          oPrn:PrintImage( nTop,  nLeft,cFile,nRight,nBottom, lStretch, nAlpha, lTransp, lGray )

//  oPrn:SayImage( nTop,  nLeft,cFile,nRight,nBottom)
// oPrn:SayBitmap(nTop,  nLeft,cFile,nRight,nBottom)
  return nil

Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Detlef » Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:00 pm

Dear Silvio,
It looks like you will have to play with the #define values of
_MARGIN_LEFT, _MARGIN_TOP, _SQUARE_LEFT and _SQUARE_DIST to adjust the printing to your image.
Maybe the vertical squares need an own 'margin top'.
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:14 pm

Detlef wrote:Dear Silvio,
It looks like you will have to play with the #define values of
_MARGIN_LEFT, _MARGIN_TOP, _SQUARE_LEFT and _SQUARE_DIST to adjust the printing to your image.
Maybe the vertical squares need an own 'margin top'.

ok but it eas only a test because i not know how it can print on receipt, this evening I have problem with my printer I80 canon

I have a problem with my Canon I80 printer, I broke a wheel and I have to take it apart. It has already happened another time, it is a plastic wheel that I have to buy on ebay.
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: print pixels in certain positions

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:47 pm

Detlef wrote:Dear Silvio,
It looks like you will have to play with the #define values of
_MARGIN_LEFT, _MARGIN_TOP, _SQUARE_LEFT and _SQUARE_DIST to adjust the printing to your image.
Maybe the vertical squares need an own 'margin top'.


on number can go good
on routes there is some error on last 2 positions
I not change the source only the set

Code: Select all  Expand view
#define _MARGIN_LEFT   0.9  // the circle pattern starts 8 mm from Top
    #define _MARGIN_TOP    2.78  // the circle pattern starts  2.7 mm from Left
    #define _XSPACE            0.7  // distance horizontal between 2 circles
    #define _YSPACE            0.7  // distance vertical   between 2 circles
    #define _CIRCLE            0.5  // each circle has 5 mm in diameter

    #define _SQUARE_LEFT   9.2     // left margin for route block
    #define _SQUARE_SIZE   0.35  // each circle has 2 mm in diameter
    #define _SQUARE_DIST   0.52  // space from top of one square to top of next square
    #define _SQUARE_RAD    1.2   // radius of round corners
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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