This code creates the .txt file:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
DbSelectArea( 0 )
USE ( "ewocfx" )
COPY TO (cTxtFile) FIELDS Eveidn, Wrkdat, Srvmil, Wrkord, Vehsta, Vehlic, Indlid, Vehmak, Vehmod, Vehyer,;
Labcod, Labdes, Commnt, Veheng, Vehtrn, Vehsmd, Vehsty, Mlsser, Mgmsys FOR ! ewocfx->comple DELIMITED WITH PIPE
Then it is uploaded to the other location.
This all works perfectly.
Then I execute the following to delete the .txt file, but it doesn't go away:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
FERASE( cTxtFile )
cTxtFile has the file name, with full drive and path location, ie. "c:\data\test.txt". It works to create, and send, the file, and it's value does not change.
Thoughts on why this would not erase the file.