CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby hua » Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:48 am

Thank you very much Rao :D

nageswaragunupudi wrote:There is a lookalike TAlbum class of FiveWin in the sample \fwh\samples\album.prg.
Yes, it was not in fwh1903. This was created sometime later at the request of some users.
You may be able to find it in the forums.
We can share it with all.
I remember we still have to provide clickable PDF thumbnail view. We will soon.
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:46 pm


next Step : Dual-Explorer with TABs
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:19 am

next Step : "on-fly" Multi TAB

p.s. "where" to upload Source :?:
... too big to post Modul as CODE in Forum
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:29 am

Dear Jimmy,

great work, congratulations! :-)

You could create a free GitHub repo an share it. If you give us your permission we may include it as part of FWH, if so,
just email it to me and we will include it
regards, saludos

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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:43 am


for "quick" TGrid i want to use LVN_GETDISPINFO Notify Event

for this i have take HMG HB_FUNC() to use with Fivewin which are for Unicode / ANSI
it does compile for ANSI without Warning but for Unicode i got

Warning W8065 .\\HB_FUNC.PRG 1090: Call to function 'AnsiToWide' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_SETGRIDQUERYDATA
Warning W8069 .\\HB_FUNC.PRG 1090: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_SETGRIDQUERYDATA
Warning W8075 .\\HB_FUNC.PRG 1091: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_SETGRIDQUERYDATA

Code: Select all  Expand view
#define UNICODE
   #ifndef _WIN64
      LPARAM lParam = ( LPARAM ) hb_parnl( 1 );
      LPARAM lParam = ( LPARAM ) hb_parnll( 1 );
   LV_DISPINFO * pDispInfo = ( LV_DISPINFO * ) lParam;

   // Copy the text to the LV_ITEM structure
   // Maximum number of characters is in pDispInfo->Item.cchTextMax
#ifdef UNICODE
   LPWSTR lpText = AnsiToWide( ( char * ) hb_parc( 2 ) );
   lstrcpyn( pDispInfo->item.pszText, lpText, pDispInfo->item.cchTextMax );
   hb_xfree( lpText );
   lstrcpyn( pDispInfo->item.pszText, ( char * ) hb_parc( 2 ), pDispInfo->item.cchTextMax );

so how under Fivewin :?:
need some help please
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:59 am

Dear Jimmy,

At the top of your C code place this line:

LPWSTR AnsiToWide( LPSTR cAnsi );
regards, saludos

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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:33 pm

hi Antonio,
Antonio Linares wrote:At the top of your C code place this line:
LPWSTR AnsiToWide( LPSTR cAnsi );

thx for Answer.

still got Warning
Warning W8075 .\\HB_FUNC.PRG 1092: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_SETGRIDQUERYDATA

but i have to use
Code: Select all  Expand view
#define UNICODE

to use Unicode Version so how to compile App where i use FW_SetUnicode( .T. ) :?:
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:35 am

Dear Jimmy,

What code do you have at line 1092 ?
regards, saludos

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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:49 pm

hi Antonio,

have change
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  LPWSTR lpText = AnsiToWide( ( char * ) hb_parc( 2 ) );
   lstrcpyn( pDispInfo->item.pszText, lpText, pDispInfo->item.cchTextMax );

Code: Select all  Expand view
 LPWSTR lpText = AnsiToWide( ( TCHAR * ) hb_parc( 2 ) );
   lstrcpyn( pDispInfo->item.pszText, ( TCHAR * ) lpText, pDispInfo->item.cchTextMax );

which seems to work without Warning
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:06 am

very good
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Sun Jan 08, 2023 4:31 am


have clean up CODE and Upload to Github

Source is for Fivewin 22.07 and BCC7 32 Bit or MSVC 64 Bit Environment
! Note :
no Icon / Bitmap include (might make Copyright Problem)


latest News :

have add Sample "virtual" GRID ( Property.PRG )
it can handle up-to 100.000.000 Array Element "on-fly"

Listview can use Style LVS_OWNERDATA and Notify Event LVN_GETDISPINFO to "paint" Data "on-Fly"

Code: Select all  Expand view
  ::nview := LVS_REPORT

   IF lDispInfo = .T.
      ::lDispInfo := lDispInfo
      // add Style LVS_OWNERDATA
      ::nStyle := nOR( ::nStyle, LVS_OWNERDATA )
      // Codeblock call Method to display Data  
      ::bDisplay := { | nPtrNMHDR | ::OnDISPINFO( nPtrNMHDR ) }

Code: Select all  Expand view
LOCAL ctext
LOCAL bSaveError, oError

   bSaveError := ERRORBLOCK()
   ERRORBLOCK( { | e | BREAK( e ) } )
      // GET Row / Col  

      nRec := aItem[ 1 ]
      nSub := aItem[ 2 ]
      ctext := TRIM( ::aSource[ nRec ] [ nSub ] ) + CHR( 0 )

      // SET Data to Display
      LV_SETGRIDQUERYDATA( nPtrNMHDR, ctext, LEN( ctext ) )

   ERRORBLOCK( bSaveError )


! Note :
you NEED to use ANSI ( FW_SetUnicode(.F.) ) else Notify Event LVN_GETDISPINFO will NOT fire with FWH 22.07 :!:


todo :
Sample "virtual" GRID did not use Image as i have no Idea (yet) how to handle so much Image
HB_FUNC( LV_SETGRIDQUERYIMAGE ) is include and working
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:05 am


Code: Select all  Expand view
  hb_retl ( ListView_GetCheckState(hWnd-1, nRow) );

must be
Code: Select all  Expand view
  hb_retl ( ListView_GetCheckState(hWnd, nRow-1) );
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:18 am


since 1st Release i have make a lot to get "Dark-Mode" Style

i have change Menu, Button and use Ownerdraw (*1) for Combobox.
but TGrid-Column Header was still WHITE so i need Customdraw (*2)
now i have implement both Technique which Windows Control can use to "paint" as you want

will prepare next Release


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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Jimmy » Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:41 am


have upgrade CLASS TGrid Demo at Gubthub

since Release 1 i have try different Control e.g. TFolder() / TFolderEx() or Tbutton() / BtnBMP()

you can enable them in Config.INI or use Start Parameter
Code: Select all  Expand view
"/T"    use a Splitter between left/right (sizeable)
"/F"    use TFolderEx() instead of TFolder()
"/B"    use tBtnBmp() instead of TButton()
"/I"    use System Icon instead auf Resoure/File for Combobox

It will override Settings from Config.INI

Release 2 default use "multi-Threaing" to load Image in a Thread

Code: Select all  Expand view
"/S"    DISABLE multi-Threading

This is NOT in Config.INI

include *.MAK (BCC 32Bit) and *.HBP (MSVC 64 Bit) use LIB(s) for Option "-mt"

include *.RC does NOT contain any Resource, it is just a "Dummy"


I have use Combobox with Ownerdraw using Codebock Slot bOwnerDraw

It have 4 Parameter between || (pipe Sign) which are
Code: Select all  Expand view
Self          itself
nIdCtl        Control ID
oStruc        Ownerdraw Structure
nPointer      Pointer to Structure

Ownerdraw Structure have

Code: Select all  Expand view
CtlType    := oStruc:CtlType
CtlID      := oStruc:CtlID
itemID     := oStruc:itemID
itemAction := oStruc:itemAction
itemState  := oStruc:itemState
hwndItem   := oStruc:hwndItem
hDC        := oStruc:hDC
aRect      := oStruc:aRect
itemData   := oStruc:itemData

each Element of Combobox have to be “paint” by “your” CODE
you get a hDC and and aRect to “paint” Data of itemID (Zero-based ! )
you can use itemState to check if “visual Effect” is need e.g. when have Focus
you can use Gradient Color
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Re: CLASS TGrid() for FiveWin

Postby Otto » Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:40 am

Hello Jimmy,
I downloaded the project from GitHub and copied it here:
Then I start go.bat.
But I get these errors.
I think I am missing components here.

Can you please describe exactly how to start.
Thanks and best regards

Code: Select all  Expand view

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4823) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4823) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NPOSI'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4824) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ASOURC

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4824) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NPOSI'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4824) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CFILE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4826) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CPATH'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4826) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CFILE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4827) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4827) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4834) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at 'STATIC'"
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4834) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'SELF'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4836) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4836) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'WINDIR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4837) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4837) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4838) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4838) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CALIGN'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4839) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4839) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NICOHANDLE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4840) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4840) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4841) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4842) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4843) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4844) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4845) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4846) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4847) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4848) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4849) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4850) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4851) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4852) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4853) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4854) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4855) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4856) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4857) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4858) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4859) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4860) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4861) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4862) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4863) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4864) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4864) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OLDAT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4865) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4865) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHHIBACK'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4866) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4866) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHSYSCOLOR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4871) Error E0004  LOCAL declaration follows executable statement

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4871) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'AGRAD'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4873) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NCOUNT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4874) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4875) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4875) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4877) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4878) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4878) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSELF'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4879) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4880) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4880) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NIDCTL'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4881) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4882) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4882) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4883) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4884) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4884) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NPOINTER'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4885) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4886) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4887) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4888) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4889) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4890) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4891) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4892) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'XPARA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4892) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OOBJ'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4893) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OOBJ'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4894) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OOBJ'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4895) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OOBJ'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4895) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OLDAT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4899) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4899) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'II'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4899) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NCOUNT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4901) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4901) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CTLTYPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4902) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4902) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CTLID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4903) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4903) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4904) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4904) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMACTION'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4905) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4905) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMSTATE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4906) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4906) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HWNDITEM'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4907) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4907) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4908) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4908) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ARECT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4909) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OSTRUC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4909) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMDATA'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4911) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4911) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NTOP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4912) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4912) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4913) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4913) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NBOTTOM'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4914) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4914) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRIGHT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4916) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CTLTYPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4916) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CTLTYPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4918) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4921) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMACTION'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4922) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4922) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ARECT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4922) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHSYSCOLOR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4923) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4925) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMACTION'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4926) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OLDAT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4926) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4926) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OOBJ'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4927) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OLDAT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4930) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4930) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ARECT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4931) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4933) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'AGRAD'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4934) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4937) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4937) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ARECT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4937) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHSYSCOLOR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4938) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4941) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMACTION'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4943) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4943) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ARECT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4944) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ARECT'

.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4946) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'AGRAD'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4947) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4955) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'WINDIR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4955) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CDLL'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4958) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4959) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4960) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4961) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4963) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4964) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4965) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4967) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'WINDIR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4967) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CDLL'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4968) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4971) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4972) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4973) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4975) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4977) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4978) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4979) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4980) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4981) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4982) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4986) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CDLL'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4986) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HMODULE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4987) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HMODULE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4988) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CDLL'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4988) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HMODULE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4990) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HMODULE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4990) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRESID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(4990) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NICOHANDLE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NTOP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NICOHANDLE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5000) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5002) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NICOHANDLE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5003) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HMODULE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5007) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5007) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5007) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5007) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ABITMAPS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5008) Warning W0002  Ambiguous reference, assuming memvar 'ABITMA

.\DUALGRID.PRG(5008) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HBITMAP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HBITMAP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NTOP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5010) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSIZE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5012) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ABITMAPS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5013) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HBITMAP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5017) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5017) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5019) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'ITEMID'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5019) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CITEMTEXT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'HDC'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CITEMTEXT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NTOP'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLEFT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NBOTTOM'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NRIGHT'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5024) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'CALIGN'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5027) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHHIBACK'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5028) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'BRUSHSYSCOLOR'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSCOPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Error E0007  Missing => in #translate/#command
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Error E0007  Missing => in #translate/#command
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Error E0007  Missing => in #translate/#command
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5062) Error E0007  Missing => in #translate/#command
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5064) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5064) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSCOPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5066) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5066) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NSCOPE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OCLASSINSTANCE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OCLASSINSTANCE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OCLASSINSTANCE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'S_OCLASS'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OCLASSINSTANCE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at 'TO'"
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'OCLASSINSTANCE'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5068) Warning W0006  Procedure returns value
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5070) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at 'STATIC'"
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5070) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'SELF'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5072) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NMSG'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5073) Warning W0006  Procedure returns value
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5076) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'SELF'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5076) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NMSG'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5076) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NWPARAM'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5076) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'NLPARAM'
.\DUALGRID.PRG(5076) Warning W0006  Procedure returns value
179 errors

No code generated.

** error 1 ** deleting .\obj\DUALGRID.OBJ

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