Mystery with SEQUENCE

Mystery with SEQUENCE

Postby Jimmy » Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:05 am


i have many Place where it work but 2 place where "something" is going wrong ... but NO Error recorded :!:
it is a Visual "Problem" which it got when try below CODE

Code: Select all  Expand view
STATIC PROCEDURE NewActiveIcon( oTab, nTabs )
LOCAL ii, iMax
LOCAL nOption
LOCAL bSaveError, oError

   IF oTab:IsKindOf( "TFOLDEREX" )

* #define Use_SEQUENCE
#ifdef Use_SEQUENCE
      bSaveError := ERRORBLOCK()
      ERRORBLOCK( { | e | BREAK( e ) } )

      nOption := oTab:nOption
      FOR ii := 1 TO nTabs
         if ii = nOption
           oTab:SetBitmap( "MYGREEN", nOption )
           oTab:SetBitmap( "MYTRANSPARENT", ii )
*         fwlog ii
*         SysRefresh()

#ifdef Use_SEQUENCE
      RECOVER USING oError
         ERRORBLOCK( bSaveError )
         fwlog oError:description, oError:operation, oError:osCode
      ERRORBLOCK( bSaveError )




1st "Problem" was CODE to show Item of does not appear ...
but it was in my CLASS so may some Side-Effect

now 2nd "Problem" is where i set Bitmap for TAB-Header in STATIC FUNCTION which is in MAIN.PRG
it does contain only Fivewin Method "SetBitmap()" of TFOLDEREX and not my CLASS

i don´t understand why CODE work not as expect when use ERRORBLOCK / SEQUENCE
is my CODE Syntax wrong for Fivewin :?:

will try to make a Sample


edit : when try to make Sample i recognize i mean Hilight-Bar of TGrid "lost" Color, not TAB-Header
so Sample must be full Release ... work on it
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Re: Mystery with SEQUENCE

Postby Jimmy » Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:08 am

have found out what SEQUENCE made

it does "detect" by SEQUENCE, in a Called Method, but it work (!) without SEQUENCE :o
NOSPLASH( 1621 ) oError:description = "Zero divisor" oError:operation = "%" oError:osCode = 0

Code: Select all  Expand view
      oExpl_Right:oParent := oMain
      oExpl_Right:FillGrid( F_NAME, oMain )

i have no "%" in this Modul but in called Method FillGrid() where it "crash" ... but still run (without SEQUENCE )

so i got Solution for one Mystery

but why using SEQUENCE in other Function "block" Color of "highlicht-Bar" ... there is no Errorlog ... hm


"other" have to do with "ReadImage"
it seems there are File where "something" go wrong and Crash

it have to do with
FWDELRESOURCE(36) in .\source\function\CHECKRES.PRG

Called from: .\source\function\CHECKRES.PRG => (b)FWDELRESOURCE( 36 )
Called from: => ASCAN( 0 )
Called from: .\source\function\CHECKRES.PRG => FWDELRESOURCE( 36 )
Called from: => DELETEOBJECT( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BITMAP.PRG => PALBMPFREE( 1180 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BITMAP.PRG => TBITMAP:DESTROY( 498 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BITMAP.PRG => (b)TBITMAP( 89 )
Called from: .\source\classes\BITMAP.PRG => TBITMAP:END( 0 )

Called from: .\DUALGRID.PRG => DOSPLASH( 1680 )
Called from: .\DUALGRID.PRG => (b)MAIN( 836 )
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE( 1100 )
Called from: .\DUALGRID.PRG => MAIN( 836 )

but when start again, or /S ingle-Mode, it (most) work ... hm ...

btw. in "link" BAT / MAK / HBP often Option "/L" is used
but than you get no "Line-Number" in Errorlog :!:
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